
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 22:39:46
Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of China Daily European Weekly
National Liberal Club
19 January 2011尊敬的西敏市市长华纳女士,
Lord Mayor of Westminster,
Lord Prescott,
Deputy-Editor-in-Chief Qu Yingpu,
MPs and Lords,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴出席今天的庆典活动,首先我谨向《中国日报欧洲版》在英出版发行表示热烈的祝贺和良好的祝愿!
I am delighted to join you at today's reception. Let me extend my warm congratulations and best wishes for the launch of China Daily European Weekly.《中国日报》是中国第一份全国性英文日报,随着中国的改革开放而诞生成长。三十年来,《中国日报》一直秉持“让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界”的办报宗旨,被国内外读者誉为中国最具权威性和影响力的英文媒体之一,是外国人了解中国政治、经济、社会、文化的主要信息来源之一,也是中国读者认识世界、了解世界的重要渠道。
As China's first national English-language newspaper, China Daily was born and grew up with China's reform and opening-up. Over the past 30 years, China Daily has been committed to its motto "Made in China, read by the world". It won a reputation as China's most authoritative and influential English newspaper. It provides a useful source of information about China's politics, economy, society and culture to the outside world. It has also become an important channel for Chinese readers to know more about the world.今天,中国与世界的关系越来越紧密,外界对关于中国的信息的需求量越来越大,人们希望更及时、更深入地了解中国。《中国日报》在进行充分市场调研和舆情跟踪的基础上,继发行《中国日报香港版》、《中国日报美国版》之后,又在伦敦创刊《中国日报欧洲版》,我认为,其意义有三:
As China's relations with the world grow, more and more people are eager to know about China. They are thirsty for more timely and in-depth knowledge of China. The launch of China Daily's European Edition after its Hong Kong and US editions cannot come at a better time.一是为英国暨欧洲读者认知中国开启一扇新窗户。当前中欧关系正处在一个关键时期,既充满了机遇,也面临着挑战,双方需要扩大了解、加强沟通、增进理解。媒体是社会各界了解中欧关系的重要渠道,报纸更是欧洲人每日必不可少的信息获知载体。欧洲媒体发达、报纸林立,但中国古语说:“兼听则明,偏信则暗”,中国需要有自己的信息、观点发布,需要对重大事件提供“中国式”解读。作为中国首份在欧洲出版、发行的英文报纸,我希望《中国日报欧洲版》及时、全面地向世界介绍中国,反映中国的声音和观点,增进欧洲对当代中国的了解。
First, it opens a new window on China for British and European readers. China-Europe relations are now at a critical juncture, full of opportunities and challenges. We need to enhance dialogue and deepen understanding about each other. Europeans love reading newspapers, perhaps more so the British. Britain and Europe are blessed with competitive media industries. We in China have a proverb, which goes: "Listening to both sides, you will be enlightened; heeding only one side, you will be benighted." When it comes to issues relating to China, we have many good stories to tell and "Chinese views" to offer. As China's first English-language newspaper published and distributed in Europe, I hope China Daily European Weekly will lend its voice to help deepen Europe's understanding of today's China.二是为中欧经贸合作搭建一座新桥梁。中欧互为重要贸易伙伴,双方经贸合作有良好的基础,也有巨大的潜力。特别是目前,中欧经济上均处于调整期,更加看重彼此的产品、技术、市场和投资,希望通过合作促进共同增长,中欧经贸合作的前景更加广阔。我希望《中国日报欧洲版》通过深入透彻的财经报道和分析,使读者直观了解中欧经贸合作的互补性和互利性,并为双方经贸合作牵线搭桥,提供丰富和有益的资讯。
Second, it builds a new bridge for economic and trade cooperation between China and Britain and the rest of Europe. There is a strong basis and huge potential for strengthening the economic partnership between us. As China and Britain are restructuring their economies, both will benefit a great deal from boosting trade in goods and technology and mutual investment. This is where China Daily European Weekly has a big role to play. I hope through your in-depth reporting and analysis, readers can get first-hand knowledge of the complementarity and mutual benefit of China-Europe economic partnership.三是为中西方交流互动提供一个新平台。《中国日报欧洲版》不仅应向欧洲介绍中国,也要向中国介绍欧洲,反映欧洲对中国发展的认识和看法。我希望《中国日报欧洲版》多邀请一些欧洲的政治家、工商界人士和专家学者投书撰稿,请他们多介绍欧洲的成功经验,为中国的改革开放、为中英关系和中欧关系的发展建言献策。
Third, China Daily European Weekly provides a new platform for East-West interaction. In addition to introducing China to Europe, the newspaper will open a new window for Chinese readers to see Europe, thus helping both sides with a better view of each other. I do hope British and European political and business leaders and scholars will not only see China Daily as a must-read newspaper to understand China, but as a forum to share their experience of success and to contribute their views and suggestions on China's development, and on China-Britain, China-Europe relations.最后,我祝愿《中国日报欧洲版》兔年开局成功,事业蒸蒸日上!
In conclusion, I wish China Daily European Weekly every success in the Year of the Rabbit and years beyond.谢谢。
Thank you!: http://www.kekenet.com/kouyi/126172.shtml