饥荒安卓版中文版:拒绝拖沓 变身超高效率职场达人

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:55:12

 From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2011-09-15/154881.html
1. Don’t think about it that much  One way to deal with the task is to put your mind elsewhere and not think about it that much. Try not to think actively about the task before it actually happens. You're wasting your energy on to something, that you don’t need to focus on right then。  不要想太多  应对烦心任务的一种方法是把注意力转移到其他事情上。除非事到临头,否则不要提前想着它。否则你就是在浪费自己的精力。
  2. Find alternative ways to do it  Another great way of tackling the task is to find alternative ways to do it. For example, if you hate cleaning your home, you may want to think different ways of handling the task – like cleaning it room-by-room, cleaning it by starting from a living room first (if you have started from a kitchen normally) and so on。  不走寻常路  另一种应对的方式是发现不同的做事方法。如果你痛恨打扫房间,那么你可以探索一下打扫房间的新方法:是一个屋子一个屋子的打扫,还是从起居室开始打扫(如果你一般情况下是从厨房开始的话)?  3. Do it as soon as you can  As soon as you get the irritating task done, the better. Once it’s off your mind, you can put your focus and your energy to other things instead。  越快越好  令人烦心的任务,越快完成越好。一旦你不用想着它了,你就可以把注意力转移到其他令你愉快的事情上了。
 From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2011-09-15/154881.html
4. Break the task into small pieces  In order to make the level of entry lower and prevent procrastination on that task, break it into smaller pieces. For example, if you have to write a report, you could make a decision to write 3 pages of that report every day. Alternatively you can decide that you will work on the task at least 1 hour per day。  分解任务  为了让你能更容易的开始一项烦心的工作,而不是一拖再拖,你需要分解工作。比如要完成一份报告,你可以每天写3页。或者你可以每天花1个小时在这份报告上。  5. Praise yourself for starting the task  Remember, as soon as you get started with your tedious task, you have already done something that most people are not willing to do. Starting is the hardest part – especially when a boring or irritating task is concerned。  自我表扬  要记住,一旦你开始着手一项烦心的工作,你就已经做成了一件大多数人不愿意做的事情了。万事开头难,烦心的事更是如此。  6. Remember your past experiences  Everyone has tackled tedious tasks before, but do you remember, how you have felt afterwards? I don’t know about you, but almost every time, I have felt very good about myself for completing the task. When a boring or irritating task arises, focus on the good feeling you have had before – when you did complete the task. That good feeling helps you to get started with the task and pull it through easily。  善于回味  每个人都完成过烦心的工作,但是你还能记得当初完成后的感觉吗?我不知道你,但是我每次完成之后,感觉都棒极了!当一件令你讨厌的工作到来时,想想你曾有过的那种棒极了的感觉吧。这会让你尽快开始,并且顺利搞定一切。 From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2011-09-15/154881_2.html