
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 21:53:53
Review of units 6~10
TheSecond Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
(1)Listening practice using the target language.
(2)Oral practice using the target language.
2.Ability Objects
(1)Train students’ listening skill.
(2)Train students’ speaking skill.
3.Moral Objects
Have you ever had a bad day like Amy?
Never mind.Let bygones be bygones.
Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
1.Listening practice using the target language.
2.Oral practice using the target language.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point
Trainstudents’ listening skill.
Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
1.Listening method
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
A taperecorder
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step ⅠRevision
1.Dictate some vocabulary words in units 6~10.
2.Choose four or five words.Encourage students to make sentences with them.
Step Ⅱ2a
Thisactivity provides practice in listening for the general idea.
Focusattention on the four pictures. Say.
Youare to listen to four conversations.
Matchthe conversations with the correct pictures.
Pointout the sample answer. Say.Picture 2 matches the first conversation you will hear.
Playthe recording for the first time.
Studentsonly listen.
Playthe recording a second time. Thistime students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures bywriting the numbers in the boxes.
Checkthe answers.
(fromtop to bottom) 2, 1,4,3
Jin:Hello, Mrs. Tan.I’d like to be a volunteer. Canyou help me?
Mrs.Tan: Sure. Whatkind of volunteer work would you like to do?
Jin:Well, I like working with kids.
Mrs.Tan: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach kidsbasketball.
Jin:No, I don’t really like basketball.Is there anything else?
Mrs.Tan: Sure. There’sa job cleaning up the parks. It’severy Sunday.
Jin:That’s no good. Ihelp take care of my grandmother on Sundays.
Mrs.Tan: I see. Here’sanother job. Doyou know how to fix up bicycles?
Jin:Sorry. I can’t even fix up my own bicycle.
Mrs.Tan: Okay. Maybethis is a good one. Weneed someone to read to people at the hospital.You can do it any day you like.
Jin:That sounds good. Whendo I start?
Mrs.Tan: How about today?
Peter:Hey, Kelly.Imagine y9u could travel anywhere.Where would you go?
Kelly:Oh, I don’t know. I don’tlike to travel.
Peter:Come on! What if you could go anywhere? How about a jungle trek in India?
Kelly:No. It’s too tiring.
Peter:Oh, well, then what about a trip to
France?You could see the museums.
Kelly:No. I think France too touristy.
Peter:Really? But there’s lots to see and do.Oh, I know. Howabout Hawaii?The weather is really warm.
Kelly:Really warm? Yes, you’re right. I don’twant to go to Hawaii. It’stoo hot!
Peter:Okay. How about Singapore? Singapore is not toohot, too tiring or too touristy. Youmust want to go there.
Kelly:No, Singapore is too expensive.
Peter:Kelly, there must be some place you want to go!
Kelly:Yes, there is.
Peter:Really? Where?
Kelly:I want to go home.Goodbye.
Ben:Hi, Gu. I’m starting a band.Do you want to join me?
Gu:Sure, Ben. I’dlove to be in a band.
Ben:Okey, good. Whatdo you play?
Gu: Idon’t play an instrument. Ising. I like music with great lyrics.
Ben:So do I. Who else can join our band?
Gu:Well, there’s Dave. Heplays the piano. Buthe prefers quiet music.
Ben:Good. What about Harry? He plays the guitar,doesn’t he?
Gu:Yes. But Harry loves music that’s loud.
Ben:That’s OK. Wecan play loud music and quiet music.
Gu:What kind of music do you like, Ben?
Ben:Oh, I like music you can dance to.
Butthere’s just one problem for our band.
Gu:What’s that?
Ben: I’mnot a musician and I can’t sing.
Zhang:Hi, Amy. How are you?
Amy:Hi, Zhang. I’mglad to see you. I’vehad a bad day.
Zhang:Why? What happened?
Amy:Well, this morning I was late at the bus stop.The bus had gone so I had to walk to school.
Zhang:That’s a long walk.
Amy:Yeah. And then it started raining and I’dforgotten my umbrella.
Zhang:Oh no! Did you get wet?
Amy:Yes, I was late and wet. And,my class wasn’t at school. Theyhad gone to the museum.
Zhang:You missed a museum trip. That’stoo bad.
Amy:Then in the afternoon I went to the library to study for the math test.
Andguess what?
Zhang:Oh no. What?
Amy: I’dleft my math book at home.
Zhang:You are right. Youdid have a bad day.
Step Ⅲ2b
Thisactivity requires students to listen for specific information in the dialogues.
Pointout the four different question types next to the pictures in Activity 2a.
Set atime limit of two minutes.Students go through the lists of questions.
Youare to listen to the same recording again.This time you need to listen for specific information in the dialogues thatwill help you answer the questions.Point out the sample answers.
Playthe recording twice or three times so that students have enough time tocomplete the task.
Letstudents check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole class.
India--tootiring; Singapore--tooexpensive;
Hawaii--toohot;   France--too touristy
2 5 13 4
Gu--musicwith great lyrics;
Ben--musicyou can dance to
Step Ⅳ2c
Thisactivity lets students work in pairs to practice the conversations they havejust heard.
Readthe instructions to the class.
Pointout the sample conversation in the box.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
SA:I’d like to be a volunteer. Canyou help me?
SB:Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you liketo do?
SA:Well, I like working with kids.
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.
Nowwork with a partner. Startby reading the sample conversation in the box with your partner.Then make conversations using information in activity 2b.
Asstudents talk, move around the room checking their work and offering languagesupport as needed.
Ask severalpairs of students to say their conversations to the class.
Step ⅤSummary
Inthis class, we’ve done much listening and oral practice using the targetlanguage.
Step ⅥHomework
Askstudents to write three conversations in activity 2c in their exercise books.
Step ⅦBlackboard Design
Review of units 6~10
The Second Period
Target Language:
A: I’d like to be a volunteer. Can you help me?
B: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?
A: Well, I like working with kids.
Review of units 6~10
The1st period
Ⅰ.Analysis of the Teaching Material
1.Status and Function
Thisis a revision unit, so it covers all the key vocabulary words and the targetlanguage presented from Units 6~10.All the activities are designed for students to review what they have learnedand improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
(1)In the first period, students review all the vocabulary words learned fromunits 6~10 by completing a crossword.
(2)The activities in the second period are used to train students’ listening forspecific information using the target language.
(3)The activities in the third period provide writing and speaking practice usingthe following target language:
Wherewould you like to visit?
I’dlike to visit Holland.
Why doyou want to go there?
I wantto see the windmills and smell the flowers.
By thetime I was five, I had started learning English.
Really?Where did you learn?
I wentto classes at an English language school.
Whenwas it invented?
It wasinvented about a thousand years ago.
Whowas it invented by?
It wasinvented by a Chinese man.
(4)Theactivities in the fourth period provide writing and speaking practice using thefollowing target language:
Who’syour favourite singer?
Ireally like Celine Dion.
Really?I prefer Faya Wong.
Whatwould you like to do?
I’dlike to climb Qomolangma Mountain.
Do youthink you could do it?
And inthis class, students practice making some sentences using some phrasal verbs.
2.Teaching Aims and Demands
(1)Knowledge Objects
To makestudents review all the vocabulary words and the target language from Units 6~10.
(2)Ability Objects
Toimprove students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Toimprove students’ communicative competence.
(3)Moral Objects
Parentsare tired after a day’s hard work.
Assons or daughters, we should try to be helpful and do housework.
3.Teaching Key Points
Toreview the vocabulary words and the target language.
Toreview the usage of the structures
presentedfrom Units 6~10.
4.Teaching Difficult Points
Totrain students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Totrain students’ communicative competence.
5.Studying Ways
Teachstudents how to master the target language and communicate with others.
Teachstudents how to be successful language learners.
Ⅱ.Language Functions
Talkabout places you would like to visit.
Narratepast events.
Talkabout the history of inventions.
Ⅲ.Target Language
1.Where would you like to visit?
I’d like to visit Holland.
Why do you want to go there?
I want to see the windmills and smell theflowers.
2.By the time I was five, I had started learning English.
Really? Where did you learn?
I went to classes at an English languageschool.
3.When was it invented?
It was invented about a thousand years ago.
Who was it invented by?
It was invented by a Chinese man.
4.Who’s your favourite singer?
I really like Celine Dion.
Really? I prefer Faya Wong.
5.What would you like to do’?
I’d like to climb Qomolangma Mountain.
Do you think you could do it?
1.Phrasal verbs
2.Past perfect
3.Passive voice (questionsand statements).
All the vocabulary words from Units 6~10.
Ⅵ.Learning Strategies
1.Listening for specific information.
2.Role playing.
Ⅶ.Teaching Time
Four periods
TheFirst Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
Key vocabulary that students have learned inUnits 6~10.
2.Ability Objects
Train students’ ability to creatively use thelanguage they have learned.
3.Moral Objects
Parents are tired after a day’s hard work.
As sons or daughters, we should try to behelpful and do housework.
Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
Trainstudents’ ability to creatively use the language they have learned.
Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step ⅠRevision
1.Invite different students to say their answers to the exercises of the workbook.
2.Get several students to share their sentences with adjectives with the wholeclass, Correct the mistakes if there are any.Then let the other students hand in their sentences.Correct the mistakes before returning them.
Step Ⅱ1a
Thisactivity reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned in Units 6~10.In this activity, we’ll review some of the vocabulary in Units 6~10by completing a crossword.First, please look at the clues with the headlines Down and Across.Explain down and across to the students.Call students’ attention to the crossword.Point out the sample answer.
Whenmy mother is tired, I try to be helpful and make dinner.Elicit the first answer to the list of across clues(hair).
Nowplease read the clues and complete the crossword.
Getstudents to do the crossword in pairs.As students are doing this, walk around the classroom to make sure that all thestudents know what they need to do.
Checkanswers by asking different students to read out and spell the answers.
Down 1.helpful 2. radio3. visit 4. Chinese 5.one 8. soon 9.culture  10.stop 12. got 13.songs 14. ocean 16. left17. sick 18.that 19. are 21. at
Across1. hair 4.clock 6. land 7. likes 9.costume 11. signs15. pack 16. loud18. traffic 20.bakery 22.better
Step Ⅲ1b
Theactivity requires students to creatively use the language they have learned.
Askstudents to choose four words from Units 6~10and write a clue for each word.
Usethe sample conversation to illustrate the activity: Students work in pairs andtake turns to say their clues for the words they chose from Units 6~10.Their partner tries to guess the words.Walk around the class and make sure students are using the words correctly.
Ask afew students to say their clues and have the class guess the words.
Acompetition. Dividethe students in half down the middle into two teams.A student from Team A says a clue for a word.A student from Team B guesses the word.Team A gets one point for a correct clue and Team B gets one point for acorrect word.Change them round. Team Bsays a clue while Team A guesses. Thefirst ten-point team wins.
Step ⅣSummary
Inthis class, we’ve reviewed some of the vocabulary in Units 6~10.
Step ⅤHomework
Sayand remember the vocabulary words in Units 6~10.
Step ⅥBlackboard Design
Review of Units 6~10
The First Period
A competition
Team A                    Team B
正                        正
下                        正
8                         10
Review of units 6~10
TheThird Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
(1)Oral practice talking about places you would like to visit.
(2)Oral particle narrating past events.
(3)Oral practice talking about the history of inventions.
2.Ability Objects
(1)Train students’ speaking skill.
(2)Train students’ writing skill.
3.Moral Object
Thank all the inventors.It is they who make our life convenient and easy.
Ⅱ.Teaching. Key Points
1.Talk about places you would like to visit.
2.Narrate past events.
3.Talk about the history of inventions.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
Trainstudents’ speaking and writing skills.
Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step ⅠRevision
Checkhomework. Ask different students to say theirconversations to the class.
Thenlet students hand in their homework and correct any errors before returningthem.
Step ⅡPart 3
Thisactivity provides writing and speaking practice using the target language.
Pointout the list of questions. Ask astudents to say them to the class.Say, please write your answers to these questions.Point out the sample answer.Remind them to look back at the information in activity 2a to get extra help.
Getstudents to complete the task on their own.Walk around the room offering help with names of different countries.
Pointout the sample conversation in the box.Invite a pair of students to say it to the class.The B student should think of something to finish the conversation.
SA:Where would you like to visit?
SB:I’d like to visit Holland.
SA:Why do you want to visit there?
SB:I want to see the windmills and smell the flowers.
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.
Pleasework in pairs. Makeconversations to talk about places you’d like to visit or you don’t want to goand give reasons.
As thepairs work together, walk around the room listening in on various pairs andoffering help as needed.
Askseveral pairs to say their conversations to the class.Answers will vary.
Step ⅢPart 4
Theactivity lets students work in pairs to practice writing and speaking skills.
Pointto the list of sentence starters. Readthe sample answer. Bythe time I was five, I had started learning English to the class.
Say,please complete these sentences using your own experience.Get students to complete the task individually.
Pointout the sample conversation in the box.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
SA:By the time I was five, I had started learning English.
SB:Really? Where did you learn?
SA:I went to classes at an English language school.
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.
Pleasework in pairs. Makeconversations to narrate some of your past events.
As thepairs work together, walk around the room listening in on various pairs andoffering help as needed.
Askseveral pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.
Answerswill vary.
Thenencourage students to talk about what sorts of things they had done bydifferent ages other than those ages in the book.
Askstudents to compare who had done the same things by different ages.
Step ⅣPart 5
Thisactivity provides writing and speaking practice using the target language.
Readthe instructions to the class.
Pointout the sample conversation in the box.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
SA:When was it invented?
SB:It was invented about a thousand years ago.
SA:Who was it invented?
SB:It was invented by a Chinese man.
Encouragestudents to go on with the conversation.
SA:What is it used for?
SB:It is used for many things including writing and printing.
SA:How has it developed?
SB:It has developed by being created by machine rather than by hand.
SA:Is it paper?
SB:Yes, it is.
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.
Pleasethink of an invention. Thentalk to your partner and try to guess his or her invention.
As thepairs are working together, move around the room offering help with names ofthe inventors and exact dates it necessary.
Askselected students to model their conversations to the class.
Step ⅤSummary
Inthis class, we’ve practiced talking about places you would like to visit, narratingpast events and talking about the history of inventions using the targetlanguage.
Step ⅥHomework
1.Collect more detailed information of different inventions.
2.Reread the conversations in activities 3,4 and 5 to get a further understandingof the target language.
Step ⅦBlackboard Design
Review of Units 6~10
The Third Period
Target language:
1. Where would you like to visit?
I’d like to go Holland.
Why do you want to go there?
I want to see the windmills and smell the flowers.
2. By the time I was five, I had started learning English.
Really? Where did you learn?
I went to classes at an English language school.
3. When was it invented by?
It was invented about a thousand years ago.
Who was it invented?
It was invented by a Chinese man.
What is it used for?
It is used for many things including writing and printing.
How has it developed?
It has developed by being created by machine rather than by hand.
Is it paper?
Yes, it is.
Review of units 6~10
TheFourth Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
(1)Practice expressing preference.
(2)Practice talking about what you would like to do.
(3)Make sentences using phrasal verbs.
2.Ability Objects
(1)Train students’ speaking skill.
(2)Train students’ writing skill.
3.Moral Objects
As weknow. everyone makes great efforts before he cansuccess. So does your favourite singer.Work hard and efficiently, and you’ll succeed.
Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
1.Express preference.
2.Talk about what you would like to do.
3.Phrasal verbs.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
Trainstudents’ speaking and writing skills.
Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step ⅠRevision
Askdifferent pairs of students to say the conversations in activities 3,4 and 5 withbooks closed.Encourage students to make up their own conversation.
Step ⅡPart 6
Thisactivity lets students work in groups to practice listening, speaking, readingand writing skills.
Readthe instructions to the class.
Callstudents’ attention to the chart. Pointout the sample answer. Myfavourite singer is Faya Wong.
Invitetwo students to read the sample conversation in the box to the class.
SA:Who’s your favourite singer?
SB:I really like Celine Dions
SA:Really? I prefer Faya Wong.
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.First please write your answers to the five questions in the first column inthe chart. Thenwork in groups of there.
Taketurns asking for and sharing information in a circle.At the same time, fill in the second and the third columns in the chart.
Getstudents to do the task individually first, then in groups of three.
Asstudents are doing this, walk around the room offering any help they may need.
Askdifferent students to report his or her survey results.
Answerswill vary. Atthe end of the activity, vote on the class favourite singer, type of music,song, band and instrument.
Step ⅢPart 7
Thisactivity provides writing and speaking practice using the target language.
Pointto the numbered list of blank lines.
Saythe sample answer climb Qomolangma Mountain to the class.Say. Please write some things you would like todo on the blank lines. Getstudents to complete the task individually.
Pointout the sample conversation in the box.Invite a pair of students to say it to the class.
SA:What would you like to do?
SB:I’d like to climb Qomolangma Mountain.
SA:Do you think you could do it?
Writethe conversation on the blackboard.
Pleasework with a partner. Makeconversations to talk about what you would like to do.
As thepairs work together, walk around the room listening in on various pairs andoffering help as needed.
Askseveral pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Answers will vary.
Step ⅣPart 8
Thisactivity lets students work in pairs to make sentences using phrasal verbs.
Readthe instructions to the class.
Pointto the phrasal verbs in the box.Invite a student to read them to the class.
comeup with           put off           write down
putup                 hand out          call up
cheerup               clean up          set up
Invitedifferent students to say the meaning of each phrasal verb in their own words.Demonstrate how to play the game with the whole class.
Putstudents in half down the middle into two teams.Each team chooses a square from the book.The first person on Team A makes a sentence using the phrasal verb in theirchosen square. Ifthe sentence is correct, he or she puts an "X" in the square.Then a person from Team B makes a sentence using the phrasal verb in theirchosen square. Ifthe sentence is correct, he or she puts an "O" in the square.The first team to make a row wins.
Askstudents to play the game in pairs.
Remindstudents to be careful to make sure the sentences are correct.Move around the class offering help as needed.
Askwinning students for their sentences.
Step ⅤSummary
Inthis class, we’ve mainly reviewed expressing preferences, talking about whatyou would like to do and making sentences using phrasal verbs.
Step ⅥHomework
1.Make sentences using five of the phrasal verbs in activity 8.
2.Finish off the exercises on pages 42~45of the workbook.
Step ⅦBlackboard Design
Review of Units 6~10
The Fourth Period
Target Language:
1. Who’s your favourite singer?
I really like Celine Dion.
Really? I prefer Faya Wong.
2. What would you like to do?
I’d like to climb Qomolangma Mountain.
Do you think you could do it?