膀胱三角:分析:温州个人境外投资试点前景 Failed equity plan dogs investing pilot

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/08 16:52:22
2011年01月13日 07:14 AM

分析:温州个人境外投资试点前景Failed equity plan dogs investing pilot

英国《金融时报》 吉密欧 北京报道 评论 中文 

A pilot project announced on Monday by the Chinese city of Wenzhou to allow its residents to make overseas investments could be a big step towards lifting capital account controls and making the Chinese currency more convertible. However, when something similar was tried once before it failed completely.


In August 2007, China’s foreign exchange regulator announced a plan to allow domestic investors to buy stocks in the self-governed territory of Hong Kong, in what amounted to a de facto opening of the country’s closed capital account.


In just over a week, the benchmark Hong Kong stock index soared more than 11 per cent to 24,000 points and within two months it had broken through the 30,000 mark as a result of the so-called “Hong Kong equity through-train” plan.


That was when it became apparent that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Safe) had come up with the plan without properly consulting other government departments or even the authorities in Hong Kong, a former British colony that remains outside Chinese capital controls and that has a separate, globally integrated financial system.


The project was unceremoniously dumped and Chinese investors went back to speculating in the domestic real estate market.


More than three years after the through-train project went off the rails, the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou has launched its own watered-down version of capital account liberalisation. Under the pilot, residents from the wealthy city of about 8m will be able to invest up to $200m a year overseas.


Perhaps still smarting from the humiliation of the cancelled scheme, the foreign exchange regulator has refused to make any public comment at all about the Wenzhou plan.


But Chinese officials and academics say the pilot clearly has Safe’s blessing and is consistent with calls from China’s central bank governor and other senior officials for greater liberalisation of the capital account and for greater convertibility of the renminbi.


“The government is currently encouraging more convertibility of the Rmb on the capital account and this pilot project sends a powerful signal,” said Ding Zhijie, dean of finance at Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics.


Analysts say the central government and regulatory bodies that opposed and ultimately scuppered the 2007 plan are likely to be more agnostic about the pilot, not least because Wenzhou’s entrepreneurs are already evading capital account controls to make worldwide investments.


“Private overseas investment by Wenzhou citizens have been happening for quite a long time and so this plan is partly aimed at regulating and legalising an existing practice,” Professor Ding said.


Wenzhou is legendary in China as a hotbed of capitalism and entrepreneurial spirit that managed to survive the Maoist era thanks to its isolation and its location on the coast across the Straits from Taiwan, which left it vulnerable to invasion and hence unsuitable for heavy industry.


In the absence of a state-controlled industrial base the city’s residents were left to build up the economy and so created the “Wenzhou Model”, based on privately owned light manufacturing and an informal banking system.


Today, about 70 per cent of the world’s cigarette lighters are made in the city. The region also produces most of the world’s zips, light switches, hinges and sex toys.


Zhou Dawen, head of the Wenzhou SME Business Development and Promotion Association, said about 500 enterprises from the city now operated abroad, along with more than 800,000 Wenzhou natives. According to Mr Zhou, Wenzhou investors have poured more than Rmb5bn into Dubai.


While some of this has been approved investment, government acknowledges that a large portion has left Chinese shores through unauthorised channels.


“There is already at least tens of billions of private Chinese capital abroad and if this pilot project in Wenzhou is successful it could be rolled out across the country quite quickly,” said Prof Ding.


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