诸葛亮有关的对联:美军高官:中美两军关系有望改善 - 双语阅读 - FT中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 12:32:37
2011年04月14日 06:24 AM

美军高官:中美两军关系有望改善China navy less aggressive, US says

英国《金融时报》 席佳琳 北京报道 字号最大 较大 默认 较小 最小 背景                    收藏 电邮 打印 评论[4条] 中文  


The commander of US forces in the Pacific says there has been a softening in the attitude of the Chinese navy, expressing the hope that military relations could be improving after a rocky past two years.

美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特•威拉德上将(Admiral Robert Willard)表示,中国海军的态度近期在软化,他表示希望,经过麻烦不断的两年后,中美两军关系可以有所改善。

“There has been a retrenchment . . . by the Chinese Navy such that while we continue to experience their shadowing of some of our ships that are operating in these waters, we have not seen the same level of assertiveness in 2011 that we witnessed in 2010,” Admiral Robert Willard told senators at a hearing on Tuesday.


He added: “I take [this] as a positive, especially given the fact that we have [military-to-military] relations that have recommenced to a modest extent, and perhaps we can make an advance in that regard.”


The comments are unusual coming from an officer who is known for his hawkish stance on China, and could mark a turning point in the way the two militaries deal with each other. China’s growing global economic and political clout, coupled with rapid military modernisation especially of its navy, have driven the two nations into an increasingly visible rivalry in regional waters during the past few years.


Gary Li, an expert on the Chinese navy at Exclusive Analysis, a UK-based risk consultancy, said: “Certainly it’s a good sign that the sabre-rattling commander of the Pacific command is using moderating words like this in regards to China.”

英国风险咨询公司Exclusive Analysis研究中国海军的专家加里•李(Gary Li)表示:“一向态度强硬的美军太平洋司令部司令在谈到中国时使用这样温和的言辞,当然是一个好的迹象。”

In early 2009, the US accused China of having harassed its surveillance vessels in international waters on several occasions. Last year, several Chinese naval officers aired anti-American views in state media.


China holds the view that foreign military vessels may only sail through its exclusive economic zone with Beijing’s permission, and frequently calls on the US to cease its surveillance operations in China’s near seas. Military analysts view Adm Willard’s comments as an indication that incidents such as those in 2009 will not occur again.


Adm Willard attributed the change in China’s tone to strong statements from Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, and Robert Gates, secretary of defence, in which they declared the US’s determination to retain its influence in Asia-Pacific.

威拉德上将将中国态度的转变归因于美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和国防部长罗伯特•盖茨(Robert Gates)的有力声明——两人均宣告,美国决心保留其在亚太地区的影响力。

While Adm Willard added that he had no doubts that China continued to seek great influence in Asian waters, analysts said his remarks reflected a warming relationship.


“The mentioning of the resumption of military contacts points to some behind the scenes ‘no bullshit’ dialogue over the Pacific,” said Mr Li. “The current Chinese leadership does not want a legacy of naval frustration and several foreign navies steaming angrily around China when they leave office next year.”




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