诸葛亮的人物形象:福岛核电站发生第三次爆炸 - 双语阅读 - FT中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:19:25
2011年03月15日 08:12 AM

福岛核电站发生第三次爆炸Japanese nuclear crisis escalates

英国《金融时报》 乔纳森•索布尔 , 中本美智代 东京报道 字号最大 较大 默认 较小 最小 背景                    收藏 电邮 打印 评论[44条] 中文  


A third explosion has been reported by the Japanese nuclear safety agency at Unit Two of the Fukushima Daiichi power station, damaged in Friday’s erathquake.


Japan issued a call for international reinforcement in its battle to prevent a potential nuclear disaster amid signs that a third reactor had gone into partial meltdown at the Fukushima power plant crippled by last week’s earthquake.


Engineers struggled to control reactors at Tokyo Electric Power’s Daiichi plant in Fukushima, north east of the capital, the cooling systems were damaged by the 8.9 magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami.

工程技术人员竭尽全力控制东京电力株式会社(Tokyo Electric Power)的福岛第一(Fukushima Daiichi)核电站。该电站的冷却系统在8.9级地震和随后的海啸中受损。

Early on Tuesday morning in Japan, Tepco said coolant water inside the reactor fell dangerously low for a second time in 24 hours on Monday night, leaving its fuel rods completely exposed and at risk of partial meltdown.


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Japan had requested “expert missions” to help tackle the escalating nuclear crisis. In Washington, the White House said two officials from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission were already in Tokyo giving assistance.


Yukiya Amano, a veteran Japanese diplomat who heads the IAEA, said the agency was discussing details with Tokyo. He said: “The nuclear plants have been shaken, flooded and cut off from electricity. Operators have suffered personal tragedies.”

国际原子能机构总干事、日本资深外交官天野之弥(Yukiya Amano)表示,该机构正与东京方面讨论细节。他表示:“相关核电站已受到地震、水淹,还被切断电源。操作人员遭受了个人悲剧。”

France’s ASN nuclear safety authority said the accident in Japan could be classed as level five or six on the international scale of one to seven, on a par with the 1979 US Three Mile Island meltdown. The estimate of the severity of the accident, based on the ASN’s assessment of data provided by Japan, is above the rating of four given by Japan’s nuclear safety agency.


But Mr Amano added his voice to those nuclear experts playing down the risk of a catastrophic event. “The reactor vessels have held and radioactive release is limited,” he said.


In a sign of the growing concern about leaked radiation, the US navy on Monday began moving ships aiding the relief effort out of areas downwind of the power plant.


France advised its nationals to leave Tokyo amid growing alarm about problems at the nuclear power plant and a warning from meteorological agency about a possible large aftershock in the Kanto region.

法国已建议本国国民离开东京。目前外界对福岛核电站的问题越来越感到震惊,而气象厅警告称,关东地区(Kanto region)可能发生一次较强的余震。

