被美容店吸黑色素仪器:高考题荟 名词与冠词

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发表时间:2010-1-12 9:02:35  来源:普教室推荐  访问次数:1297

第一章 名词与冠词
第一部分  近年高考题荟萃
1. (09安徽31)
China has got a good          for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.
A. reputation         B. influence           C. impression         D. knowledge
答案  A
2. (09福建29)
The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any  when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.
A. delay             B. effort             C. schedule           D. consideration
答案  A
解析  名词词义辨析。delay:耽搁,延误;effort:努力;schedule:时间表;consideration:考虑,体谅;关心。题干意思是:当H1N1型2009年4月袭击墨西哥时,世界卫生组织毫不犹豫地向人们提出了警告。选A。
3. (09湖北25)
Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ______ building.
A. respect            B. friendship         C. reputation          D. character
答案  D
解析  根据常识便可知运动既可增强体质也可强健个性,不会增强尊敬或名声,友谊可以增强,但与前面health不搭配,故答案为character。
4. (09湖北26)
In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a ______ for everyone to stand up.
A. signal             B. chance            C. mark             D. measure
答案  A.
解析  根据句意可知打铃及老师合上书本,这是下课的暗示,选项中只能选择signal。chance“机会”,mark“分数,痕迹”,measure“方法,措施”。
5. (09江西23)
The ____________ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into __________ car.
A. girl’s; Tom’s       B. girls’; Toms’        C. girls’; Tom’s       D. girl’s; Toms’
答案  C
解析  名词所有格形式。根据题干后半部分的them可知对应复数girls。此题较易
6. (09海南32)
Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to       them too hard.
A. draw                         B. strike             C. rush                        D. push
答案   D
解析  句意为:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把它们太难了。push 推,挤,逼迫;strike v. 打,罢工,划燃rush v. 冲进,匆促行事,催draw v. 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意,应选D。
7. (09山东29)
—He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.
—Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?
A. lack              B. load              C. question           D. waste
答案  D
解析  考查单词的区别:lack缺乏;load负担;question疑问;waste 浪费;根据句意,尤其是下句的sour grapes(酸葡萄)可知答案选D。
8. (09陕西20)
Form their ________ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.
A. stage             B. position            C. condition         D. situation
答案  B
解析  名词词义辨析;stage:舞台,时期,阶段;position:位置;condition:条件,情况;situation:形式,情况;情景;根据空前的物主代词their可以推断出此处选B。题干意思是:从他们在电视塔顶部的位置,游客们可以更好地看到这个城市的景色。
9. (09天津1)
I’m trying to break the _______ of getting up too late .
A. tradition           B. convenience        C. habit            D. Leisure
答案  C
The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ______ to the digital resources of the library.
A. access                       B. passage                 C. way                         D. approach
答案  A
11. (09安徽21)
We can never expect    bluer sky unless we create     less polluted world.
A. a; a              B. a; the              C. the; a             D. the; the
答案  A
12. (09北京33)
The biggest whale is ___ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ____ 9-story building.
A. the; the            B. a; a              C. a; the             D. the; a
答案  B
13. (09江西25)
Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world.
A. /; the             B. the; /              C. an; the            D. the; a
答案  A
解析  考查冠词用法。Air pollution 是抽象名词这里是泛指,weather 这里是特指全球的气候,根据the weather around the world 可知。
14. (09海南22)
Let’s go to       cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for          while
A. the; the                   B. the; a             C. a; the                     D. a ; a
答案  B
解析  考查冠词的用法go to the cinema 表示具体的某地,for a while 固定搭配,表示“一会儿”。
15. (09陕西6)
What    pity that you couldn’t be there to receive     prize!
A. a; a              B. the; a              C. a; the             D. the; the
答案  C
解析  考查冠词。第一空所填冠词与上下文构成固定句型what a pity that…,用不定冠词a;第二空后名词表示表特指,用定冠词the,选C。
16. (09四川14)
In order to find _______ better job, he decided to study _________ second foreign language.
A. the; a             B. a; a               C. the; the            D. a; the
答案  B
解析  考查冠词的用法。该题的意思是:为了找到一个更好的工作,他决定再学习另外一门外语。第一空表示泛指;第二空用a +序数词+名词表示又一,再一。
I don’t understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got ______ rough idea of _____ project plan.
A. the; a                             B. 不填; the                 C. the; 不填                 D. a; the
答案  D
18. (09重庆26)
Washing machines made by China have won         worldwide attention and Haier has become          popular name.
A. a; the                 B. /; a               C. /; the                 D. the; a
答案  B
19. (09全国Ⅱ14)
What I need is          book that contains         ABC of oil painting.
A. a; 不填           B. the; 不填          C. the; an            D. a; the
答案  D
It’s not         good idea to drive for four hours without         break.
A.a;a            B.the;a             C.the;the           D.a;the
答案  A
解析  本题考查冠词。句意为:开车四个小时而不休息不是一个好主意。第一空“一个好主意”是泛指;without a break是习惯用法,break也是泛指。
Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ___     _ like coal, gas and oil.
A. fuels          B. articles        C. goods            D. products
答案  A
解析  coal,gas and oil均为“燃料(fuels)”。
To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion“Save Our        ”.
A.Sky         B.Life                  C.Arts              D.Voices
答案  D
解析  由语境可知,此处指人类的语言,而语言是人类说的,因此用voices,而不用其他选项。
—Shall we go out for a walk?
—Sorry.This is not the right         to invite me.I am too tired to walk.
A.moment          B.situation         C.place             D.chance
答案  A
解析  句意为:——我们出去散散步好吗?——对不起,这不是邀请我的合适的时间,我太累了而不想去散步。A项“某一时刻,片刻”;B项“情形,状况”;C项“地方”;D项“机会”。
—I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.
—It is not your fault.With          rush-hour traffic and          heavy rain, it is no
wonder you were late.
A.a; a         B.the; the             C./; /              D./; a
答案  B
解析  句意为:——开会来晚了我非常抱歉。——这不是你的错,这正是上下班的高峰期而且又下了大雨,难
The young man made a ______  to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.
A.prediction      B.promise           C.plan              D.contribution
答案  B
解析  句意为:这位年轻人向他的父母许诺说毕业之后他将努力自食其力。make a promise许诺,答应,其后的that从句为同位语从句,补充说明先行词promise的内容,其他选项不合句意。
The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly        .
A.atmosphere           B.state                        C.situation                 D.phenomenon
答案  A
解析  句意为:这两个国家的最高领导人在友好的气氛中进行交谈。atmosphere气氛,氛围;state状态;situation形势,局面;phenomenon现象。
Have you heard         news? The price of         petrol is going up again!
A.the;the         B./;the             C.the;/             D./;/
答案  C
解析  句意为:你听说这消息了吗?油价又上涨了!第一空特指下文的消息,应用定冠词the;第二空后的petrol为泛指,且是不可数名词,故不用冠词。
I ate       sandwich while I was waiting for        20:08 train.
A. the;a                 B. the;the                 C. a;the                    D. a;a
答案  C
解析  sandwich是可数名词,且在句中首次出现,表示泛指,其前须加不定冠词;而“二十点零八分的火车”是特指的惟一的概念,故其前须加定冠词the。
In the United States,there is always        flow of people to areas of        country where more
jobs can be found.
A.a;the           B.the;a             C.the;the           D.a;a
答案  A
解析  句意为:在美国,总有人不断地涌入乡村地区,在那里可以找到更多的工作。a flow of…表示“大量涌入(某地)”;the country/countryside表示“乡村”,与定冠词the连用。
In many places in China, bicycle is still         popular means of transportation.
A.a;the          B./;a               C.the;a             D.the;the
答案  C
解析  the+名词表一类,后面用a修饰,指一种……的方式。
______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______    head.
A. An;the            B. The;the     C. An;/             D. The;/
答案  A
解析  第一个空指一个苹果,是泛指;第二个空考查hit sb. in/on the+部位,表示“击打某人的某个部位”。
Dogs have a very good ______    of smell and are often used to search for survivors
in an earthquake.
A. sense         B. view             C. means            D. idea
答案  A
解析  a sense of smell嗅觉。句意为:狗嗅觉灵敏,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。
What’s the        of having a public open space where you can’t eat,drink or even simply hang
out for a while?
A.sense          B.matter            C.case              D.opinion
答案  A
解析  本题所设的语境是:有这样一个你在那里不能吃、不能喝甚至不能动的公共开放场所有什么意义呢?sense意义;matter问题,麻烦;case情况,问题;opinion意见,看法。四个选项中只能A项符合语境。
My neighbor asked me to go for ______ walk, but I don’t think I’ve got ______ energy.
A. a;/                      B. the; the                     C. /;the                         D. a; the
答案  D
解析  句意为:我的邻居叫我去散步,但我认为我没有(那样的)力气。第一个空go for a walk为固定短语;第二个空特指散步用的力气。
We went right round to the west coast by       sea instead of driving across         continent.
A.the;the        B./;the             C.the;/             D./;/
答案  B
解析  by sea经海路,by the sea在海边;表示大陆、大洋等的名词前通常加定冠词the。
Students should be encouraged to use        Internet as        resource.
A./a             B./;the             C.the;the           D.the;a
答案  D
解析  the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource“作为一种资源”,此处用a表示泛指。
I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real        .
A.exchange       B.bargain           C.trade             D.business
答案  B
解析  bargain用作名词时,意为“廉价货,便宜货”,a real bargain意为“真便宜”。
One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living         .
A.bills           B.expenses          C.prices            D.charges
答案  B
解析  句意为:一月1 000美元不是一笔财富,但是能帮助支付我的生活费用。A项为“账单”;B项为“花
My morning        includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.
A.drill           B.action            C.regulation        D.routine
答案  D
解析  drill操练;action行为;regulation规则,条例;routine惯例,常规。由句意可知D项正确。
The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common        in many parts of the city.
A.look            B.sign            C.sight             D.appearance
答案  C
解析  sight风景;look表情;sign迹象,现象;appearance出现,显露。
Despite such a big difference in        towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.
A.point           B.idea              C.attitude          D.sight
答案  C
解析  point点;意义;idea主意,念头;attitude态度,看法;sight视力。句意为:尽管对一个人的饮食的态度
He and his wife are of the same        ;they both want their son to go to college.
A.soul            B.spirit          C.heart             D.mind
答案  D
解析  本题考查名词词义辨析。soul心灵,灵魂;spirit精神;heart心,心脏;mind想法,主意;be of the same
Of the seven days in a week,Saturday is said to be the most popular        for a wedding in some countries.
A.way             B.situation         C.event             D.choice
答案  D
解析  句意为:在某些国家,一周的七天里星期六是举行婚礼最佳的日子。way方式,方法;situation状况,处
—You are always full of        .Can you tell me the secret?
—Taking plenty of exercise every day.
A.power           B.strength          C.force             D.energy
答案  D
解析  本题考查名词词义辨析。power权力,势力;strength力气,优势;force力,武力;energy精力;be full of
Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a        of exercise.
A.limit           B.lack              C.need              D.demand
答案  B
解析  a lack of缺乏。句意为:健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺少锻炼密切相关。
It is no        arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.
A.use             B.help              C.time              D.why
答案  B
解析  本题考查名词辨析。句意为:和比尔争辩是没用的,因为他从来不会改变主意的。应用句型It’s
no use doing sth.= It’s useless doing sth.。
Finding information in today’s world is easy.The        is how you can tell whether the information
you get is useful or not.
A.ability        B.competition       C.challenge         D.knowledge
答案  C
解析  句意为:在当今世界找到信息很容易,难题在于你如何判断你所获取的信息是否有用。challenge挑战,
—If you like I can do some shopping for you.
—That’s a very kind        .
A.offer         B.service           C.point             D.suggestion
答案  A
解析  本题考查名词的用法。offer意为“提议,提供,提出”;service服务;point意义;点;suggestion建议。句意为:——如果你喜欢的话,我可以给你买点东西。——那是个好的提议。
Always read the        on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.
A.explanations   B.instructions    C.descriptions      D.introductions
答案  B
解析  考查名词用法。instructions说明书;explanations解释;descriptions描述;introductions介绍。
To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their        and
A.strength       B.benefits        C.techniques        D.values
答案  A
解析  考查词义辨析。此外strength表示“优势、优点”时是可数名词,其余三项与weakness(弱点)搭配不恰
It is said that dogs will keep you        for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.
A.safety         B.company         C.house             D.friend
答案  B
解析  题意为:据说当你感到孤独时,只要你需要,狗都会一直陪伴你。safety安全;company伙伴;house
房屋;friend朋友。keep sb. company陪伴某人,根据题意选B项。
The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has        all over the country.
A.companies      B.branches        C.organizations     D.businesses
答案  A
解析  本题考查名词的区别。company公司;organization组织;business商业,买卖;branch分支,分部,
My            of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.
A.idea           B.opinion           C.mind              D.thought
解析  本题考查名词的区别。idea主意,想法,打算;opinion观点,表示对某事情的评论;mind思维,心思;thought想法。根据题意“我打算本周末与好朋友一起外出。”选A答案。
He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his        was seen as its
best when he worked with others.
A.temper          B.appearance        C.talent            D.character
答案  D
解析  句意为:在与别人共事时,他证明了自己是真正的绅士,同时他的人性美也得到了充分的展示。temper心情;脾气;appearance外表,外貌;talent才能,天才。
Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his        .
A.ability        B.force             C.strength          D.mind
答案  C
解析  本题考查名词同义词的辨析。ability能力;force暴力,武力;strength体力,力气;mind智力;精神。句意为:比尔正在做大量运动,目的是增强他的体力。
The face of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a        of 60 miles.
A.length                    B.distance                     C.way                          D.space
答案  B
解析  length长度;distance距离;way道路;space空间,太空。根据句子的意思,答案选B项,指离那儿60英里远的地方。
Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within        of little children.
A.hand            B.reach           C.space             D.distance
答案  B
解析  hand支配;reach够得着的地方;space空间;distance距离。根据句意,答案选B项。
—Could you tell me the way to        Johnsons,please?
—Sorry,we don’t have        Johnson here in the village.
A.the;the        B.the;a           C./;the            D.the;/
I looked under        bed and found        book I lost last week.
A.the;a           B.the;the         C./;the             D.the;/
答案  B
解析  bed为特指,指双方都知道的那张床;故用定冠词the;book后有定语从句I lost last week,故也为特指
I wanted to catch        early train,but couldn’t get        ride to the station.
A.an;the         B./;the             C.an;/              D.the;a
答案  D
解析  句意为:我想赶上早班火车,但没赶上去车站的车。第一空有形容词early修饰,应为特指;第二空泛
Many people have come to realize that they should go on        balanced diet and make        room in their day for exercise.
A.a;/             B.the;a             C.the;the           D./;a
答案  A
解析  diet可作可数名词,go on a diet为固定搭配“节食;吃健康的食品”;make room for为……留机会或余地,其中room为不可数名词。
Polar bears live mostly on        sea ice,which they use as        platform for hunting seals.
A.a;a             B.a;the             C./;a               D.the;/
答案  C
解析  sea ice为物质名词,因此其前不加冠词;platform讲台;平台,为可数名词,在此为泛指“一种平台”。
How about taking        short break?I want to make        call.
A.the;a           B.a;the             C.the;the           D.a;a
答案  D
解析  have/take a break休息一下,为固定短语。make a call打电话,是习惯用法。
George couldn’t remember when he first met Mr.Anderson,but he was sure it was        Sunday because everybody was at        church.
A./;the           B.the;/             C.a;/               D./;a
答案  C
解析  a Sunday某个星期天;at church做礼拜,为固定短语。句意为:……但他确定那是个周日,因为大家都在做礼拜。
I like        color of your skirt.It is        good match for your blouse.
A.a;the           B.a;a               C.the;a             D.the;the
答案  C
解析  本题考查冠词。“你裙子的颜色”是特指,应用the;“与你的衬衣是很好的搭配”表泛指用a。
—How about        Christmas evening party?
—I should say it was        success.
A.a;a             B.the;a             C.a;/               D.the;/
答案  B
解析  Christmas evening party特指双方都知道的圣诞晚会,是特指;而success前加a,表示成功的人或事,是将抽象名词具体化了。
Christmas is        special holiday when        whole family are supposed to get together.
A.the;the        B.a;a               C.the;a             D.a;the
答案  D
解析  第一个空白处填a表示“类别”;the whole family特指“一家人”。
Many people have come to realize that they should go on          balanced diet and make
room in their day for exercise.
A.a; /           B.the; a            C.the; the          D./; a
答案  A
解析  分析句子可知,第一个空用a表示“一种”,某些不可数的抽象名词前用a/an表示某种具体的情况或概念。如:a great pleasure。第二个空不用冠词,make room腾出空间/时间,room在此为不可数名词,意为“时间”。
walk is expected to last all day,so bring        packed lunch.
A.A;a            B.The;/             C.The;a             D.A;/
答案  C
解析  第一个空格处表特指,即预料到这次步行要花费一整天的时间,所以就带了一份盒饭作为午饭。表示一日三餐的名词前通常不加冠词,但当与形容词连用时,则需要加不定冠词。
—Hello,could I speak to Mr.Smith?
—Sorry,wrong number.There isn’t        Mr.Smith here.
A./               B.a                 C.the               D.one
答案  B
解析  此题考查冠词的用法。句意为:——您好,我可以与史密斯先生讲话吗?——对不起,您拨错号码了,此处没有一位叫史密斯的先生。故此处泛指“任何一个叫史密斯的人”,one用来强调数量,不合要求,故答案为B项。
I know you don’t like        music very much.But what do you think of        music in the film
we saw yesterday?
A./;/             B.the;the           C.the;/             D./;the
答案  D
解析  在第一空中,music是不可数名词为泛指,因此不用任何冠词;第二空特指我们看的电影中的音乐,因此加the。
Of all        reasons for my decision to become a university professor,my father’s advice was
most important one.
A.the;a         B./;a               C./;the             D.the;the
答案  D
解析  成为大学教授的原因,为有所指,因此第一空为定冠词。第二空因为有第一空的范围of all the reasons,故第二空为最高级,填定冠词。
In        review of 44 studies,American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods
daily cut the risk of        heart disease by 76%.
A.a;the         B.the;a             C.a;/           D./;a
答案  C
解析  review是可数名词,表示泛指要用不定冠词a。heart disease心脏病,前面不加冠词。
Everywhere man has cut down        forests in order to grow crops,or to use        wood as fuel
or as building material.
A.the;the         B.the;/             C./;the             D./;/
答案  C
解析  本题考查冠词的用法。第一空为可数名词表类别,有三种形式,一是可数名词单数前加不定冠词,二是可数名词单数前加定冠词,三是用可数名词复数不加冠词。第二空指砍下的木材、材料,因此应加定冠词。
For him        stage is just        means of making a living.
A.a;a            B.the;a             C.the;the           D.a;the
答案  B
解析  stage在该句中表示“从艺”,是一个抽象概念,其前不可加不定冠词;means为单复数同形的名词,由句意可知此处应表示“一种方式”,用a means of。
According to        World Health Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to
prevent        spread of AIDS.
A.the;/          B.the;the           C.a;a               D./;the
答案  B
解析  the  World  Health  Organization(世界卫生组织)属于“the+普通名词”构成的专有名词;the spread of AIDS属于特指,表示AIDS的蔓延,of AIDS作定语,故spread前应加the。
It is often said that        teachers have        very easy life.
A./;/           B./;a               C.the;/             D.the;a
答案  B
解析  依据语境,教师没有明显的界定特征,属于表泛指的复数名词前不加冠词的情况;have an easy life中 life本来是不可数名词,但在其前有形容词修饰时,其内涵具体化了,要加不定冠词。
I knew        John Lennon,but not         famous one.
A./;a                       B.a;the                         C./;the                          D.the;a
答案  B
解析  此题考查冠词。第一个空泛指一个叫John Lennon的人所以用a,第二空特指有名的那个人,所以用
If you grow up in         large family,you are more likely to develop        ability to get on well with
A./;an;the                B.a;the;/                       C.the;an;the                  D.a;the;the
答案  B
解析  本题考查冠词的用法。alarge family一个大家庭,表泛指的概念;由于ability后面有修饰语“to get on well…”,故ability前要加定冠词;others意为“别人”,表泛指,而the others意为“其余的人”,表特指。
Mrs.Taylor has        8-year-old—daughter who has        gift for painting. —She has won two national prizes.
A.a;a            B.an;the            C.an;a              D.the;a
答案  C
解析  本题考查冠词的用法。句意为:泰勒夫人有个8岁的女儿,她有绘画天赋,在全国比赛中已经获得过两次奖。8-year-old daughter前要用不定冠词an;have a gift for是固定词组,意为“有……天赋”。
On May 5, 2005,at        World Table Tennis Championship,Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men’s doubles with        score of 4:1.
A.a;a                     B./;the                          C.a;/                                   D.the;a
答案  D
解析  考查冠词。本题中的世界锦标赛是特指2005年的这一届,而比分不是唯一的,因此是泛指。本题不要受汉语思维的影响而选B项或C项。
The Wilsons live in        A-shaped house near the coast.It is        17th century cottage.
A.the;/         B.an;the            C./;the             D.an;a
答案  D
解析  根据house,cottage两个空都必须填冠词,从而排除A、C两项;第二空后的17th century只表示
第二部分  各地联考题汇编
—Let us suppose that you are in        position of        parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?
—Certainly not.
A.a; a                        B.a; the                  C.the; a                  D.the; the
答案  C
Mike seldom asks ______ questions in class, but today he raised ______ fairly good one.
A./; a                    B.the; a              C./; the                D./; /
答案  A
Panda is one of         remaining endangered animals in the world.
A.The; the                  B.A; a                    C.The; a                 D.不填;the
答案  A
—I heard that as many as 24 people were killed in the big fire.
—Yes,         news came as          shock to us.
A.a; a                        B.the; /                   C./; a                     D.the; a
答案  D
What China can learn from          2008 financial storm has become          hot topic among us.
A.the; /               B.the; a                C./; the                  D./; a
答案  B
China will send its first Mars Rover, Yinghuo-1, into ______ space by ______Russian space rocket in October 2009.
A. 不填;the        B. the; a             C. 不填; a        D. the; the
答案  C
As China plays __     bigger part in global affairs, it draws more attention from _    _rest of the world. 高.考.资.源
A. the; a             B. a; the          C. 不填; the        D. a; 不填 高.考.资.源.网
答案  B
—I hear as many as 272 people have been killed in the earthquake in Italy till now.
—Yes, ________ news came as _______ shock to me.
A./; the                 B.the; a              C.the; the            D./; a
答案  B
When a giraffe has ______ drink, it has to stand with its front legs wide apart to reach    ______ water. 高考资源网
A.不填;不填         B.a; the            C.the; 不填          D.不填; the 高考资源
网答案  B
We had over 120,000 people here at _____ weekend and expect to have up to ______ third of that number on the beach today.
A.the; a                  B.the; the            C.不填; a              D.a; the
答案  A
Students should be encouraged to use        Internet as        resource.
A.不填;a         B.不填;the      C.the;the       D.the;a
答案  D
In the Beijing Olympics,Phelps from the US is       person of wonder,      person who swam into the Olympic history.
A.the;the      B.a;a           C.a:the         D.the;a
答案  B
My aunt, as          easy – going old lady, did give us          surprise when she lost her temper at the family
party yesterday.
A.the; a          B.an; 不填       C.an; a         D.不填; a
答案  C
When the spaceship traveled above,      new-looking earth appeared before us,  ____ earth that we had never seen before.
A. the; the            B. a; an            C. an; the             D. the; an
答案  B
Chinese Vice-Premier called on Thursday for______ all-out effort to ensure ______ food and drug safety.
A. an; a           B. an; 不填        C. the; the           D. 不填; the
答案  B
A Jian 10(Fighter-10), China's most advanced military jet, made      successful landing after         engine failure.
A.a;an        B.不填;an       C.a;the           D.the;不填
答案  A
17. (09辽宁省沈阳二中高三二模)
It was such a(n)        when Pat and Mike met each other in Macao.Each thought that the other was still in Hong Kong.
A.fancy         B.incident        C.coincidence       D.destination
答案  C
According to a UN report,30 percent of the world population have no          to clean drinking water and health
A.means         B.approach       C.channel          D.access
答案  D
What he told us about the situation simply doesn’t make any _______.
A. sense       B. idea        C. meaning         D. mistake
答案  A
When my father returned from his trip to Jiuzhaigou, he said the beautiful scenery there was beyond __________.
A. influence     B. expression   C. experience        D. expectation
答案  B
21. (09湖北省黄冈中学高三第二次模拟考试)
We all know the lion is considered the king of the forest and it is a(an) __________ of courage and power.
A. example            B. sign                  C. mark                        D. symbol
答案  D
Mr.Barren doesn’t think that all bad language should be allowed.In his opinion, there are ______ that should be kept up.
A. degrees      B. levels       C. limits             D. standards
答案  D
I broke my relationship with John because he always found       with me.
A.error               B.mistake      C.fault               D.failure
答案  C
Unfortunately, a fire broke out suddenly in his house and burnt all his ______, leaving him nothing but a car.
A.furniture      B.fortune          C.possessions               D.treasure
答案  C
Mr Brown thought it would be a good idea to have ______from his workers to improve his plan.
A.summaries                     B.enquires
C.comments                      D.connections
答案  C
The fire which happened in the CCTV's new building has raised _   _ about the safety of using fireworks in cities.
A. attention       B. expectation      C. concern           D. standard
答案  C
What a pity! He got nothing in ______ for his hard work.
A. award          B. prize             C. reward            D. result
答案  C
The       of surfing the Internet is how you can tell whether the information is true or not.
A.ability            B.competition        C.challenge              D.knowledge
答案  C
The plane must be ready within half an hour. There should be no         in sending the blood and medicine to the injured people.
A.hurry                B.delay                 C.time                      D.wait
答案  C
My calculations were based on the _________ that house prices would remain steady.
A.appreciation      B.arrangement    C.assumption         D.ambition
答案  C
As is well-known, the brain performs a very important ____________,which controls the nerve system of the body.
A. motion             B. action           C. function           D. fact
答案  C
If you come _____ second in the race,you’11 get_____qualification to compete for the next round.
A./:a        B.the;a         C.a;the           D./;the
答案  D
We had      nice dinner after the meeting with       dishes of fish,meat,  vegetables and dessert.
A.a;不填       B.the;the       C.a;the         D.不填;the
答案  C
While income worry is _______ rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that ________ aged parents may face.
A. a; 不填        B. the; 不填        C. a; the            D. the; the
答案  A
Obama has been elected ______ first black president of the United States,and the intemational society expects to have ______ new USA under his leadership.
A.不填;the     B.a;the          C.the;a         D.the;the
答案  C
The New York Times started    new text messaging service that delivers   latest news to mobile phones.
A.a;the      B.the;the     C./;/      D.the;a
答案  A
一My flight was delayed because of________ heavy rain.
—But you are just in______________ time for the discussion.
A.the;a         B.a;the         C.不填;不填     D.the;不填
答案  D
Would you like            knife and fork.Or would you other use          chopsticks,sir?
A.the:the                          B.a:不填
C.不填:the                        D.the:the
答案  B
Everybody said it was a perfect marriage;no one had ever known          couple
A.the happier       B.a happier      C.a happiest      D.the happiest
答案  B
In China,        car is becoming         popular means of transportation.
A.a; the          B.a; 不填       C.the; the      D.the; a
答案  D
Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration,        accident can happen when the astronauts walk in            space.
A.不填;the       B.an;the       C.the;the      D.an;不填
答案  D
Babies are not born with ______ moral sense; they can’t tell ______ difference between right and wrong.
A. the; the             B. a; a                   C. a; the                    D. 不填; a
答案  C
Dirk Andrewi,Tony were named as assistant professors, Believe it nor not,        three of them were of         age.
A./:all        B./:the        C.the;all       D.the ;the
答案  C
We all know that _____ man is the only creature that has devepled _____  power of speech.
A.不填;the      B.the;the        C.不填;a       D.the;a
答案  A
Have you heard     news? The price of     petrol around the world is going down by 70%!
A.the,the      B.the,不填       C.不填,the      D.不填,不填
答案  A
In the reading room,you should walk on        tiptoe so that you wouldn’t disturb other  readers.
A the;the       B,the;/         C./;the         D,/,/
答案  C
It’s really _    _ type I’ve been after, but I’d like to give it _______second thought.
A. a; 不填       B. a; the         C. the; a          D. the; the
答案  C
48. (09安徽省黄山市高三毕业班第一次质量检测)
She has a          of playing with her hair when she’s nervous.
A.sense           B practice          C.custom          D habit
答案  D
She is the only one among the        writers who        shoft stories for children.
A.woman;writes                   B.woman; write
C.women;write                    D.women;writes
答案  D
A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said _______ among new grraduates grew to over
12 percent last year at 1.5 million because of the global economic crisis.
A. disagreement          B. enlargement
C.unemployment                 D.encouragement
答案  C
51. (09湖北省黄冈中学第一次模拟考试)
This research has attracted wide _______ coverage and has featured on BBC television’s Tomorrow’s World.
A.message                            B.information
C.media                               D.data
答案  C
一I’we heard that another brand of milk powder has been banned .
-It’s a shame that some companies lack the sense of social responsibility and        .
A.consequence                   B.construction
C.consideration                 D.conscience
答案  D
53. (09日照市高三模拟考试)
It doesn’t make any sense for tbe Prime Minister to         a banker to this post.
A.choose       B.elect        C.appoint          D.select
答案  C
According to news reports personal         of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble.
A.wealth       B.possession   C.matter           D.problem
答案  B
He was a much older player but he had the great          of experience.
A.interest         B.success       C.advantage       D.honor
答案  C
The increase in home computers means that families now have much easier        to information.
A measure         B access         C way             D method
答案  B
The two parties held the talk in a friendly________________ and reached an agreement.
A.atmosphere    B.state           C.situation        D.phenomenon
答案  A
一Believe it or not。last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in  the drift bottle I got three years ago!
一Really? That’s the most surprising_____ I’ve ever heard of!
A.acquaintance  B.coincidence    C.viewpoint     D.procedure
答案  B
一What do you think of the project put forward by the Blacks?
一Considering its real       ,it will be well worth putting into practice.I suppose.
A.reward       B.prize          C.cost         D.value
答案  D
We should look up to him as a shinning example of ______ to duty.
A.devotion                       B.privilege
C.responsibility                 D.burden
答案  A
The        of Green Olympics,High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics will allow Beijing to become the focal point for tourists from across the globe.
A.theme               B.purpose               C.task              D.brand
答案  A
At        dawn,the river water had risen to        height of the main road beside it.
A.the;a                             B./;the                                 C.the;the                      D./;a
答案  B
What        bad memory I have!You see,I forgot to take        key.
A.a;the                             B./;the                                 C.a;/                                   D.the;a
答案  A
Though our city had a good public transport system,        private car is becoming        popular means of transport.
A.a;/                                B.the;the                              C.the;a                         D./;the
答案  C
Each of us is likely to develop a personal        for certain types of entertainment.
A.preference          B.interest              C.habit             D.feature
答案  A
—Have you seen        toothpaste?
—Isn’t it on        sink?
A.the;a               B./;the                 C.the;the           D./;a
答案  C
This book tells about        life story of Bill Gates who dropped out of        college and founded a
computer company at the age of 19.
A.the;the             B.a;the                 C.the;/             D.a;/
答案  C
Be sure to read the        carefully before you take the medicine so that it can function better.
A.directions          B.compositions          C.prescriptions     D.presentation
答案  A
How beautiful you are today!I like        design of your shoes.They are        match for your dress.
A.a;the               B.a;a                   C.the;a             D.the;the
答案  C
Although Tan Weiwei began her        by singing in a local bar,she is now a famous star.
A.employment          B.profession            C.occupation        D.career
答案  D
Beijing plans to control        number of vehicles on the road to ensure clean air for        2008 Olympic Games.
A.a;/                 B.a;the                 C.the;/             D.the;the
答案  D
He spoke for quite a long time,but he threw no        on the main point.
A.excuse              B.doubt                 C.light             D.detail
答案  C
My parents and I went to the concert,but we weren’t able to get tickets for        .
A.two of us           B.the two of us         C.three of us       D.the three of us
答案  D
You can stick to your own point of view,but in my opinion it’s not worth the        you will make.
A.strength            B.energy                C.effort            D.use
答案  C
It is known that water is not        endless resource,nor        that can be made once more.
A.the;/               B.an;one                C.an;that           D./;one
答案  B
Ladies and gentlemen:Let’s keep the meeting short and to the        so as not to waste everyone’s time.
A.opinion             B.note                  C.key               D.point
答案  D
We were greatly shocked to hear the news that        two Chinese engineers were shot to death in Pakistan.Worse still,        third one died in a hospital afterwards.
A.the;a               B.the;the               C./;a               D./;the
答案  C
I request,as        human being to human beings:remember your humanity and forget        rest.
A.a;a                 B.a;the                 C.the;/             D./;the
答案  B
She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their        .
A.pleasure            B.ease                  C.delight           D.comfort
答案  B
—What do you think of Helen’s remarks on her appearance?
—If you ask me,she has too high        of herself.
A.an opinion          B.a respect             C.an idea           D.a mood
答案  A
—We are too busy to take        holiday at present.
—But I think we’ll be able to take        two weeks away.
A.the;that            B.a;one                 C.a;it              D.the;one
答案  B
—Oh,must you leave?Stay a bit longer;it’s been such        fun having you here.
—Thanks,anyway.I’ve got        early start tomorrow morning.
A./;the                             B.a;an                                 C./;an                           D.the;an
答案  C
—Jack,what do you think of the event which not only promoted        of world hunger,but raised a lot of money to help those poor children?
—That’s great.
A.contribution                  B.direction                           C.awareness                 D.loneliness
答案  C
In 1990,        Belgian inventor by        name of Bakelite invented the first modern plastics.
A.a;a                               B.a;the                                C.the;a                         D.the;/
答案  B
On        recent trip,he visited        relative he doesn’t know very well,one of his distant aunts.
A.a;a                 B.a;the                 C.the;a             D.the;the
答案  A
Our waiter,who seemed to have a bad cold,kept coughing on our table as he took our        .
A.offer               B.bill                  C.bill              D.menu
答案  C
About 698,000 laptops were sold in China in        second quarter,        12.1% increase from a year ago.
A.a;a                 B.a;the                 C.the;the           D.the;a
答案  D
—Don’t you think 400 thousand yuan is the right        of the house?
—No.It’s more than I can afford.
A.money               B.price                 C.value             D.cost
答案  B
9. (08石家庄高中毕业班复习教学质量检测二)
On        way home,the taxi driver slowed down to make        way for an old man,who was crossing the street.
A.the;a               B.the;/                 C./;/               D.the;the
答案  B
10. (08石家庄高中毕业班复习教学质量检测二)
—Do you have anyone particular in          for the job?
—In my opinion,Tom is the right person.
A.head               B.heart                 C.mind              D.brain
答案  C
Don’t mind too much about        mistakes.They are        natural part of learning.
A./;/                 B.the;a                 C./;a               D.the;the
答案  C
Don’t mind too much about        mistakes.They are        natural part of learning.
A./;/                 B.the;a                 C./;a               D.the;the
答案  C
There is an obvious        between the cultures of the West and East.
A.contract            B.contrast              C.content           D.contact
答案  B
Eric was so foolih.He didn’t even have        common sense to send for        doctor.
A.the;the             B.a;the                 C.the;a             D.a;a
答案  C
Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional        so that they can be qualified for a well-paid job.
A.admission           B.permission            C.certificates      D.perseverance
答案  C
earlier online survey showed that        majority of Chinese believe Yuan Longping deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to fighting world hunger.
A.The;the             B.The;a             C.An;/              D.An;the
答案  D
In Afghanistan there’s been an emergent        for $77 million worth of food because they simply cannot import the food to fill the shelves.
A.aid                 B.reward            C.appeal            D.budget
答案  C
The tour will provide        unique opportunity for you to live with a British family for a week in        hope that you will have a better understanding of the UK.
A.a;/                 B.an;/              C.a;the             D.an;the
答案  C
According to recent reports,one of the rare animals,           crocodile,will be in danger of dying out in        2020s.
A.a;/                 B.the;the           C.the;/             D./;the
答案  B
Before the final examination,many students have shown            of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
A.signs               B.marks             C.anxiety           D.remarks
答案  A
All our efforts will certainly lead to        more peaceful and more advanced world,         place where everyone enjoys his life and freedom.
A.the;a               B./;the             C.a;a               D.the;the
答案  C
In our school,every student had free         to the library.
A.access              B.chance            C.right             D.use
答案  A
Many firms give away small quantities of their productions as          so that people can try them before buying.
A.signs                   B.signals               C.examples              D.samples
答案  D
I felt excited when I looked in the         of the sea.
A.way                     B.distance              C.case                  D.direction
答案  D
British government often says that providing children with        to the information super
highway is of great importance.
A.prevention              B.protection            C.allowance             D.access
答案  D
My English teacher is really very kind.I’ll never forget the     he has done me.
A.favor                   B.deed                  C.help                  D.value
答案  A
On Feb.15,2006,Wang Meng won the third      for China after Yang Yang embraced two at the 2002
Salt Lake City Games.
A.Winter Olympic gold medal                       B.Winter Olympic golden medal
C.Winter’s Olympic gold medal                    C.Winter’s Olympic golden medal
答案  A
According to a UN report,one third of the world population have no       to clean drinking
water and health care.
A.means                   B.approach              C.channel               D.access
答案  D
The       ,I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.
A.conclusion              B.charge                C.promise               D.relation
答案  A
8.( 07石家庄市高中毕业班复习教学质量检测一)
Their products enjoy 30 percent       of the market in this country because both the quality and
their service are fine.
A.feature                 B.share                 C.discount              D.sale
答案  B
Supermarkets now offer a great        of goods to satisfy different needs and         .
A.variety;tastes          B.type;hopes            C.number;smells         D.kind;markets
答案  A
Linda gave us a vivid        of her trip to Mount Lu after her return.
A.account                B.explanation           C.imagination           D.idea
答案  A
In the       of rain,the opening ceremony of the book fair will have to be held indoors.
A.face                   B.event                 C.time                  D.course
答案  B
If you look at the problem       ,maybe you will accept it is something unavoidable in the development of our society.
A.by the other way       B.the other way         C.another way           D.by another way
答案  B
If the company wants to fire me,they have to give me three month’s         .
A.advice                 B.information           C.notice                D.message
答案  C
Niagara Falls is a great tourist        ,drawing millions of visitors every year.
A.attention              B.attraction            C.appointment           D.arrangement
答案  B
—Mary divorced again last week.
—Why did she do a thing like that?It seems to make no       .
A.difference            B.thought                C.mindD.brain           D.meaning
答案  C
Martin found that breaking a law and then being put in prison was the best way to take his       off his hunger.
A.heart                  B.thought               C.mind                  D.brain
答案  C
Being able to speak another language fluently is a great         when you’re looking for a job.
A.chance                B.importance             C.assistant             D.advantage
答案  D
—Why didn’t you go fishing with your friend yesterday?
—Well,fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of       ,which I don’t have.
A.strength              B.money                  C.wisdom                D.patience
答案  D
If we go on using energy so wastefully,        are that our oilwells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil.
A.chances               B.difficulties           C.questions             D.problems
答案  A
You are all new comers here.Try not to make         to strangers.
A.ways                  B.connections            C.means                 D.approaches
答案  D
The report said a bus went out of         control in the highway          south of the city and rushed into the river.
A.the;the                 B./;the                 C.the;/                 D./;/
答案  D
John had made up his mind to give it up,but on       second thought he determined to try           third time.
A./;a                     B./;/                   C.a;a                   D.the;a
答案  A
person like him won’t be satisfied with        little progress that he has made.
A.The;a                   B.The;/                 C.A;/                   D.A;the
答案  D
—Have you hear of the North Korea’s nuclear test?
—Yes,       news came as        shock to me.
A.the;a                   B.the;the               C.a;a                   D.a;the
答案  A
The boss wanted an assistant with        knowledge of French and        work experience.
A.the;the                 B.a;/                   C.a;the                 D.the;/
答案  B
—What do you see when you think of       forest?
—Of course,     trees.
A.a;/                     B.the;the               C./;/                   D.a;the
答案  A
There must be a better way to teach our students         value of        life than just inviting an old professor to give a boring speech.
A.the;a                   B./;the                 C.a;/                   D.the;/
答案  D
—Look!Jane has       tense expression on her face.
—So she does.It seems that       news is true.
A.a;/                     B.a;the                 C.the;/                 D.the;a
答案  B
The driver was at       loss when       word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.
A.a;the                   B./;/                   C.the;the               D.a;/
答案  D
—How did I do on        test?
—Well,actually you didn’t do very well.I wonder if you had           good review of your lessons.
A.a;a                    B.the;the               C.a;the                 D.the;a
答案  D
careful study should be made of     international situations in this changing world.
A.The;the                B.A;/                   C.A;the                 D.The;/
答案  B
It was       surprise that my first teacher,already 90,was still living and in     good health.
A.the;a                  B./;a                   C.a;/                   D.a;the
答案  C
Generally,      wolves are animals of       endangered species.
A./;the                  B.a;the                 C.the;the               D./;an
答案  D
In China,       car is getting to be        popular means of transportation.
A.the;a                  B.a;/                   C.the;the               D.a;the
答案  A
Towards      evening,       icy rain began to fall and      road became slippery.
A./;the;a                B./;an;the              C.the;/;a               D.the;/;the
答案  B
It is said that terrorists will still take action to attack the United States and the UK although
attack on England’s airplane in August,2006 was           failure.
A.the;the                B.the;a                 C.an;the                D.an;a
答案  B
—I guess the movie must be directed by  `   Zhang Yimou,isn’t it?
—No.It’s directed by a promising young director,who is to be      new Zhang Yimou in the near
A./;a                    B.a;/                   C./;the                 D.the;a
答案  A
Chinese first-ever F1 race has proved        great success.It provides       platform for Chinese companies to connect with the international market.
A.a;a                    B./;a                   C./;the                 D.the;the
答案  A
M(m)oney plays an important role in     material world.But you can’t expect it to give you real happiness.
A.A;the                  B./;a                   C./;the                 D.The;the
He likes         music so much that I think it right to buy him         MP3 as       birthday
A.the;an;a               B./;an;the              C./;an;a                D.the;a;a
答案  C
When in      new culture,you must have an opened mind towards       new environment you face.
A.a;a                    B./;/                   C./;the                 D.a;the
答案  D
With        good education,he soon turned out to be       VIP(very important person)of the company.
A.a;the                  B.the;the               C.a;a                   D./;/
答案  C
Tea is       most popular drink,while coffee comes      second.
A.a;the                  B.the;the               C.the;/                 D.a;/
答案  C
Would you like       knife and fork,or would you rather use     chopsticks,sir?
A.the;the                B.a;/                   C./;the                 D./;/
答案  B
The rain was so heavy that we had to take        shelter in      church.
A./;a                    B.a;/                   C.a;the                 D./;/
答案  A
第三部分 创新预测题精选
1.As is known,     good knowledge of basic physics helps us better understand      natural
A.a;a                     B.a;the                 C./;/                   D.a;/
答案  D
2.All the organizations involved have sent urgent       to the government,asking for extra funding.
A.appeals                 B.replies               C.consultations         D.contracts
答案  A
3.Tibet regional government said 105 people had surrendered themselves to       police by 11 p.m.
on Tuesday for involvement in         Lhasa riot that killed more than ten innocent civilians.
A.the;/                   B.a;a                   C.a;the                 D./;the
答案  D
4. With more than 40 percent of Chinese people suffering from some form of sleep disorder, health
experts      greater public      to sleep health on Thursday,as Friday,March 21st is World Day
Of Sleep.
A.acquired;focus         B.demanded;devotion     C.centered;awareness    D.urged;attention
答案  D
5.Ms.Michelle Kwan(关颖珊),        26-year-old athlete returned to Guangzhou for       second-time visit
A.the;a                   B.the;the               C./;/                   D.a;a
答案  A
6.Stand at the top of the mountain,and then you’ll get a better       of the town.
A.sight                   B.view                  C.scene                 D.scenery
答案  B
7.      snow disaster of 2008 came as       total surprise to us,which caused millions of people to
delay the journey home.
A.A;the                   B.The;a                 C./;the                 D.The;/
答案  B
8.—How was your trip to Changbai Mountain?
—Fantastic!One splendid mountain        followed another on our journey.
A.view                    B.glimpse               C.glance                D.scenery
答案  A
9. Having received      training of the General Motor Company, he was offered      important
position in management.
A.the;an                 B./;an                  C.the;/                 D.a;an
答案  A
10.As is known to us,      life in the modern world is easier in some ways than        life our grandparents lived.
A.the;the                B.a;the                 C./;the                 D.the;a
答案  C
11.Pets need a lot of care and          ;you can not leave them alone for a long time.
A.patience               B.attention             C.courage               D.responsibility
答案  B
12.The police said that         thief was a young man with         brown hair.
A.the;a                  B.the;/                 C.a;/                   D.a;a
答案  B
13.         Premier Wen Jiabao delivered        annual Government Report at the opening meeting of
National People’s Congress on March 5th,07.
A.The;the;the            B.The;/;the             C./;the;the             D./;/;the
答案  C
14.I saw Mary dancing at Kate’s birthday party and on that        she was really excellent.
A.scene                  B.situation             C.position              D.occasion
答案  D
15.—I am at        loss at the moment.Can you help me?
—That’s out of        question.What can I do for you?
A.a;/                    B.a;the                 C./;a                  D./;the
答案  A
16.Mr.White was made        general manager of the company last week.Look,     new manager is
A.the;/                  B.a;the                 C./;the             D.the;the
答案  C
17.Airlines and hotels often offer      to avoid the expense and lost money of an empty seat or hotel
A.service                B.gifts                 C.food                  D.discounts
答案  D
18.These two swimming pools are of      size.But another two are twice      size of them.
A.the;the                B.a;the                 C.a;a                   D.the;a
答案  B
19.My older brother Steve,helped me grow into an adult.Steve taught me to face the     of my
A.reasons                B.realities             C.advantages            D.results
答案  D
20.Because      unemployment is very high at present,it’s not easy for a fresh graduate fo find
satisfying job as he wishes.
A.the;/                  B./;a                   C.the;a                 D,an;the
答案  B
21.I like the color of the tie.It will be a good        for my shirt.
A.match                  B.access                C.company               D.partner
答案  A
22.Beyond       stars,Fei Junlong,the Chinese astronaut,saw nothing but      space.
A./;the                  B.the;/                 C./;/                   D.the;the
答案  B
23.According to          announcement by Guangzhou Prices Bureau,      new measures which have
been taken recently are expected to cut the price of consumer durables.
A.the;/                  B.an;the                C./;the                 D.an;/
答案  B
24.At the meeting,many speakers urged immediate             against the illegal trade.
A.condition              B.action                C.decision              D.ways
答案  B