诸葛亮的优点:利比亚反政府抗议活动蔓延至全境 - 双语阅读 - FT中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 03:47:32
2011年02月22日 06:48 AM

利比亚反政府抗议活动蔓延至全境Protesters claim Libyan victories

英国《金融时报》 安德鲁•英格兰 , 赫巴•萨勒 开罗报道 字号最大 较大 默认 较小 最小 背景                    收藏 电邮 打印 评论[91条] 中文  


Muammer Gaddafi’s four-decade grip on power in Libya appeared increasing fragile on Monday after protests against his regime reached the capital, Tripoli, and the opposition claimed to have gained control of Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.

穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)在利比亚逾40年的掌权在周一似乎变得越来越虚弱,反政府抗议活动已经蔓延至首都的黎波里,且反对派宣称已经控制了利比亚第二大城市班加西。

The popular uprising against Colonel Gaddafi’s regime, initially centred in Benghazi and other eastern cities, swept across Libya. Clashes were reported in Tripoli, the capital, for a second day on Monday, with dozens of people reportedly killed. Exiled opposition figures and activists said they feared another violent crackdown from the regime as it sought to maintain control of the capital.


Col Gaddafi must hold Tripoli if he is to avoid becoming the third Arab leader in two months to be toppled by popular uprisings, which have already forced the presidents of neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt from office.


“I’m really worried that he wants to subdue the population by mass killings,” said Ahmed el-Gasir, a Libyan human rights activist based in Switzerland.

“我非常担心他打算以大规模杀戮来制服民众,”身在瑞士的利比亚人权活动分子艾哈迈德•加西尔(Ahmed el-Gasir)表示。

Mr Gasir and others said telephone networks in Tripoli appeared to have been cut off since midday Monday.


The internet has been blocked since Saturday, making it difficult to confirm reports from inside the country.


Col Gaddafi has not been seen since the unrest erupted. Seif al-Islam, one of his seven sons, appeared on television in the early hours of Monday, promising to “fight to the last minute”.

自动乱爆发以来,卡扎菲一直没有现身。他的7个儿子之一赛义夫•伊斯拉姆(Seif al-Islam)周一凌晨在电视上发表讲话,誓言将“战斗到最后一刻”。

Ashour Shamis, a government critic based in London, said: “His sons are bent on fighting for Tripoli. It’s stupid bloodshed. They have lost everything else, so what are they fighting for?”

身在伦敦的政府批评人士阿舒尔•沙弥(Ashour Shamis)表示:“他的儿子们决意要保卫首都的黎波里。这是愚蠢的流血牺牲。他们已经别无所有,他们究竟在为什么而战斗呢?”

William Hague, the British foreign secretary, told reporters he had “seen some information that suggests [Col Gaddafi] is on his way [to Venezuela] at the moment”. Reuters, however, quoted a Venezuelan source who dismissed reports that Libya’s embattled leader was en-route to the Latin American nation. At least 233 people have been killed during the uprising, according to Human Rights Watch.

英国外交大臣威廉·黑格(William Hague)在接受记者采访时表示,他“获得的一些信息表明(卡扎菲)目前已经离开利比亚,正前往委内瑞拉”。然而,路透社援引一位委内瑞拉消息人士的话称,困境中的利比亚领导人并未动身前往委内瑞拉。根据人权观察(Human Rights Watch)的数据,至少233人已经在利比亚的内乱中丧生。

Tripoli residents said police stations and other government buildings, including the General People’s Congress, had been set on fire.

的黎波里的市民称,警局和其它政府大楼都被点燃,其中包括总人民大会(General People’s Congress)大楼。

The GPC functions as a parliament in Col Gaddafi’s authoritarian political system, which holds sway over the country’s tribal factions.


There were also reports that some of Libya’s powerful tribes had joined the anti-regime protests. The country’s ambassadors to the Arab League and India also resigned in protest at the brutality of the crackdown by security forces.

还有报道称,利比亚一些势力强大的部落已经加入了反政府抗议者的行列。利比亚驻阿盟(Arab League)及印度大使也宣布辞职,以抗议军警的残暴镇压。

Qureyna, a Libyan newspaper, reported that the justice minister, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, had stepped down from his post citing “excessive use of force against unarmed protesters”.

利比亚报纸Qureyna报道称,司法部长穆斯塔法•阿卜杜勒•加里尔(Mustafa Abdel-Jalil)因(政府)“对手无寸铁的抗议者过度使用武力”而宣布辞职。

In his defiant, rambling speech Seif al-Islam said some concessions would be made by the regime, but also warned of “rivers of blood” and a descent into chaos and civil war.




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