魔兽世界大秘境三箱子:Unit 9 学案

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 21:17:51

课题:Unit9 Section A(1a-4) 课本P68-70


1.被用来做____________             2. 电灯泡                           
3.微波炉                           4. 给某人一些时间做某事                              
5.电话什么时候发明的?我认它是1876年发明的。___________________                   _____


6.他们是谁发明的?它们是 Tom发明的____________________________________      



1.       What do you think is the most ___________(help) invention?

2.       Edison was a great ________(invent). He had 1,093 _______(invent) in his life.

3.       Light are used for __________(see) things in the dark.

4.       Personal computers ___________(invent) in 1976.

5.       Which language ________the most widely _________(speak) in the world?


(   ) 1. The bridge _______ by the farmers themselves in 1982.

  A. built B. was built  C. build   D. was build

(   ) 2. All the books will ______ to the children who live in the small village.

 A. be sent B. sent   C. be send  D. send

(   ) 3. Keys ______ used for ______ the doors.

 A. is, opening           B. is, opened 

C. are, opening         D. are, opened

(   ) 4. My mother told me that my homework must ______ on time.

 A. finish B. be finish C. be finished D. finished

(   ) 5. When ______ the car ______?

 A. did, invent          B. was, invented 

C. does, invent         D. in, invented

(   ) 6. Where is Mary ?  She _____in the cinema an hour ago.

A. saw   B. was seen      C. is seen    D sees

(   ) 7 .A half of the news _____ in English.

A. is writing  B. writes  C. are written  D. is written


主动语态:主语是动作的执行者。被动语态 : 主语是动作的承受者。

We speak English 我们讲英语。(     语态)

English is spoken by us. 英语被我们讲。(     语态)

二.被动语态的构成: be + 动词的过去分词(be动词有人称、数和时态的变化)


课题:Unit9 Section B(1a-2c)  课本P71


1. 错误地                                      2.使顾客高兴                   

3.最后,最终                                 4.很长时间                     


1.This kind of bike           (make)in our factory.

2. This article              (write)by Lu Xun in 1918.

3. A talk on Chinese history              (give) in the school hall next week.

4. Children should            (tell ) not play in the street.



1.  We should clean the classroom every day.(主动语态)

主   谓    宾




The classroom should be cleaned (by us) every day.

  主      谓     宾

① 把主动语态的     变为被动语态的主语。


③把主动语态的     放在介词by的后面,也可省略。 (by 表示“由,被”的意思)

a.       They read English every day.


b.       We will build another bridge next year.


c.       They made these computers in Shenzhen.


2.在主动句中,感官动词(see, hear, watch, notice)和使役动词(make, let, have)后跟不带to的动词不定式作宾补,但改为被动语态时,要加上to.(口决:主动句to离开,被动句to回来。)

①People make robots do some heavy work.

  Robots are made             some heavy work..

②The girl was often heard           happily in her room.

A. sing   B. to sing C. singing D. sings

③ The young man was often seen         by the lake.

   A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw   D. drew





课题:unit9 Section B (3a-4b) 课本P72


1.最受欢迎的饮料                          2.在世界上                         

3.偶然,意外地________________           4. 落入,陷入 ____________________

5.直到…才                                 6.三千多年                         

7.根据                                     8.决定做某事                        

9. 用这种方式_____________________


1. Tea ____________(invent) by Shen Nong.

2. The beverage ____________(discover) over three thousand years.

3. We spent a ____________(please ) evening.

4. I'm ____________ (please )to meet you.

5. The boy _________ (fall) down from the tree.

6. Did you notice the man _________(go) out of the room?

7. The computer is one of the most important ____________(invent).


(  )1. A stamp is used for ______ a letter.

A. send     B. sends     C. sending      D. sent

(  )2.I think the most helpful _____ is the light bulb.

A. inventions  B. invention    C. invented   D. inventor

(  )3.Chinese is used ______ the first language in China.

A. for    B. as     C.  by     D. to

(  )4.You can do it ______ this way.       A. on      B. in       C. by      D. for

(  ) 5.Edison ______ the telephone in 1876.

A. find  B. found  C. invented  D. was invented

(  ) 6.Many friends of ______have some inventions.  A. my   B. mine   C. I
(  )7. What are those strange things used______, do you know?  A. to B. in C. for
(  )8. Can you tell me _______the train was invented by?

A. what        B. who         C. where
(  )9. My bedroom ______ every morning. My mom _______ it.
      A. cleans/ is cleaning   B. is cleaned/ cleans    C. cleaned/ cleaning
(  )10. This kind of shoes is made by a worker ______ Johnson.
      A. name      B. names     C. named


课题:unit9( Self check and Reading ) 课本73-75


1. 环游中国  __________                   2. 深受喜爱和活跃的活动____________                

3. 撞上某人                               4. 摔倒                              

5. 把,,,, 分成,,,,                           6. 自从那以后_________________        

7. ….的数量_________________              8. 许多,若干______________________

9. 梦想做某事_____________         


1. The soup is too ______(salt ) I don't like it .

2 Sony is the ________ (thin )boy in the class .

3. The flowers produced a ______(please ) smell .

4. Who were they ___        _( discover ) by ?

5 It's ______(use ) for scooping really cold ice cream .


(  )1.They were all invented _____ years ago.

A. two hundreds   B.  three hundred of   C. hundred    D. hundreds of

(  )2. A number of students ______ in our school. The number of the students in our school _____ over one thousand.         A. is; are   B. are; is    C. is; is    D. are; are

(  )3. I almost ______ the old man standing there when I saw him.

        A. knocked on    B. knocked around   C. knocked into   D. knocked off

(  )4. The dinner didn’t start _____ all the friends arrived.

       A. since   B. until   C. while   D. when

(  )5. –Excuse me, sir. Do you have the time?

  -- ______. A. Yes, I do.   B. No problem.   C. Half past twelve   D. Certainly, I have.

(  )6. The workers are ______ in work in this factory.

      A. act   B. activity    C. active   D. action

(  )7. We will _______ the whole class _______ six groups and play games.

 A. divide; from   B. divide; into    C. separate; from   D. separate; into

(  )8. The water will _______ quickly when it rains.

 A. rise          B. rises          C. raise          D. raises

(  )9. This new town has _____ into one of the largest towns in the country.

A. taken         B. made          C. built          D. developed

(  )10. You must be careful when you cross the street, or you’ll knock ______ others.

A. at            B. on            C. in            D. into


