
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 13:05:18
 We all know the U.S. holds the title for the best military in the world.We also know that China is rapidly expanding its military (in particular,its navy).It is also rumored to have invented the world's first ever missile which can destroy American aircraft carriers in 1 hit (Google DF-21d missile). 

    Despite this,some claim that Russia still holds the spot for 2nd place,even though their state of their military is rusting away (as seen in South ossetia war). What do you think? Do you think China has the 2nd best military in the world? Or Russia?


    我们都知道,美国有世界最好的军事。我们也知道中国正在快速扩张它的军事(特别是海军)。同时也听说发明了世界第一颗导弹,可以一发就摧毁美国的航母。(Google DF-21d 导弹)












    He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things Join Date: Oct 2009


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    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    Define best military? If you mean strongest then yes, if you mean best trained? Doubt it.


    China does not hold the second position - It hasn't a expeditionary force. I doubt Russia holds it either... although they may.










    New Member Join Date: Oct 2010


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    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    China is the future of the world.






    TSR Legend Join Date: Dec 2009


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    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    Depends really. Military strength is so hard to measure. You may have a big army but it is badly trained or equipped. Even though Russia spends a lot of money on its military it is still crap.


    Also that missile does not really mean anything no doubt America will have a way of beating it in a few months then in a year or China will make a better missile. Such is the way of offensive weapons and defensensive










    Overlord in Training Join Date: Feb 2010


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    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    Originally Posted by sillypoint92


    China is the future of the world.




    Not according to economists and leading academics/politicians - India will surpass China eventually, though BRIC shall become increasingly powerful on the world stage anyways...






    TSR Legend Join Date: Jan 2008


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    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    Russia is second. What it loses in terms of quality it makes up for in quantity.


    China will overtake it and the USA at some point, but not for a while.






    Re: Is China the 2nd strongest country militarily?


    Originally Posted by Pedus


    that's why chopsticks are replacing knives and forks...




    Ah yes the traditional model of measuring the Wealth of a Nation first put forward by Adam Smith where he states;


    "Its all about the kitchen utensils..."



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