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(2009-08-04 14:41:48)转载 标签:




my boy is a single tear clouded in my eye

i know a mother,who surely deserves the words  tragic and heroical.

the tints of her life suddenly overturned to shadow when her boy was 7.

the boy was diagnosed as hemophiliac,a incurable disease one

contracting should be treated as glasses,in case hurt to bleed,then

non-stop bleeding,even life-threatering, by the big hospital of the

provincial capital.if the hemophiliac hemorrhages,only Factor 8 can be

used to stop it, however a medicine so rare and expensive that the

ordinary family can never afford. the doctor even alleged that the boy

cant live longer than 18year-old.

the sky sunny just a moment ago caved in suddenly. she was 29year-old

,used to so happily living,but the disease of her boy shaken her much

older overnight.

she told me that ,"i can never accept as true the miserable would fall

onto my boy and me,even till now.i was drowned into a nightmare,unable

to wake up. i felt something inside my system was crashed into

pieces.in origin,i was washed through with tears,afterwards,even tears

took pity on me, escaping faraway,no crying allowed me any more.

the tragedy continued.another heavily tough adversity beat her.her

husband stoled all money's worth in the family ,besides the deposit

book,and disappeared unsearchable,without any news till now.

he is sort of poltroon.he told me how pityful he was by inexplicable

disappearance.the way she refered to him is exceptionally calm as she

just talked about someone strange.

the darling was all her cherished,this moment,she loves him more and

more.it seems that she can hear  songs and promises about love from her

skelecton. she has dropped no more a single tear since her husband

disappeared that crying even turns out a humiliation for her. she told

no one about her boy's condition except her parents and her hasbands'.
the continued beats let her understand that no one has immense power to

change their lives. she would depend herself to prolong her daring's

life span and life,to protect his health to the greatest extend,to let

her boy own love and happiness ,happiness and dream.

she works in the factory like a man,in fact,even man would goof off

sometimes,but she never.i have seen her taking hold several steel tubes

 ,hard trying onto her shoulder. the steel tubes let out some sound

that would make one tears fall down.her body ,not that strong,was

burdened to deep bent down.there were some hairs ,missed up,to sway

difficultly as her syncopated-cadence steps. her work clothes is as

dirty as other workers',but her face,no matter how carelessfully she

dirt it,always is much  cleaner than her clothes,kind of beauty that

soul stirring.she is 33 now.she said she had grown much older one

night,but later the aged evanesces,runs or walks close following the

cadence of time and  tidy,neither faster or slowlier.



she has a brother who deeply loves her.she childishly begged her

brother to teach her drive car as they were little girl and boy in the

childhood  faraway. in fact,it is just a pedicab.after she gotta master

 it,she drives it to deliver milk and candy for shops and



she really drives well,but every time i meet her driving by,she armed

to the teeth always.she told me ,"i am being more and more timid.for

unfortune had visited us once,i always worry that it would come back

again.my baby cant live without me,that he needs a mum, healthy and




if there is something that can be considered as fortune for her,maybe

it is her baby's condition is kind of minimal hemophilia.and the kind

of most serious would bleed inside without any hit,no sake.
when thinking of the misery of her boy, her heart would ache ,tightened

 into a little kern,only realizing the forturn in the misforturn,it can

get renascence to continue beating,strengthful and powerful.

her boy is studying in the lodging department,high tuition fee to

2000yuan a term,which belongs to the most expensive in the province

capital.however,she is willing.it is because that the experimental

class of lodging department enrolls the least students,and her child

would be a little more safe here,which makes her worry a little less.

each new term begins,she would charge phones of her boy's all teachers

in advance,in case something special happens to her boy that they can

easily contact her in time.she had consulted  doctors much about

stanching solutions and taught her boy one by one. but she always feels

 her boy so young and so helpless.she is so afraid that her boy would 

unable to manage it when bleeding,in a flurry.

she said,there were little people know about disease of this kind.i

wouldn't allow other children to treat my boy as one different so i

just told the teachers that my baby was exactly the same as the other

kids but just of some special physique,only hard to stanch.in true,he

grows fast,bright and lively,intelligent and lambkin,even wanna 

protect his mum when i was wronged.and his teachers all approve him

smart and cute,good at study.the sorest time for him ,maybe when they

have the gym lessons,only can sideby watch his classmates playing

basketball,playing football and learning dancing.

his nose is so frail that it would bleed rudely when it is too dry a

day ,or he had something of strong acrimony,or hit by accident.in a

most horrible situation,it would be non-stop bleeding,when  plug into a

cotton,gonna be drowned by blood soon,still bleeding straightly,and

nothing can do to help.when i saw a basin of clean water
turn  into a whang red instantly,i was always too intense to breathe or

 to eyeopen to see all this.but my boy was always being calmer than

anyone else.no one know more about his nose and himself in danger than

himself. he is so little,but sometimes i feels him a real big man.



she has a uncle who gotta begin an undertaking in shenzhen.it is said

that he has a little-scale pharmaceutial factory.

she said ,"it is so a long time since we contacted last time that my

memory about him becomes somewhat indistinct." but one day ,i

unexpectedly received the Factor 8 from him ,full four cases.it was the

life-saving medicine of my boy,and it was the special moment that

factor8 in short supply nationwide. i had no courage to call my uncle

directly for i was scared to cry out to unable to say a word.i didn't

know how my uncle got known my boy's disease and how much money  he had

spent,how much setback he had taken  to get the Factor 8. i chose to

send messages to him and poured all my appreciation deeply in my heart.
uncle response the message,saying:"my girl.uncle can do nothing to help

u but only so little.my girl,you will be both ik." it was this message

that drived me cry for a long long time,not because of my boy.but i

understand,folks are ones loving u ,helping u away from  cold,no matter

u turn to them or not. we surely gonna live well on,all my family know



i got recognized the mother on line. i am the master of literal bcc in

the little city.

one day,a boy came to me with a composition,however titled "i am the

bloodsucker of my mum".i was scared,and read it with astonishment.


in fact,there were several times the boy had bleed too much and yet

hard to stanch,and cant wait for any Factor 8. so she begged the doctor

to transfuse her own blood into her boy.she knew they are both o-type

blood.each blood transfusion need 200ml and there were twice of so

short time-lag  that she can hardly recover at all. she would rather

die to save back her daring.she nearly begged the doctor to help her.

her boy was saved and she went back to work in weak. it was hot then

but she felt cold throughout,cold to gnash her teeth to hold on.the boy

 said to her,"mum,please cry out.don't hold on." she answered her daring with a

smile,"i can't cry. u are tears in mum's eyes." my boy understood in a

instant,and said,i wouldnt cry either.no cry,no cry,no cry,but the

boy's tears still flooding down slightly. she embraced her boy,neither a

single tear,and comforted her boy,baby,u had cried for mum.and mum's

much better now.now dry your tears and take a cup of tea for

mum,ok.then,the boy stopped crying at once,he wrote down in his

compositon,"how  could i continue crying when mum needed me?"


the next time,when she strethed out her arm to the doctor,the boy said

softly to doctor,"my aunt,could u please change a injection a little

thinner for my mum.you know,the thick one would hurt my mum."hearing

this,the doctor bursted into tears all of a sudden and changed for mum.


mum had been blood transfution to her boy four 4 times.and the boy

hasnt turned to her mum any more since  her uncle dilivered the four

cases of Factor 8 them.it seems some miracle happens. the boy sometimes

 complained of his granduncle that if he had dilivered the Factor 8 a

little earier ,mum would escape to be tortured like that.


"i will invent a lot Factor 8 in future,for myself and for others who

need.and then mum wont lose a drop of blood any more.i wont be mum's

bloodsucker any more,"the boy wrote the ending.


i was clouded with full tears when reading.i hadnt altered a word of

the boy's composition,only changed its title into"i am the flower

irrigated by mum's blood"


i thought of some words by Senec,"why do you cry for part of your rainy

day? can't you see that there are lives throughout drowned in tears."

and she cherishes her boy as tears in her eyes,though living a tears-

drawing life still hates to weep....































