马天宇杨幂:祖孙三代竟同天日生 几率小于中彩(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 15:53:06

祖孙三代竟同天日生 几率小于中彩(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月04日 13:54   国际在线  祖孙三代同日生 几率小于中彩

  A family has defied the odds to have a son, father and grandfather all born on the same day。


  When Benjamin Fox arrived in the world on May 8 he shared the same birthday as not only his father Lee but also his grandfather Harry。


  Bookmakers have worked out the odds of three generations of the same family all having boys born on the same day as 272,910 to one。


  David Williams a spokesman for Ladbrokes said: "It's an incredibly rare thing to happen. If the family had put a bet on it before Benjamin was born they would be very rich now."


  Benjamin's proud dad Lee, 35, a insulation engineer from Romford, Essex, said he was stunned when a midwife revealed at three months that his baby was expected to be born on his birthday of May 8.


  He said: "When they did the scan and the measurements and worked out the baby would be born on May 8 I just said 'No way, that's my birthday and my dad's too'。


  "We were told first babies rarely arrive on their due day, they can be early and late so we never thought for a moment that the baby would be born on mine and my dad's birthday."


  "The staff were all brilliant and were so pleased for us." Lee added: "We didn't know we were having a boy so it was such a lovely surprise and it was even more special that he shares mine and my dad's birthday too。
