
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 18:48:32
王竹 四川大学法学院 副教授
Uniform Apportionment of Tort Responsibility Act
(Rule section·Last Revised or Amended in 2003)
Copyright ©2003 by
NCCUSL(National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws)
This [act] may be cited as the Uniform Apportionment of Tort Responsibility Act.
(1)“助成过错 [1][1]”包括助成过失、产品误用、不合理的未能避免或者减轻损害,以及自甘风险除非该风险已经在某一具有法律强制力的免除或者类似协议中被明示。
(2)“人”是指一个自然人 [2][2]、法人、企业联合 [3][3]、遗产 [4][4]、信托、合伙、有限责任公司、协会、合资企业、公众公司、政府,或者政府部门、代理以及所属分支机构,或者其他任何法律或商业实体。
(3)“被免责人”是指如果未因第8条(或第9条)被免除责任则要对请求权人 [5][5]关于人身损害或者财产损失的赔偿金负责的人
立法指南:如果本法第9条被采纳作为本法的一部分,第3款对“被免责人”定义中的括号就应该被去掉。如果未被采纳作为本法的一部分,但作为工人 [6][6]赔偿法律的修正案,那么括号及其中的文字就应该被删除并替换为参见工人赔偿法律修正条文的参照条款。如果第9条完全未被采纳,括号及其中的文字应该被删除。
In this [act]:
(1) “Contributory fault” includes contributory negligence, misuse of a product, unreasonable failure to avoid or mitigate harm, and assumption of risk unless the risk is expressly assumed in a legally enforceable release or similar agreement.
(2) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(3) “Released person” means a person that would be liable for damages to a claimant for personal injury or harm to property if the person had not been discharged from liability under Section 8 [or 9].
(4) “Responsibility”, with respect to a claim for damages for personal injury or harm to property, means the legal consequences of an act or omission that is the basis for liability or a defense in whole or in part.
Legislative Note: If Section 9 of this Act is adopted as part of this Act, the brackets in the definition of “released person” in paragraph (3) should be deleted. If it is not adopted as part of this Act but is adopted as an amendment to the workers’ compensation statutes, the brackets and words within should be deleted and replaced with a cross reference to the amended section of the workers’ compensation statute. If Section 9 is not adopted at all, both the brackets and words within should be deleted.
(a)除本条(b)款规定的情形,在一场要求人身损害或者财产损失的赔偿金的诉讼中,如果基于的是过失或者其他请求权人可能面临 [7][7]基于助成过错的全部或者部分抗辩的请求,任何可归因于请求权人的助成过错按照基于第4条分配给他的责任百分比相应的减少请求权人本来可以被判决获得的恢复人身损害或者财产损失的损害赔偿金的数量。
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), in an action seeking damages for personal injury or harm to property based on negligence or on any other claim for which the claimant may be subject to a defense in whole or part based on contributory fault, any contributory fault chargeable to the claimant diminishes the amount that the claimant otherwise would be entitled to recover as compensatory damages for the injury or harm by the percentage of responsibility assigned to the claimant pursuant to Section 4.
(b) If the claimant’s contributory fault is [equal to or] greater than the combined responsibility of all other parties and released persons whose responsibility is determined to have caused personal injury to or harm to property of the claimant, the claimant may not recover any damages.
(c) In a jury trial, the court shall instruct the jury regarding the legal effect of its answers to interrogatories, made pursuant to Section 4, on a claimant’s right to recover damages under subsection (b).
Legislative Note: The significance of the brackets in subsection (b) is explained in the comments. Basically, the legislature is given a choice. It may choose one of three types of comparative fault plans. The comments explain how each choice may be implemented.
(Relative Comment:……With regard to modified plans, there are two basic types of thresholds. One bars a claimant from recovering any damages if the claimant’s share of fault equals that of the defendant(s); the other bars a claimant only if the claimant’s share is greater than that of the defendant(s). ……)
(2)针对每一请求述明,归属于每一造成了损害或者伤害的请求权人、被告和被免责人的所有责任方和被免责人的总责任百分比 [8][8]。
(3)考虑是否任何方或者被免责人的共同行为或者故意行为导致人身损害或者财产损失 [9][9];并且
(4)考虑其他有证据清楚证明的事实有必要基于第5条作出决定或者基于第6条进行判决登记 [10][10]。
(b)在决定责任比例时,事实调查者应该考虑 [11][11]:
(c)法院应该对基于另一方的作为或者不作为的某方责任范围 [12][12]作出决定,保证为向陪审团提交质询书或者基于本条(a)款作出裁决时各方被共同视为单独一方。
(a) In an action to recover damages for personal injury or harm to property involving the responsibility of more than one party or a released person, the court shall instruct the jury to answer special interrogatories or, if there is no jury, make findings:
(1) stating the amount of damages that a claimant would be entitled to recover if any contributory fault were disregarded;
(2) stating, as to each claim, the percentage of the total responsibility of all the parties and released persons attributed to each claimant, defendant, and released person that caused the injury or harm;
(3) regarding whether any of the parties or released persons acted in concert or with an intent to cause personal injury or harm to property; and
(4) regarding any other issue of fact fairly raised by the evidence which is necessary to make a determination under Section 5 or enter judgment under Section 6.
(b) In determining percentages of responsibility, the trier of fact shall consider:
(1) the nature of the conduct of each party and released person determined to be responsible; and
(2) the extent of the causal relation between the conduct and the damages claimed.
(c) The court shall determine the extent to which the responsibility of one party, which is based on the act or omission of another party, warrants that the parties be treated as a single party for the purpose of submitting interrogatories to the jury or making findings under subsection (a).
(c) 责任被重新分配的一方,仍然对请求权人被重新分配给他的新增责任份额负责。清偿了基于本条(b)款分配的新增责任份额的一方,获得了从被重新分配份额的一方退还的权利。根据申请,判决中的法院根据第6条进行登记时,应该宣布源于重新分配产生的新权利和义务,包括任何关于代位权或者被担保地位的权利和义务。如果任何被重新分配的一方在被重新分配的份额上具有被担保地位,任何被重新分配的其他方具有相应比例的被担保地位。任何基于本款从被重新分配份额的一方获得的清偿均应该按照原重新分配的比例分配给被重新分配份额的各方。
(a) After the trier of fact has answered interrogatories or made findings pursuant to Section 4, the court shall determine, in accordance with the percentages of responsibility found, the monetary amount of any award of damages to a claimant, the amount of the several share for which each party found liable is responsible, and any amount attributable to a released person.
(b) After the court has made its determinations pursuant to subsection (a), a claimant, no later than [the time permitted for filing a motion [13][13] for new trial] [90 days after the entry of judgment for the plaintiff], may move the court to determine whether all or part of the amount of the several share for which a party is liable will not be reasonably collectible and request reallocation. If the court based on a preponderance of the evidence determines that the party’s share will not be reasonably collectible, the court shall make findings reallocating the uncollectible share severally to the other parties, including the claimant, and any released person. Reallocation must be made in the proportion that each party’s and released person’s respective percentage of responsibility bears to the total of the percentages of responsibility attributed to the parties, including the claimant, and any released person but not including the percentage being reallocated.
(c) A party whose liability is reallocated remains liable to a claimant for any additional share of responsibility allocated to the claimant. A party that discharges an additional share of responsibility allocated to it pursuant to subsection (b) has a right of reimbursement from the party from which the share was reallocated. Upon motion, the court in the judgment entered under Section 6 shall declare the rights and obligations resulting from the reallocation, including any rights and obligations with regard to subrogation or a secured position. If any party to whom reallocation has been made holds a secured position with regard to the share reallocated, each party to whom reallocation has been made has a proportionate share in the secured position. Any amount recovered under this subsection from a party whose liability has been reallocated must be distributed to each of the parties to whom the reallocation was made in the same proportion as the original reallocation.
(d) Reallocation does not make a released person liable for any reallocated share of responsibility unless the release or other agreement so provides.
(e) If a motion for reallocation is made, any party may conduct discovery regarding any issue relevant to the motion.
(2)如果某一被判决为有责方未能阻止他方故意造成请求权人的人身损害或者财产损失,法院应该对这几方的合并 [14][14]责任份额登记为连带责任。
(4)如果除本法之外的本州任何法律要求法院应该记录判决为连带责任或相反的,应该使判决与法律一致 [15][15]。
(a) After determining an award of damages to a claimant and the amount of the several share, including any reallocated share, for which each party found liable is responsible, the court shall enter judgment severally against each party adjudged liable, except in the following situations:
(1) If two or more parties adjudged liable acted in concert or with an intent to cause personal injury to, or harm to property of, the claimant, the court shall enter judgment jointly and severally against the parties for their joint share.
(2) If a party is adjudged liable for failing to prevent another party from intentionally causing personal injury to, or harm to property of, the claimant, the court shall enter judgment jointly and severally against the parties for their combined shares of responsibility.
(3) If a party is adjudged liable for the act or omission of another party under Section 4(c), the court shall enter judgment jointly and severally against the parties for their joint share.
(4) If a statute of this state, other than this [act], so requires, the court shall enter judgment jointly and severally or otherwise conform the judgment to the statute.
(b) If a court grants a motion for reallocation pursuant to Section 5 after judgment is entered, the court shall modify the judgment to declare the rights and obligations resulting from the reallocation, including any rights and obligations with regard to subrogation or a secured position.
第7条分担与补偿的权利;第三人诉讼 [16][16]
(b)一方基于本法第6条(a)款 [17][17]第(3)项因他方的作为或者不作为被判决有责的,有向该方寻求补偿的权利。
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), a party that is jointly and severally liable with one or more other parties under this [act] has a right of contribution from another party jointly liable for any amount the party pays in excess of the several amount for which the party is responsible. A party against which contribution is sought is not liable for more than the monetary amount of the party’s several share of responsibility determined pursuant to Section 5.
(b) A party that is adjudged liable for the act or omission of another party under Section 6(3) has a right of indemnification from the other party.
(c) A party that is subject to liability for injury to, or harm to property of, a claimant under this [act] has a right:
(1) to join a person that is also subject to liability to the claimant for all or part of the same injury or harm if the claimant has not sued the person; and
(2) to seek contribution or indemnity, whichever is appropriate, from another person whose liability is not determined in the proceeding in which the party is adjudged liable if the other person is responsible for all or part of the claimant’s injury or harm.
(d) A claim for contribution or indemnity may be asserted in the original action or in a separate action.
(a) A release, covenant not to sue, covenant not to execute a judgment, or similar agreement by a claimant and person subject to liability discharges the person from liability to the claimant to the extent provided in the agreement and from liability for contribution to any other person subject to liability to the claimant for the same injury or harm. The agreement does not discharge any other person subject to liability upon the same claim unless the agreement so provides.
(b) The amount of the claim of the releasing person under subsection (a) against other persons jointly and severally liable for the same injury or harm for which the released person would have been liable is reduced by the percentage of responsibility attributed to the released person pursuant to Section 4.
(c) A release, covenant not to sue, covenant not to execute a judgment, or similar agreement extinguishes any claim for contribution or indemnity that the released person would have had against another person that would have been jointly and severally liable with the released person.
(第9条劳动赔偿优先权 [18][18]的减少与代位权;通知和介入) [19][19]
(a) If an employer or workers’ compensation insurer asserts a lien or right of subrogation under [insert citation to workers’ compensation statute that provides for an employer’s or workers’ compensation insurer’s lien or right of subrogation for compensation benefits paid or payable to an employee when the employee has a tort action for personal injury against a third party], the employer or insurer is deemed to have had its obligation to the employee for the compensation benefits paid or payable discharged under Section 8 as if the employer or insurer had received a release, covenant not to sue, or covenant not to execute a judgment from, or entered a similar agreement with, the employee. In such a case, any percentage of responsibility that the employer would have had for the employee’s injury, were the employer not immune under the workers’ compensation law, must be determined as that of a released person pursuant to Section 4 and the lien or right of subrogation is reduced by the monetary amount of the employer’s percentage of responsibility, if any, in the employee’s action against the third party.
(b) A party asserting that an employer’s or workers’ compensation insurer’s lien or right of subrogation should be reduced under subsection (a) because of the employer’s fault shall give notice to the employer or workers’ compensation insurer. In that case, the employer or insurer may intervene in the employee’s action for personal injury.
Legislative Note: If this section is not enacted as part of this Act but is enacted as an amendment to the workers’ compensation statutes, the cross references to Section 8 and to Section 4 in subsection (a) need to be reworded to accurately refer to the respective sections of this Act.]
在适用和解释本统一法 [20][20]时,必须对促进在颁布本法的州关于本法主旨的法律统一予以考虑。
In applying and construing this Uniform Act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
如果本法的任何条款或者本法对任何人或者特定时间的适用被认为无效,该无效性并不影响其他条款或在除去无效条款或适用情形的本法适用,本法的各条款始终 [21][21]是可分的。
If any provision of this [act] or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this [act] which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this [act] are severable.
This [act] applies to actions originally filed on or after its effective date.
This [act] takes effect on ....
(1) ....
(2) ....
(3) ....
The following acts and parts of acts are repealed:
(1) ....
(2) ....
(3) ....
[1] 英文中,“contributory”和“comparative”均与过错(fault)、过失(negligence)搭配,笔者认为,我国台湾地区“与有过失”的译法,不符合中文用语习惯而不予采纳,应统一将前者翻译为“助成”,后者翻译为“比较”,以方便读者了解原文。
[2] Individual,直译为个体,在此处意译为自然人。
[3] business trust笔者译为企业联合,以区别于trust。
[4] 英美法上的遗产在诉讼中可具有主体地位。
[5] 本译文重,为区别于plaintiff(原告),claimant直译为“请求权人”。
[6] worker 翻译为“工人”,以区别于劳工(labor)。
[7] Be subject to,在本译文中,笔者翻译为“面临”。
[8] 根据本条官方评论,被分配给原告、被告和被免责人的总百分比应该是100%。
[9] 根据本条官方评论,本项确定事实的意义在于根据本法第6条是否需要适用连带责任抑或按份责任。
[10] enter judgment是判决登记的意思,是指将判决正式登录于法院的诉讼卷册中,是书记官进行的行政性行为而非司法行为。
[11] 根据本条官方评论,过错的程度,无论基于过失还是严格责任,因果关系的接近性都是不可避免的被同时考虑。(b)款规定的是基本侵权法的公理(subsection (b) states an axiom of basic tort law)。
[12] 根据本条官方评论,主要适用于各种商业组织的雇主与雇工之间等替代责任情形,但也同时适用于机动车所有人和被许可使用人、产品制造者与分销商之间的情形。
[13] Motion是申请、提议的意思,本译文译为“申请”
[14] joint share 与 combined share有所不同。前者因为是基于共同行为或者故意行为,所以责任本来就是共同的,而后者的责任本来是分别的,但因为一方未能组织另一方故意侵权,因此翻译为“合并”以体现本来的分别状态,区别于“共同”,更为恰当。
[15] 根据本条官方评论,主要适用于各州的环境伤害事故(in the area of environmental harm)。
[16] 所谓第三人诉讼,是指区别于本诉的诉讼,目的在于是对或可能对本诉中原告向被告提出的请求承担全部或者部分责任的第三人加入到诉讼中来。参见《元照》1342。
[17] 译者注:原文为“Section 6(3)”,应是指出第6条(a)款的第3项。
[18] lien,留置权或优先权,为了避免与我国《担保法》中留置权概念混淆,译为“优先权”。
[19] 根据本条官方评论,之所以第9条在括号中,是因为在某些州通过这样的方式修正劳工赔偿法是没有法律上的可能性。如果本条无法被采纳,那么本法的条文序号将被重新编排。
[20] Uniform Act,为便于读者了解原意,特别翻译为“统一法”,并非国家统一,乃是法律统一之意。
[21] to the end是始终的意思。

王竹 美国统一州法委员会《统一侵权责任分担法》(中英文对照参考译本)

王竹 美国法学会《侵权法重述•第三次•责任分担》(中英文对照参考译本)