
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 13:36:04

Diplomat Magazine: Great ChinaOpportunity

Recent world headlines announced that China isofficially the world’s second largest economy after the US. This has put China in the limelight once again and promptedmany questions: What does Chinabeing the second largest economy tell us? How soon is China going toreach number one? Will Chinabe able to sustain such rapid growth? What does China’s development mean to theworld? Let me share my thoughts about these questions.

First of all, I think China’srise to ‘number two’ tells a story of successful development, the secret towhich is simple and open: Chinahas found a development model well suited to its national conditions. Howshould we go about developing a country with 1.3 billion people and a historyof some 5,000 years? Neither textbooks nor history provide us with a readyanswer. As Chinese reformer, politician and diplomat Mr Deng Xiaoping put it,we managed to ‘cross the river by feeling for the stones’. We explored our wayforward in a pioneering spirit by combining the useful experiences of othercountries with the unique circumstances of China.

China’s success also lies in its commitment to reform and ‘opening up’. Thelatter term refers not only to embracing the global economy at every level andin every area, but also to freeing minds – thereby fostering a more open anddiverse society – and nurturing a culture of open and transparent government.‘Reform’, meanwhile, is about transforming our formerly planned economy into avibrant socialist market economy; it is also about making comprehensiveprogress in the political, social and cultural spheres.

Some Westerners believe that China has only implemented economicreforms, leaving its political system untouched. But this is a misunderstandingof China’scomprehensive reform process: during the past three decades, economic growthhas gone hand-in-hand with political progress. We have seen a growing role forthe National People’s Congress as well as multi-party political consultationunder the leadership of the Communist Party. Democratic decision-makingprocesses and the legal system have both been strengthened; a millennia-oldpattern of ‘rule by man’ is giving wayto the rule of law. We have also seen significant progress with respect tohuman rights. The promotion and protection of human rights has been writteninto the Chinese Constitution, and all citizens now enjoy legally protectedrights to equal participation and development; in addition, we havestrengthened our international co-operation on human rights issues.

Not for lack of trying did Western-style democracy fail to bring China theprosperity and strength it had wanted so badly throughout its modern history.Now that we have found our own road to success and a Chinese-style democracy,why should we waver or give these up?

We now come to the second key question: How soon is China going to overtake the USeconomically? Purely in terms of GDP, that day might arrive sooner thanexpected; however, deeper statistical and conceptual analysis produces morenuanced answers. China’seconomic aggregates stood at $5.8 trillion in 2010, ranking it second in theworld. But we must also remember that Chinais the world’s most populous nation; as a result, its per-capita GDP for thesame period was merely $4,300 – lower than that of about 100 other countriesand only one ninth of the UK’sand one tenth of the US’s.That is a gap not likely to be closed within just one or two decades.

Within China,too, there exist significant urban-rural/east-west wealth discrepancies thatwill take time to rectify. We have rich cities, concentrated in the coastalregions, but also poor, under-developed regions in the west of the country. Theurbanization rate is only 46 per cent, and the urban-rural income ratio is ashigh as 3.23:1. I served for two years as Assistant Governor in Gansu, one of the poorest provinces in northwest China. Gansu suffers from toughnatural conditions: desertification threatens the livelihood of the localpeople and economic development is a huge challenge. Many of the children inthe countryside do not have access to computers or the internet. Many boys andgirls have to drop out of school because their families cannot afford theircontinued education.

For all its manufacturing strength, China is still at the lower end ofthe value chain. In many cases, only the labour-intensive parts of production,such as processing and packaging, are done in China – research and development,design, key components manufacturing and marketing tend to be carried out elsewhere.Of China’s export commodities, 90 per cent are original equipment manufacturer(OEM) products which are then incorporated into the products of overseasbrands; as a consequence, 20 per cent of the retail value of every mobilephone, 30 per cent of that of computers and 20-40 per cent of that of ComputerNumerical Control machine tools go to foreign patent owners. There is still along way to go from ‘Made in China’to ‘created in China’.

Statistics show that China’senergy intensity is three-to-four times that of the international average andeight times that of the UK.Chinaaccounts for eight per cent of the world’s GDP, yet it consumes 16 per cent ofthe world’s energy (along with 46 per cent of its iron and steel and 52 percent of its cement). We still have a lot to do to raise the quality andefficiency of our economic growth.

So, although Chinais now the number two economy in the world, we still lag far behind developedcountries in terms of per-capita income and the quality of our GDP. We acknowledgethat Chinais still a developing country not because we are modest or hypocritical or wishto escape from our responsibilities, but rather because we recognise thatdevelopment will remain a top priority for a long time to come.

Our next question is whether China, after three decades, cansustain its fast pattern of growth. The answer to this is positive. China is stillin a phase of rapid industrialisation and urbanisation during which massiveinfrastructure investment is needed. Over the next 20 years, 300 million peopleare expected to move from the countryside to the cities. The Chinese peopleneed to upgrade their consumption pattern, and the western regions need tocatch up with their eastern counterparts. A driving force, then, is never lackingfor the Chinese economy, and there is plenty of potential to be tapped. We havereasons to be optimistic about the future.

The National People’s Congress reviewed and approved China’s twelfthFive-Year Plan at its annual session in March. This is an important blueprintfor China’sdevelopment over the next five years, outlining a number of significantgovernment policies:

 We will carry out strategic economic restructuring to expand domesticdemand and promote balanced growth driven by consumption, investment andexports. We will strengthen agriculture, increase the competitiveness ofmanufacturing and give priority to emerging industries and the services sector.The aim is to seek co-ordinated, balanced development across urban and rural aswell as eastern and western areas of China.

 We will promote scientific and technological progress and innovation. Wewill speed up efforts to turn Chinainto an innovation-driven country. As Mr Deng Xiaoping pointed out, ‘There isno other productive force more important than science and technology.’ Ourfuture development must rely on scientific and technological progress, a higherquality labour force and innovative management techniques.

 We will continue to improve the lives of our people. Economicdevelopment is aimed at serving people’s interests. We will improve socialsecurity, increase job creation, promote equal access to public services andbalance income distribution. This will ensure that the benefits of developmentare shared by all.

 We will build an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly society.We need to catch up with developed countries in terms of per-capita GDP, butnot in terms of per-capita energy consumption, as this would be unsustainablefor our planet. Chinacannot follow the traditional, Western path of industrialisation. We must raiseenergy efficiency, reduce emission intensity, develop a circular economy,extensively apply low-carbon technologies and actively address climate change.We must promote sustainable development, achieving an appropriate balance betweeneconomic growth and social progress and between population growth, resourcesconservation and environmental protection.

Finally, what does China’sdevelopment mean to the world? Is it a blessing or a catastrophe; does it bringopportunities or threats? Again, the answer – whether from perspective of worldpeace, the world economy or the international system – is overwhelminglypositive.

China follows an independent foreign policy of peace. We have solemnly pledgedto the world that hegemony or expansion is never an option for China; China stands for non-interferencein others’ internal affairs and negotiated solutions to international disputes.Chinabelieves that security should be based on mutual trust, mutual benefit,equality and co-ordination. Chinais the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the five permanent members ofthe UN Security Council, having so far lent 10,000 peacekeepers to 24 UNmissions. It has sent escort ships to the waters off the Somali coast andworked with the navies of other countries to combat piracy and improve safetyin international waters. It has actively worked to facilitate the Six-PartyTalks to uphold peace and the stability of the KoreanPeninsula and Northeast Asia. Chinais in every way an upholder of peace and a facilitator of stability.

Nor should Chinabe considered a threat to the world economy. Quite the opposite, in fact – China has beena crucial support for global growth since the start of the financial crisis,driving global demand at a time when developed countries are suffering economicdifficulties. So much was reflected in the 31.9-per-cent increase of EU exportsand the 42-per-cent increase of UKexports to Chinain 2010. Chinamaintained a double-digit growth rate last year, and contributed 20 per cent ofglobal economic growth. Chinawill continue to pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up over the next decade;its market will open wider, its share in international trade will increase andits imports will rise. These trends will no doubt create enormous economicopportunities for countries around the world.

China has been participating in and contributing to the current internationalsystem as a responsible major player. It has entered into extensiveco-operation with its international partners, both developed and emerging, onthe reform of global economic and financial governance, and has jointlyadvocated a greater role for the G20. It has strengthened traditionalfriendships with other developing countries and helped them grow theireconomies and reduce poverty. The loans it has provided to other developingcountries in the past two years have surpassed those of the World Bank. Chinasupports and practices multilateralism and stands for greater democracy ininternational relations; this can be seen by its active participation inregional co-operation, along with the support it gives to tackling globalchallenges such as climate change, the supply and conservation of energy andother resources, food security and terrorism.

China’s development is a blessing, not a catastrophe, for the world. It meansopportunities, not threats; it is not to be worried about, still less feared.For as Franklin Roosevelt put it, ‘The only thing we have to fear is fearitself.’

2011年4月1日,中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国《外交家》杂志4月刊发表题为《摸着石头过河——成功的道路,全面的发展》Crossing the river by feeling for the stones的文章,该刊网络版也同时刊登。文章全文如下:



























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