速冻水饺透明包装袋:Module 4 Unit 5学案1

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 15:04:40

Module 4 Unit 5

一. 词组中英互译

1.多种多样的 ______________________

2.对… 熟悉 _______________________

3.闲逛,游览 ______________________

4.难怪,怪不得 ___________________

5.以老式/古时的方法 ________________

6.兜风,搭车 ________________________

7.因… 而世界闻名 ___________________

8.仿照,模仿 _________________________

9.参与,参加 ________________________

10.有机会去做 __________________

11.体验做某事 __________________

12.在底部 ___________________________

13.空降,从天空降落于 _________________

14.面对面遇见 _________________

15.最先进的技术 ____________________

16.接近 _________________________-

17.在边缘,在边界 __________________

18.现代/及时资讯 _____________________

19.苏醒过来,开始有生气,活跃起来 ______________________

20.在入口处 _______________________

21.可以网购 _______________________

22.预先,事先 ________________________-

23.在… 附近,容易达到…. _____________


25.让某人梦想成真 __________________-

26.一定要,务必要 _______________

27.除… 外还 _______________

二. 重点词汇句型

1. amusement

_______________(令我感到好笑的是), he lost the game.

She explained the history to me ________(饶有兴致地) .

2. settle

Since the last few decades, the immigrants _____________ (习惯了)the local customs.

What he suggested was that you should ______________ (专心做)your own study.

3. admit – admission

我们被大学录取了。We _____ _____ into the university.

Whoever has smoked here should bravely __________________(承认做错了).

4. various – variety – vary

There are _____ styles to choose from.

The ____________ of nationalities means different backgrounds of culture.

The sizes of computer screens _____ from 9 inches to 18 inches.

5. preserve

The institute was set up to _____ the endangered species ____ extinction. ((保护…免于灭绝)。

Don’t watch too much TV, and try to _____ _____ _____(好好保护视力).

6. ___________________ (不管发生什么事), the first important thing is to keep cool.

  _______________ (不管哪个官员) makes mistakes should be punished.


  _____________, ten minutes is enough.


  These clothes are _____ expensive _____ she cannot afford them.

  These are _____ expensive clothes _____ she cannot afford them.


  ____________________________, but our English teacher is also very nice.