马晓年性学工作站:杰克逊死亡案再审 遗照及生前录音曝光

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:26:23

杰克逊死亡案再开庭 遗照及生前录音曝光

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年09月29日 14:45   中国日报网-英语点津

  Images of Michael Jackson lying dead in a hospital and rehearsingthe day before his death, along with recollections of the singer as atroubled "lost boy," made for a heart-wrenching opening on Tuesday tothe manslaughter trial of the doctor hired to care for him。

  In opening arguments two years after Jackson's death by drugoverdose of propofol and sedatives, prosecutor David Walgren told jurorsthe "Thriller" singer "literally put his life in the hands of Dr.Conrad Murray."

  "That misplaced trust in the hands of Conrad Murray cost Michael Jackson his life," Walgren said。

  But Murray's lawyers argued Jackson "caused his own death" bygiving himself extra medication in a bid to sleep. "He died so rapidly,so instantly, he didn't even have time to close his eyes," defenseattorney Ed Chernoff said in opening arguments。

  Murray denies he is guilty of the involuntary manslaughter ofJackson on June 25, 2009, but admits giving the 50-year-old pop star adose of the powerful anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid. He faces aprison sentence of up to four years if convicted. The trial is expectedto last four to six weeks。

  The Texas cardiologist, who was paid $150,000 a month to care forJackson, wiped away tears during Tuesday's opening statements asChernoff defended him。

  Jackson's lifeless body was found at his rented Los Angeles mansionjust three weeks before a series of 50 planned London comeback concertstitled "This Is It" were scheduled to begin。

  Kenny Ortega, the co-director of the concerts, testified thatJackson was excited about the shows because he wanted his young childrento see him perform。

  Walgren opened the prosecution case by showing jurors a photo of athin Jackson lying dead on a hospital gurney. He later played video ofJackson's last performance -- an emotional rehearsal of "Earth Song"filmed on June 24, 2009.

  Footage of the rehearsals was made into Jackson's posthumousconcert movie "This Is It" in 2009 and it became a global box officehit。

  Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine, his sisters, Janet and LaToya, and other family members were in court on Tuesday, while outsidethe courtroom dozens of fans held sunflowers, pictures of the dead popstar, and placards saying "Justice for Michael."










