
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 01:19:20
2011年01月28日 07:20 AM


Gold investors pull back after blistering rally

英国《金融时报》 杰克•福尔奇  


At times in the past decade, gold has looked like a one-way bet. The price of the yellow metal has risen every year since 2001, averaging a cool 18 per cent annual gain.


This year, however, the status quo is being challenged. Bank analysts, ordinarily a bullish crowd, are tempering their calls for record prices with a note of caution: 2011, according to an emerging consensus, may be the year when bullion prices peak.


That expectation is based on the view that the economic recovery in the US will start to gather steam, forcing the Federal Reserve to tighten policy and making yields on bonds and equities more attractive.


“As the economy improves you’re going to see real interest rates move up, and that’s going to cap the upside for the gold price,” says David Greely, an analyst at Goldman Sachs in New York. “We think it is prudent for gold investors to begin to prepare for gold prices to peak.”

“随着经济逐步改善,实际利率将会上升,这将限制金价的涨势,”高盛(Goldman Sachs)驻纽约分析师戴维•格里利(David Greely)表示,“我们认为,对于黄金投资者而言,谨慎的做法是开始为金价见顶做好准备。”

Many analysts see the change in market sentiment since the start of January as a glimpse of what the future may hold for the gold market. As investors have become increasingly confident about the economic outlook in the US and less worried about the eurozone’s fiscal problems, money has been flowing into equities and bond yields are rising.


Gold, a traditional “safe haven” against economic uncertainty, has suffered. The exuberance that characterised the market throughout the second half of 2010, founded on fears of a double-dip recession, has dissipated. Some investors have started to take profits.


Prices, which rallied 30 per cent last year to hit an all-time nominal peak of $1,430.95 a troy ounce in mid-December, have fallen 7.5 per cent since then to a three-month low of $1,322.70 this week.


Bankers say the drop reflects a move by short-term traders to take profits rather than a retreat en masse by investors. Indeed, almost all traders and analysts believe the yellow metal will hit new records this year, with forecasts for the high ranging from $1,550 to $1,850, according to a survey by the London Bullion Market Association.

银行人士表示,金价下跌所反映的是短线交易员获利了结的行为,而非投资者大举撤退。实际上,几乎所有交易员和分析师都认为,金价今年将创下新的纪录。根据伦敦金银市场协会(London Bullion Market Association)的一份调查,受访者对金价新高点的预测从每盎司1550美元至每盎司1850美元不等。

Even so, many are starting to warn of an end to ever-higher gold prices. As well as Goldman Sachs, others including UBS, Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, Macquarie and the precious metals consultancy GFMS expect gold prices to peak late this year or early 2012.

尽管如此,仍有很多人发出警告,称金价一再上涨的阶段已经结束。除高盛之外,包括瑞银(UBS)、瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)、巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)、麦格理(Macquarie)和贵金属咨询公司GFMS在内的其它机构也都预测,金价将在今年末或明年初见顶。

“We’re going to get to a situation in the second half of this year where the emphasis on what drives this market will have shifted and the impetus from ultra-low US rates will have fallen away,” says Tom Kendall, a precious metals analyst at Credit Suisse.

瑞士信贷贵金属分析师汤姆•肯德尔(Tom Kendall)表示:“今年下半年我们将看到这样一种情况:人们调整了所关注的市场驱动因素,美国超低利率对金价的刺激逐渐消失。”

Investors have begun to heed the warnings. Speculative bets on a lower gold price in the US futures market last week rose to their highest level since mid-2005, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Overall, investors are still positive – but their positioning is the least bullish since July 2009.


Those who invested in gold exchange-traded funds, which have attracted huge inflows in the past five years and helped to drive the gold price higher, have also scaled back their exposure. The largest such fund, SPDR Gold Shares, suffered the largest outflow in its six-year history on Tuesday, sending its holdings to the lowest since May.

那些投资于黄金ETF(交易所交易基金)的投资者也已相应减仓。过去5年,黄金ETF吸引到了海量的资金流入,对推高金价起到了一定作用。规模最大的此类基金——SPDR Gold Shares周二遭遇其6年历史上的最大规模的资金流出,令其黄金持有量降至去年5月以来的最低水平。

At the same time, says Mr Greely of Goldman Sachs, investors have started to protect themselves against a fall in gold prices by buying put options that limit their losses if the market suffers a correction. Mr Kendall adds that “one or two” hedge funds have “started to think about long-term exit strategies”.


“The first sell-off could be sharp,” says Mr Greely, “but we don’t think it will be as dramatic as what you saw in the late 1970s and early 1980s.”


Few strategists are recommending going short on gold. Demand from Asia has rocketed in the first weeks of the new year amid sharply rising inflation in the region. Also, central banks have stopped selling gold from their reserves and have instead become significant buyers.


Beyond that, some investors believe the US will face high inflation in the longer run, arguing that the Fed will fail to manage successfully the unwinding of its “quantitative easing” programme. With inflation high, real interest rates would be low even if nominal rates were raised. In such a scenario, investors could well keep putting money into gold.


Equally, says Philip Klapwijk of GFMS, the rally could be extended if the eurozone sovereign debt crisis were to spread. Some believe indebted US states could be the trigger for renewed financial turmoil.

GFMS的菲利普•克拉普维伊克(Philip Klapwijk)表示,同样,如果欧元区主权债务危机范围扩大,金价上涨趋势可能会持续下去。一些人认为,债台高筑的美国各州可能会引发新的金融动荡。

“The market is starting to believe that the global economy can easily wean itself off of cheap money,” says Daniel Brebner of Deutsche Bank. “We are not so confident that this is the case.”

“市场开始认为,全球经济能够轻松戒除对廉价资金的依赖,”德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的丹尼尔•布雷布纳(Daniel Brebner)表示,“我们并不完全认同这个观点。”

Gold’s rally has been characterised by the emergence of new and unexpected risks to economic stability. Shock potential remains.


