飞科剃须刀fs355 拆机:双语:日本新近流行“历女”装扮(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 13:30:07


http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月13日 12:25   中国日报网-英语点津 历女


  The term rekijo, or “history girls”, is used in the Japanese media to describe women from their late teens to mid twenties are styling themselves on a bygone era and taking a renewed interest in history。

  “历女”(日语rekijo,英语译为history girls)是日本媒体用来形容年龄在十几到二十来岁、喜欢用历史上某个时代的风格打扮自己,并且开始对历史感兴趣的女性。

  Historical sites and re-enactments are becoming increasingly popular with the women eager to capture a sense of their country’s past。


  The interest may be a backlash to the emergence of a group called “herbivorous men” who are gentle, foppish and unaggressive, prompting some young women to seek out at least the notion of the historical equivalent of the traditional male action hero。
