黑方12年价格:中考英语强化训练(二) - Frank的日志 - 网易博客

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中考英语专项 2010-01-20 13:32:46 阅读31 评论0   字号: 订阅

I. 单项选择。
(   )1. How much ______ would you like?
A. tomato         B. eggs
C. chicken       D. banana
(   )2. ______ Day is on June 1st and ______ Day is on September 10th.
A. Children’s, Teacher’s
B. Children’s, Teachers’
C. Childrens’, Teachers’
D. Children’, Teachers’
(   )3. Look! This is ______ bedroom.
A. Jill and Kate  B. Jill’s and Kate’s
C. Jill’s and Kate   D. Jill and Kate’s
(   )4. Jim, don’t talk ______ Bill and listen ______ me, please.
A. with, at    B. to, with   C. to, to    D. at, to
(   )5. Can you help me ______ skating when you are free?
A. on         B. about      C. for         D. with
(   )6. —Is he often late ______ school?
         —No. Only this time.
A. to    B. with        C. of          D. for

(   )7. We can’t tell the young teachers ______ the students.
A. of     B. to  C. among     D. from
(   )8. They have coats ______ a good price in their store.
A. at     B. in         C. of        D. on
(   )9. There ______ many shorts ______ sale in the store.
A. are, on    B. are, at   C. is, on   D. is, for
(   )10. ______ a word, we can learn a lot ______ Chinese history.
A. For, for      B. In, about  C. For, about    D. In, for
(   )11. Her parents are very strict ______ her.
A. with         B. about        C. on        D. in
(   )12. He came home ______ the morning of March 25th, 2004.
A. in       B. for       C. at        D. on
(   )13. ______ your help, I can’t get the information about Hawaii easily. 
A. With    B. Without     C. Under  D. Below
(   )14. There are many trees on ______ side of the road.   
A. all      B. both C. each     D. every
(   )15. They have a school trip ______ year.
A. an     B. the  C. on each        D. each

(   )16. —______ this pair of shoes?
           —80 dollars.
A. How many is    B. How many are
C. How much is   D. How much does
(   )17. I need to practice piano ______ before the concert.
A. a lot              B. very
C. many           D. little
(   )18. Sally has three brothers. ______ is a doctor, ______ are drivers.
A. One, another      B. One, the others
C. The one, the other D. One, the other
(   )19. —When shall we have the party, Saturday or Sunday?
—______ is OK. I’m free this weekend.
A. Saturday      B. Sunday
C. Neither      D. Either
(   )20. —Could I have a talk with you, Bruce?
—Sure. But only for ______ time.               
A. a little     B. a few     C. little     D. few
(   )21. Sally has ______ basketballs.
A. thirty two       B. thirty-two   C. two thirty       D. two-thirty

(   )22. There are ______ days in a week. The first day is ______.
A. seven; Sunday   B. seven; Monday
C. seventh; Sunday   D. seventh; Monday
(   )23. Jenny is ______old now.
A. five year       B. five years
C. fifth year        D. fifth years
(   )24. Don’t swim in the river. It’s too ______.
A. interesting       B. easy
C. difficult        D. dangerous
(   )25. The price of the shoes ______ 150 yuan.
A. is       B. are        C. do       D. does
(   )26. The apples are very cheap. I’ll ______ some.
A. like    B. bring     C. take     D. give
(   )27. His sister usually ______ school uniform to school.
A. puts on       B. dresses    C. is in            D. wears
(   )28. Here is Mike’s pencil. Please give ______.
A. him it        B. it to him    C. it for him         D. him to it
(   )29. Has she finished ______ the storybook?
A. to read     B. read   C. reading    D. reads

(   )30. My brother ______ an English teacher.
A. want to be    B. wants to be      C. want be         D. wants be
(   )31. The students are busy ______ ready for the exam.
A. to get    B. get     C. getting       D. gets
(   )32. We ______ a shower schedule and I am the last one to ______ a shower.
A. took, take      B. made, make    C. took, make     D. made, take
(   )33. —What a nice bike! How long ______ you ______ it?
—Just two weeks.    
A. will, buy     B. did, buy   C. are, having      D. have, had
(   )34. The letter ______ in Japanese. Can you read it for me?   
A. writes      B. wrote 
C. is writing      D. is written
(   )35. Do you want to ______ the music club?
A. take      B. join     C. take in     D. join in
(   )36. —Can I help you?
A. I’m very sorry      B. Here you are
C. Yes, please          D. You’re welcome

(   )37. —What time is it? 
A. It’s about four half    B. it’s about four and thirty
C. About thirty past four   D. It’s about half past four
(   )38. —What do you think of the baseball match?
A. Our team lost the match  B. I didn’t hear of it
C. It was very exciting      D. Our team was a good one
(   )39. —May I use your dictionary, Mary?
— ______.                                    
A. No, go ahead      B. Yes, help yourself
C. Of course not   D. It doesn’t matter
(   )40. —What’s the date today?
A. It’s cold today      B. It’s July 18th
C. It’s Wednesday   D. It’s my birthday
 II. 完成句子。
A) 按要求完成下面的句子,每空一词。
1. There is some milk in the glass.  (改为否定句)
    There ______ ______ milk in the glass.
2. She is cleaning the bedroom.  (就划线部分提问)
   ______ ______ she ______?
3. Linda often does the shopping on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句)
    ______ Linda often ______ the ______ on Sundays?
4. Let’s have a discussion about it. (改为反意疑问句)
    Let’s have a discussion about it, ______ ______?
5. The old man can hardly dress himself. (改为反意疑问句)
    The old man can hardly dress himself, ______ ______?
B) 根据提示完成句子,词数不限。
6. 那张书桌太重了,小男孩搬不动。
The desk is _____________________ to move.
7. 你一到上海就给我打电话好吗?
______ you please ______ me as soon as you ______ Shanghai?
8. 既然你不太舒服,还是留在家里的好。
______ you are not feeling ______, you’d better ______.
9. 开车只需半个小时就可以到达购物中心。
It’s only half an ______ to get to the shopping mall.
10. 请告诉彼得明天不要出去。我想去看看他。
Please tell Peter ______ out tomorrow. I want to see him.
C) 用所给词的适当形式填空。
11. The students are standing there ______(quiet).
12. The boys under the tree are ______(Germany).
13. “Please help ______(you) to some chicken, boys and girls,” said their teacher.
14. We are all ______(interest) in playing games.
15. The Nile is the ______(long) river in the world.
          1   (be) you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in  the world without    2   (put) a stamp on it? By e-mail you can just do that: you can send an e-mail quickly and easily by    3   (use) a computer. The post is much slower than the e-mail. You can    4   (send) an e-mail to the other side of the world in a few seconds.
      E-mail is easy    5   (use) and it    6   (save) time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world     7   (not matter). It is a twenty-four-hour service. You can send an e-mail at any time of the day or night. No one    8   (have) to be there to receive an e-mail. It doesn’t matter if your friends    9   (be) in bed when you  send an e-mail to them, or you    10   (see) a film at the cinema when they send an e-mail back.
Key: I. 1-5 CBDCD   6-10 DDAAB  11-15 ADBCD   16-20 CABDA
            21-25 BABDA  26-30 CDBCB  31-35 CDDDB   36-40 CDCBB
        II. A) 1. isn’t any   2. what is, doing  3. Does, do, shopping 4. shall we
                 5. can he
             B) 6. too heavy for the little boy   7. Will, call/ phone, arrive in/ get to/ reach
                 8. As/ Since, well, stay at home  9. hour’s drive/ride  10. not to go
             C) 11. quietly 12. Germans 13. yourselves 14. interested 15. longest
       III. 1. Are  2. putting  3. using  4. send   5. to use   6. saves  7. don’t matter
              8. has    9. are  10. are seeing