黑臭河道:考研英语词汇复习(19):result、consequence、outcome 、aftermath

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 20:28:38


resultconsequenceoutcome aftermath






result  “结果”,指做某事产生的直接结果,或指某抽象概念的结果。


1) The students are intensely anxious to know the result of the entrance examination.


2) As a general rule, the rise in unemployment is usually the result of inflation.



consequence  “后果”、“经过”,多指某物产生的不良后果,但也可用于表示指某抽象概念的结果,此时可与result 互换。


1) It terrifies me to contemplate the consequence of your action.


    2) If you behave so foolishly, you will be ready to bear the consequence.


3) This rise in price is an inevitable consequence/result of both demand and supply trends.



outcome  “结局”、“结果”,指有待见分晓的结果或结局。


1) We are fully confident that negotiation between the two countries on trade will have a happy outcome.


    2) The vote has been completed, but the result/outcome will not be announced before next Wednesday.



aftermath * 指发生天灾人祸之后上随之而来的不良的,甚至更严重的后果或余波。


 1) The aftermath of the epidemic was even worse than the death of thousands of people during the epidemic.


 2) An unemployment surge is striking many countries as an aftermath of the global financial crisis.
