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新目标九年级英语第二单元Section B 1a—2c 教学设计及解析

  Section B 1a—2c 教学设计及解析



    1.运用used to谈论过去的习惯。




    Teacher: What did you use to do when you were a child?

    Student A: ____________________________________

    Student B: ____________________________________


    1a  Check(√)the things you liked when you were a child. 将你小时候喜欢的事情标上(√

    1b  PAIRWORK

    What other things did you use to like to do when you were a child? Write sentences in the box above. Then discuss them with a partner. 你小时候还喜欢什么别的事情?将句子写在上面的方框中,然后和你的同伴一起讨论这些事情。

    2a  Listen and check(√)the sentences you hear. 听录音,将你所听到的句子标上(√


    Girl 1: My six—year—old brother started school this week.

    Boy 1: He’s really lucky. Life was great when I was six.

    Girl 1: Really? Why?

    Boy 1:Oh, schoolwork was really easy.

    Girl 1 :Not for me. I didn’t use to like tests. Now I don’t worry about tests.

    Boy 1:And we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.

    Girl 1: Yeah, but we used to walk to school. Now we have to take the bus.

    Boy 1:I remember one bad thing. I used to hate gym. Now I love gym class.

    Girl 1:Me, too.



    2b  Listen again.What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart. 重新听遍录音,女孩和男孩谈论了过去和现在的什么事情呢?请填写下面的表格。


    In the past: tests, play, walk, gym

    Now: tests, study, take the bus, love

    2c  PAIRWORK

    Compare yourself with your partner. 将自己与同伴进行比较。



    范例:Student A: I used to be afraid of the nurse. Did you?

          Student B: Yes, I did. I used to walk to school. Did you?

          Student C:No, I didn’t. I used to...

          Student D:...




In the past


stay up late

go to sleep at 8:30

eat junk food

eat fruit and vegetables, drink milk

be late for school

come to school on time

hate tests

not worry about tests


    A: Did you use to stay up late on school nights?

    B: Yes, I did. But now I go to sleep at 8:30 every evening.

    A: What did you use to eat?

    B: I used to eat lots of junk food. It is bad for health. Now I eat more fruit and vegetables and I drink lots of milk.

    A: Did you use to be late for school?

    B: Yes. I did. Now I come to school on time.

    A: How about tests?

    B:I used to hate tests. But I don’t worry about tests now.



    1.Sorry, I can’t join you. I h ______ to study for a test.

    2.She u ______ to be fat when she was young.

    3.Lucy used to have short hair but now her hair is l ______.

    4.I didn’t go to bed u ______ nine yesterday evening.

    5.Amy used to be quiet, but now she is very o ______.

    6.He became very i ______ in music at the age of five.

    7.A spider is a kind of i ______.

    8.When we heard that, we couldn’t s ______ laughing.

    9.Little Tom is t ______ of speaking aloud, he’s shy.

    10.His bike is broken, he has to walk to school i ______ of riding.


(    )1.Liu Xiang is interesting in sports.


(    )2.Yu Mei uses to get up early when she was young.


(    )3.His loud voice terrified of me.


(    )4.He used to on the soccer team.


(    )5.I never drive a car. I don’t know how drive a car.



    A: Hello!   

    B: I’m Liss.

    A: Oh, Liss! I’m Jack, Do you remember me?

    B: Jack! I remember. How nice to see you!     But now you’re thin and tall.

    A: Yes, I did. And you used to have long hair at that time. But now     .

    B: Right, I also remember you used to be naughty and talk to others in class.

    A: But you were a good student. And you     .

    B: Yes, I was good at many subjects. Look! Who’s that over there?

    A: He’s Tom. He used to be my best friend.


    A: Yes, but now he is humorous and outgoing.


    Ⅰ.1.have 2.used 3.long 4.until 5.outgoing 6.interested 7.insect 8.stop 9.terrified 10.instead

    Ⅱ.1.B interested 2.A used to 3.D 去掉of 4.B be on 5.D to drive.

    Ⅲ.1.May I know your name? / What’s your name, please?

        2.You used to be fat and short.

        3.your hair is short.

        4.... used to be good at many subjects.

        5.Did he use to be quiet and shy?

新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计与解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第四单元Sections?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?3a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第四单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第三单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计与解析 教材解析九年级英语第二单元Section?B?3a及reading译文 新目标英语九年级第三单元?Section?A?and?B?教案 新目标英语九年级第六单元SECTION?A、B、SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第五单元SECTION?A、B?and?SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第一单元?Section?B?教案 教材解析九年级英语第一单元Section?B?and?Self?Check?解析及拓展 教材解析九年级英语第三单元?Section?B?3aslf2及reading 译文 新目标英语九年级第二单元复习学案2 新目标英语九年级第二单元复习学案1 新目标九年级英语u3u9教学学案设计及练习题 新目标九年级英语u11u12教学学案设计及练习题 新目标九年级英语u13u14教学学案设计及练习题 新目标九年级英语1--3单元重点知识及练习 新目标九年级英语1-3单元重点知识及练习