
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 00:55:47
1.But, i think  it's not so much idiosyncratic, but it's a different emphasis that i put forth.
2.effeminate men. 
4.at times close to insubordinate
5.The outgoing defence secretary brought a cool-headed competence to the job that was desperately needed
 6.   keep a clear mind = keep a sober mind   = be cool-headed
7. professional competence
8.Yoga teachers are committed to   maintaining  impeccable standards of professional competence and integrity:     立志保持    专业能力 和诚实
9.Teaching is my job , and  i teach all students with  as much professional competence as i possess     :     尽其所能
10. impeccable       
  1. He was charming, considerate and impeccably mannered.


11.integrity   posterity    offspring    
12.seasoned men                     air seasoned                Seasoned Marshal
13.Mr Obama had little choice other than to go along with it.
14.preside over = preside at 
15. Our investment in water softener  was  a boondoggle :  打了水漂

16.Mr Gates’ replacement, Leon Panetta, 
the current director of the CIA,
 is a vastly experienced operator 
who will have less compunction than Mr Gates in chasing down the savings implied by Mr Obama’s ambitious goal of cutting $400 billion from the defence budget by 2023.
 Mr Panetta is also a calming, consensual figure who will go about his work without frightening the horses too much. 
The doubts about Mr Panetta are mainly to do with his age.
 He will be 73 in June and although he has visited more than 30 countries during his stint at the CIA, 
  • He gave me money without stint.


the Pentagon will test his energy and appetite for the job severely.
 On top of lots of shuttle diplomacy maintaining America’s network of military-to-military relationships, 
he will have to withstand excruciating and frequently hostile congressional scrutiny
  • He excruciate the life's aim, but cannot help the infinity of the time and space, the insignificant of the life, he was analyzing the antinomy of life, seeking ask for the psychic end-result.


demonstrate executive efficiency of the highest order and be able to turn on a dime when "stuff happens".
 Mr Gates, five years younger, admits to being worn out by the job.
  • So experts may be immune to subconscious bribery. But standard yes-men are still a dime a dozen.


    compunction = the worm of conscience    .   repentance  ,  

  • Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.

    后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。 后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。

17.To meet with the threat of an  enemy  without compunction, who  sets the value of human life at naught, governments will need to beef up both
  1. ...a campaign to beef up security.


    例:Both sides are still beefing up their military strength.


18.She kept us waiting without  the slightest compunction
19.at a very tough time
20.but is still sub-optimal.: 仍然是 不得已的选择
21.Among the other changes in the pipeline,= in the process
22. it is high time
  • It is high time for us to know what we shall gain from you.


23.But he's a bit tarnished after being investigated in 2009 
24.fostering an unduly familiar relationship                          unduly      =      excessively
25.That may not disqualify him in Mr Obama’s eyes.
26.picked for his loyalty rather than his expertise

27.Darling, I hired these people for their expertise, And ultimately, they feel that... We would be doing the brand  a disservice


28.a beholden chairman of the joint chiefs and the country’s most famous and charismatic soldier out of uniform,

29.A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse:  强者 也有 求助于 弱者的时候~~~

  1. We feel really beholden to them for what they've done.


30. authenticity = facticity = vraisemblance   

  • listed company 

31.i beg to differ.恕不苟同~~ 不是啊

32.You were a colossal asshole : 你是个 大混球!

33.colossal profits : 暴利                 colossal       colossally


35.as saying the agency had been bombarded by requests, and that the registrar of statistics had even been called in at home in the middle of the night.

36.He isn't the only skeptic claiming that the document is a forgery                forgery = postiche

37.postiche = false  = made up

38.No creases  folding are evident in the scanned version

39.fold up 

40.black - out area  : 停电区

41.we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago

42.Blowup of text: 文本 放大~~~~~

43.The man has been rushed to the hospital and is presently in critical condition

44.To err is human, to forgive is divine  

45. To err is human:

46. err on the safe/right side  :宁可杀一千,不可放一人

47.Some of the conspiracy theories that have circulated about Obama are quite imaginative.
48.imaginative power 
49. rehearsal                                       imaginatively                    The university imparts information ,but it imparts  it  imaginatively:    大学传授知识,但是 传授想象上地知识~

50.escort :              舞伴   etc。
51. solvent   adhesive
52.                                   feasible = viable   = doable

53.I  believe the   internal Revenue   Service   would strongly  disagree,  but if you  took advantage of  modern  marketing  techniques 

    and you optimized your manufacturing process,    u   might  be  able to  make this a viable business

54. Yeah!, he is a real loopy guy!   笨蛋!
55.It is possible that Obama conspired his way to the precipice of the world’s biggest job,

56.The world has stepped back from the brink, but is still skirting the edge of  the precipice
57. skirting   the edge of the precipice......... 游走在悬崖边缘

58.          grudgingly concluded that
59.   it's distantly possible that                                
60.  So, how you guys related?  -----------  you know distantly  :  我们是远亲 

61.We suggest that those who choose to go down that path should first equip themselves with a high-quality tinfoil hat.
62.         It's a slam-dunk!     是个 大笔回报,    是个 扣篮            我们稳赢了!
63.          He  was   throughly debunked !
64.  And yet..........     然而,可是                       (  用于句首 )

65        .Enough of  the silliness!  : 别犯傻了, 别再糊涂了

66. So today an exasperated Mr Obama                                 exasperate

67.end this farce                finish  the  farce 

68.           Hence the reason why I read The Economist  :  就是 这个原因~~~~~~~~~                       i.e.
69.   I  have yet  to ..............  我还没有....

70.If some raving     lunatic wandered into your office 
   and started some ridiculous ranting about who your mother was would you feel the need to then bring in the long form of your birth certificate to your boss?
71.There is a portion of the US that will never accept him as a legitimate president.
72.He is ponderously capricious. Many of his casual opinions on the people and scenery of this country are ludicrous. 


  72.  pond               pond    ponder                     ponderous   <>     slight =  ethereal     =    gossamer 

73     vibrant  people : 充满活力的人
74          brisk  as  a butterfly                                          briskly  <>ponderous   

75.The birth certificate issue was always rather silly, but that was the whole problem. 

When a ludicrous opposition candidate with high media exposure like Trump started goofing on Obama 24/7, 
it only served to diminish the stature of the president while Republicans could just shrug their shoulders and deny responsibility. 
The media couldn't tear down Trump's credibility as a politician because he doesn't have any.
 It was a perfect set-up for a time, but it seems the Obama camp has wised up.
 Now we can all concentrate on "more important things to do" and what a lousy job Obama's been doing on those things.

76          Capricious women                    capriciously : 善变地,任性地                  whimsically: 异想天开地                              capricious  =whimsical
77. whim         

In the Mesopotamian stories, for example, the gods act capriciously, the gods act on a whim



     She   is now living in morose solitude at the lonely nearby manor of A.  郁闷而  孤单的  住在  附近荒凉的 A 庄园

79. The next time you are feeling cranky or morose , check in with your body  : 感觉 烦躁  或者  郁闷  时 ,  审视一下自己

80.   They share solitude, solitary, too,  in  their  relation to each other           分担 孤独 和寂寞~~~

81. While  my compatriots  are in Las vegas,   i will be enjoying  a  blissful evening  in my personal Fortress  of solitude.    自己的  孤独城堡~~~ 

82.       morose   morosely  moroseness 

83. You look moping !~    垂头丧气的样子~~~~

84.   cranky        fierce       odd    curious

85.Whether we're kept awake by our partner's snoring or we stay up too late watching TV, we wake up tired, groggy, and cranky.

33.第一次 第一次 第一次 第一次 第一次 中国第一次 第一次修眉 第一次踢足球 第一次小团体 第一次下棋 30第一次 35.第一次 第一次心碎 36..第一次 37..第一次 第一次野餐 37第一次 “第一次”[图] 第一次超越 第一次漂流 第一次考研 第一次请求 第一次辟谷 人生N多“第一次”:第一次遇见女流氓