魔兽rpg大地图哪个好玩:特殊句型 not so …… but …… ; not such …… but ……

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:15:00

      not so …… but …… not such …… but ……                                                                                                                                          佳中


●    这两个句型中的but 意义上表示否定,相当于 that ……. not ……..。因此,这两个句型
与 never ……. but ……. 一样,也是表示双重否定的特殊句型。其实,这两个句型分别是
 so ……. that ……. 和 such …… that …… 的异型而已。看下列句子的转换。


        1)His English is not so bad but he can make himself understood.        他的英语不至于差到让人听不懂的地步。



               His English is not so bad that he can not make himself understood.

                 2)So far as I know, he is no such a man but he knows it is wrong in doing so.         据我所知, 他不是有这样的人,会不知道这样做是错的。  这个句子可以改成: 

           So far as I know, he is not such a man that he does not know it is wrong in doing so.


●    这两个句型中,but 后面应该还需接从属连词that,不过习惯上经常省略。


            1) I am not so sick but (that) he cannot attend the Board meeting.  、             我的病还没有重到不能参加董事局会议。            2)I am not such a fool but(that)I know how to deal with it.                我还没有笨到不知道这样处置这种事的地步。)


  ●  在“not so …… butthat……”这句型中, not 可以用其它否定词代之。


        1)There is nothing so difficult but (that) it becomes easy by practice.               无论多么困难的事,通过实践总可以变为容易的。 

        2)He did so little for the family but (that) he could feel at ease.  



●    如果用否定“no”,则常前移,否定主语,变成另一常用的句式: no …… so …….
  but (that) …….
。著名谚语“活到老学到老”可说:                      It is never too old to learn.      
           No man is so old but that he may learn.  其他例子还有:      1) No man is so foolish but (that) he may give another good counsel sometimes.     无论怎么蠢笨的人,有时都能给别人提出忠告。             2) No task is so difficult but (that ) we can accomplish.            没有什么任务会难得我们完成不了。           这两个句型表示程度,基本意思是“还没有到……程度,以致不能……”,但在      实际翻译中可灵活处理,但其译法不外是双重否定译法或反说正译法,如美国作家      拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生有句名言:                       Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.              用双重否定译法会很拗口,用反说正译法则就顺口了。    可译成                       “人生虽然短暂,也总会给礼貌的表现留出时间”;

再看一些其他例子。            1) The quality is not so poor but (that) it is acceptable.         质量后没有差不能接受的程度。或:质量虽差,但仍能接受。            2)The patient is not so sick but (that) he should be hospitalized.        病人病得不是很重,没有必要住院。            3)It was not such a cold night but (that) we could go out.          那天夜里还没有冷到不能外出。           4) He is not such a famous write in the literature circle but (that)he is unpopular among the readers.         在文艺界他虽算不上是著名作家,但在读者中不乏名气。