黑膏药一般贴多长时间:考研英语词汇复习(16):famous、well-known、eminent、prominent、 renowned、extinguished

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 09:41:20








       1) China is famous for its silk in the world.


2) A very well-known pop band is coming to your town.



eminent 指某一领域,特别是学术、科学,艺术等方面较为杰出,指同行中出类拔萃。prominent 指享有较大社会地位名声。


1) He is eminent as a sculptor and as a portrait painter in Europe.


2) Several prominent men in the town were present at the opining ceremony of the conference.



renownedextinguished 指成就卓越,受到广泛承认和赞扬,名声远扬。


3) As we all know, Edison was renowned for his inventions.


4) The old man has had a distinguished career in the diplomatic service.



notorious “臭名昭著”、“声名狼藉”,指坏名声,用作贬义词。


1) English soccer fans are notorious for their craziness and barbarism.


       2) The father told his daughter to stay away from that young man with notorious reputation.
