
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 22:53:13
water, attack, keep, attract, base
26. Our army _____ the enemy yesterday.
27. His speech at the meeting yesterday _______ the expert's interest.
28. The film is _______ on a novel written by Lu Xun.
29. The flowers need ______ every day, or they'll die soon.
30. The big bowl on display was used for ______ wine warm in old days.
live, lay, lie, million, happen
31. ________ of trees have been planted in the north of China.
32. These eggs were _______ two weeks ago by the hen.
33. He was tired and _______ down to rest.
34. There are a lot of people standing on the road, go and see what's _____.
35. Are there any ______ fish left in the lake?
make sure, find out, get on or off, talk on and on, more or less
36. I can earn 20 yuan ______ a night as a waiter in a restaurant.
37. The two old men met at the railway station. They were so happy that they________ and forgot the time.
38. The train stopped at a very small station. No one ______.
39. I think the door is locked, but I'd better go and ________.
40. He went home in a hurry to _______ if it was true.
make up, clean up, pick up, open up, look up
41. If you don't know his telephone number, you can _____ it _______ in myphone book.
42. More and more foreign companies come to China to _____ their new factories.
43. We should not litter the seas but should _______ the dirty parts.
44. Uncle Wang ______ an interesting story for the children last week.
45. On his way to school, Xiao Ming found a wallet lying on the ground, he_____ it ______ and handed it in.
IV. 根据句意及汉语提示填空。
46. At the age of 21, Liu Xiang became the first Chinese man to ______ (赢得) a gold medal in the _______ (男子) 110-metre hurdles(110米栏). He almost made a new world record(世界纪录)! No Asian(亚洲的) man has ever done this before.
47. ________ (安全) is the most importantthing at the moment.
48. The 28th Olympics are _______ (特殊的), because the games are coming back to the countrywhere they started.
49. Deng Xiaoping was one of the greatest leaders(领导人) in China's history. The country celebrated(庆祝) his one _______(百) birthday in 2004. People made films, wrote books andhad parties to remember him.
50. China is a country _______ (具有) a long history.
51. There are many bridges _______ (在……上方) the Yellow River.
52. The books can be ________ (借阅) for two weeks.
53. I haven't got a pen to _______ (写). Can you lend me yours?
54. The east is red, the sun ______(升).
55. He wanted to run ________(经过) you withouttouching you.
56. Mr Green opened the door in the morning and found an old man _______ (躺) on the ground.
57. When I got to school, I found I had _______ (忘、落) my homework at home.
58. To my surprise, a _______ (五岁的) girl can speak verygood English.
59. I have never seen ______(如此)a beautiful citybefore.
60. When they met in the hotel, they talked and laughed _______(高兴).
61. This kind of T-shirt looks _____ and sells _____ in the market. (好)
62. We had better do the work better with ______ money and ______ people (少).
63. We teach _______(自[学]) Japanese after work.
64. _______-(妇女) deserve equal rights withmen.
65. Our government(政府) has cared foragriculture(农业), _______ (农村) and farmers for a long time.
66. --- Have you finished your report yet?
--- No. I'll finish it in _______ (另外的) ten minutes.
67. It is said that Jinan has “72” famous springs(泉). In fact, the number “72” is a _______ (描述) of the large number of springs.
68. They keep ______ (服务) Chinese food allthe time.
69. The incident caused much ______ (讨论) among the public.
70. ________ (健康) is more important to mostpeople than money.
V. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。
71. I think life will be very different in one hundred ______(year) time. Somethings will be better and some things will be worse.
72. The most _______ (usual) car was a Benz which had only three wheels.
73. --- How far is it from here?
--- It's about ten ______ (minute) walk.
74. The _______ (Smith) are coming to China for a visit next month.
75. --- ______ (who) books are these?
--- They're Tom's.
76. We all know that the Yellow River is the second ____ (long) river in China.
77. The _______ are busy ________ in the field now. (farm)
78. I think travelling by train is more popular. Because it's much cheaper andfar more ______ (enjoy).
79. Xidan Market is a _______ (live) one in Beijing.
80. --- What's the number of the Smiths'______ (fly) out of Beijing?
--- No. HU3689.
81. Our school life is interesting and ______(colour).
82. There is something wrong with my eyes. I can't see them _______(clear).
83. “NO _____ (park)” means you mustn't park your car here.
84. Yesterday Uncle Wang fell off his motorbike, but _______(luck) he wasn'tbadly hurt.
85. _______(nature) food is good for our health.
86. The 29th Olympic Games will be ______ (hold) in Beijing in 2008.
87. Yang Liwei, the first spaceman of China, is the _______ (proud) ofthe Chinese people.
88. Smoking is _______ (harm) for your health.
89. We can buy the tickets for the film at the _______ (enter) to the cinema.
90. A large number of people go abroad to study ________(far).
91. People enjoy Chinese food because it has different ______ (taste).
92. The whole country was deeply sad at the _______ (die) of the hero, LiXuesheng.
93. There are many ______ (deer) in Beijing Zoo.
94. Mr Wang prefers to ride bikes to work rather than take _____ (crowd) buses.
95. He always wears a ________(wool) coat.
96. --- Do you often do some ______ (clean) at home on weekends?
--- Yes, I do.
97. Wang Hua and I are both 1.72 metres tall. We are the same ______ (high).
98. Wang Nan did well in the Olympic Games. We spoke _____ (high) of her.
99. The books on food are on the _______(five) shelf.
100. We are _______ (grate) for the great inventions by the ______ (invent).
101. --- Miss Gao, here is a card for you with our best ______(wish).
--- Thank you.
102. It's not right to judge a man from his _______ (appear).
103. I have tried it three times. Let me try a _____ (four) time.
104. Every year, thousands of foreign ______ (visit) come to the Great Wall fora visit.
105. Forests are large pieces of land ______(cover) with big trees. Forests are_______ (help) to weather. Forests can stop the land from ______ (wash) away byheavy rain, for the trees hold the soil together. So it would be ______ (fool)to cut down trees ______ (free). 九年级动词时态单项选择专项练习
1.I_______(teach) here since I finished school.
2. Would you mind _______(use) your bike?
3. The students of Class Two________(sweep) their classroom now.
4. The Reads_________(not listen) to the radio at that time.
5. It's better to give than________(receive).
6. How long ______you_______(live) in this town?
7. You _______(come) here last year,______you?
8. When______you______(see) him? I______(see) him last Sunday.
9. She said that the car___________(use) the next week.
10. I didn't know what __________(happen) to China in a century.
11. When I got to the station, the train____ already______(leave).
12. The stone bridge______________(build) in our hometown for ten years.
13. The desk must______(clean) once a day.
14. The dog_________(lie) on the floor when I came in.
15. Mary said that she __________(visit) her aunt the next week.
16. Her mother____________(cook) at this time yesterday.
17. The students _____________(do) their homework.__________( not make) anynoise!
18. ______you ever_______(be) to Beijing?Yes.I________(go) there last week.
19. He'll telephone us as soon as he_________(arrive) there.
20. Jiefang trucks____________(make) in Changchun.
21. A pen is used for__________(write).
22. They find it useful__________(learn) English.
23. The old man often_________(tell) the children a story in the evening.
This evening he ________(tell) two stories .
24. The radio__________(use) once in a week in our class.
It____________(not use) yesterday because there was something wrong with it.
25. Would please tell us how___________(make) the watch ________(work)?
26. She doesn't know what_________(do) and where__________(go).
27. My friend can't decide which pair of trousers____________(choose). So sheasked me to go shopping with her.
28. All that must be done _______________(do).