高端体检:!!!外文投稿过程详解 - 微笑的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 04:14:51


论文发表专题 2010-01-05 00:45:37 阅读76 评论0 字号:大中




1、              找到你想投稿的期刊,比如,thermochimica acta

2、              注册,点击register 即可按照提示进行注册,注册完成后,会给你注册时填写的你的邮件里返回一个你的注册账号和密码。(因此,你在注册时候,你的常用邮件地址一定要填写正确!)

3、              根据你的注册号 就可以 log in 了,如下图界面,点击log in进入。








5、点击 Author Login 出现如下界面:



6、点击 Submit New Manuscript, 进入如下界面:



7、选择论文类型,Choose Article Type,

   一般选 full length article

然后 next


8\ 进入如下界面,填写论文题目:然后next




9\ 如下界面是添加作者:

这里注意:如果作者有多个,要依次 Add author,

这里要指定 corresponding author (通讯作者),如果通讯作者是投稿者本人的话,则全部投稿完毕后,在你自己的邮件里会看到投稿信息,或者你重新log in期刊主页时,会发现稿件处理情况。但是如果投稿者本人不是通讯作者的话,你投稿完成后,上述信息会看不到。因为只有通讯作者才能与期刊编辑联系。

如果需要变更作者顺序 的话,可以根据页面上的指示箭头调整。










13、以下页面是,Suggest Reviewers




14、之后,进入Attach file , 就是让你把文章有关的文件上传:


(1)Cover Letter ,关于cover letter 的写法,网上很多。

(2)Manuscript ,就是文章的原稿,有一定的格式要求,但不要求严格排版,见另一篇博文,manuscript 参考格式

(3)Figures (if any) ,文章的图稿,一般为eps和tiff格式的,拒绝接受jpg格式的,具体图片生成方法,可以见本博客的其他文章:autocad 生成tiff 文件的方法,

如果是数据坐标图,建议用origin 软件生成比较好。

Origin 软件在网络上可以下载,如果找不到,可以给博主发邮件,我会尽快回复。

(4)Tables (if any),文章的表格。




15\ 按照上述界面要求 Attach file 完毕后,进入以下界面:







16、点击 Build PDF for my Approval , 生成PDF文件。然后进入以下界面:



17、点击 Submissions Waiting for Author's Approval,





18、以上界面中,Action links 可以展开看看,里面包括以下几项:



19、在以上展开的Action links 里,view submission , 就是下载看看你自己上传的东东,也可以重新对你自己上传的东西再一次进行,edit submission,

当然比较主要的是,要看看,view artwork quality results , 就是要看看系统对你长传的东东进行质量检验(一般主要检查你上传的图片格式,分辨率等。),点击view artwork quality results,后,会出现如下界面:




20、如果上述界面中,出现pass ,说明上传的东东还不错,好了,初步大功告成。

Close 该界面,返回。

21、点击Action links 分项里的 Approve submission,











24、点击main menu ,可以回到如下界面,看到稿件处理进行进度:



上述投稿完成后,等几天,或者更长的时间,编辑部会有反馈意见,如果,稿件格式方面有问题,会建议你修改有重新投稿,当你再次投稿的时候,一定不要忘记把修改答复(即:Responses to Technical Check Results)在一并上传。



1) In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not

 meet the journal's desired standard. There are a number of grammatical errors

 and instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. Please check the manuscript and refine the language carefully.

2) Abstract should be within 100-150 words. Your abstract is more than 150 words.

3) should be in single column format with 1.5 line spacing.

4) All sections and subsections should be clearly sequentially numbered.

5) References should be cited sequentially in text. Also please note that reference15

 provided in the manuscript is not cited in the text.

6) Reference list must conform strictly to the guide for authors. For journal articles,

please adhere to the following order: initials followed by surname, abbreviated journal

name, volume/issue number, year in parenthesis and page span.

7) Pages should be numbered



当你按照上述修改要求,修改完毕后,需要给编辑部回复(上传的方式)一个叫做“Responses to Technical Check Results”的文件,其写法一般如下,供参考:

Thermochimica Acta

Mechanism Analysis on Performance Enhancement of Ammonia Bubble Absorption by Nanofluid

Dear Editor,

Thank you for your useful comments and suggestions on the language and structure of our manuscript.

We have modified the manuscript accordingly, and detailed corrections are listed below point by point:

1) In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not

 meet the journal's desired standard. There are a number of grammatical errors

 and instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. Please check the manuscript and refine the language carefully.

√We have revised the WHOLE manuscript carefully and tried to avoid any grammar orsyntax error. In addition, we have asked several colleagues who are skilled authors of English language papers to check the English. We believe that the language is now acceptable for the review process.

2) Abstract should be within 100-150 words. Your abstract is more than 150 words.

√The abstract has been revised and its word count is now 150.

3) should be in single column format with 1.5 line spacing.

√The text layout is now in single column format with 1.5 line spacing.

4) All sections and subsections should be clearly sequentially numbered.

 √All sections and subsections is clearly sequentially numbered now.

5) References should be cited sequentially in text. Also please note that reference15

 provided in the manuscript is not cited in the text.

√References are cited sequentially in text now, and every reference provided in the manuscript is cited in the text. Especially reference17 provided in the manuscript is cited in page 3.

6) Reference list must conform strictly to the guide for authors. For journal articles,

please adhere to the following order: initials followed by surname, abbreviated journal

name, volume/issue number, year in parenthesis and page span.

√We have checked all the references and formatted them strictly according to the Guide for Authors.

7) Pages should be numbered

√Pages are numbered now.


The manuscript has been resubmitted to your journal. We look forward to your positive response.




Responses to Technical Check Results 的写法和模板,也可以参考Elsevier网站上提供的模板,链接地址为:


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