饥荒闪电灯泡:美报废卫星今日撞击地球 落点尚不确定

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:32:40

美国报废卫星今日将撞击地球 落点尚不确定

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年09月23日 16:14   沪江英语


  A defunct U.S. satellite is expected to crash down to Earth Friday,with nobody knowing where or when exactly it will hit. This wasunavoidable, a Chinese expert said Thursday。


  Pang Zhihao, a researcher from the Chinese Research Institute ofSpace Technology, told Xinhua that the crash could have been avoided hadthe satellite been put into a higher orbit, or manipulated to drop inthe South Pacific when it had abundant fuel. It would pose no threat toEarth if these measures had been taken。


  The satellite was deactivated in 2005 as it ran out of fuel and was left orbiting Earth like a big piece of space junk。


  There are other cases of defunct satellites. The European SpaceAgency said earlier its observation satellite ERS-2 has run out of fueland is deorbiting. It would therefore also crash sooner or later。


  Pang said all countries which are operating space vehicles shouldtake care of their own spacecrafts so that they won't pose any danger。


  The expert also said that the public need not worry too much。


  Pang said most spacecrafts will be incinerated upon re-enteringEarth's atmosphere, and the debris will mostly likely fall into theocean or hit an uninhabited area. In addition, a debris tracker is ableto give a comparatively accurate prediction where the craft will fallabout two hours before it hits Earth, giving residents, if there areany, time to evacuate。
