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  新目标九年级英语第二单元Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  民权县第一初级中学 柳林



    1.运用used to结构谈论过去。





    Teacher: I used to be young and I used to be outgoing.What about you?

    Student A: _________________________________________________________

    Student B: _________________________________________________________


    1a  Fill in the chart below with words to describe people.请在下面的表格里填写描述人的词语。


    Appearance: tall, short, fat, thin, young, old, straight hair, curly hair, long hair, short hair, a medium body

    Personality: outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly


   Mario,you used to be short,didn’t you? 马里,你以前长得很矮,不是吗?

   Yes,I did.是的。

    【讲解】used to do表示过去经常的习惯,含有现在不再如此之意。

    used to do的否定句多为didn’t use to do;也可用作used not to do,used no 可缩写为usedn’t或usen’t。

    used to do的疑问句跟一般动词相同,常为Did...use to do...?

    used to do的反意疑问句也用助动词did构成。如:

    He used to go fishing on Sunday.他以前常在星期天去钓鱼。

    This river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。

    —Did he use to work into the night? 他以前总是工作到深夜吗?

    —Yes,he did.是的。


    ①I once played football.(改为同义句)

    I ______ play football.

    ②She used to be a teacher.(改为一般疑问句)

    ______ she ______ to be a teacher?

    ③There ______ a restaurant here.(单项选择)

A.used to

B.used to be

C.used to have

D.used to had


    1.used to 后面接动词原形。

    2.There was/were相当于There used to be

    【解答】①由于once表示“以前,曾经”,因此答案为used to。②Did,use ③There be句式中使用used to,答案为B。


    be used to do sth.意为“被用来做……”,属被动语态。如:

    A knife is used to cut things.刀子是用来切东西的。

    get/be used to doing sth.意思为:习惯做某事。to为介词,后接动名词,而不接动词原形。如:

    I’m used to getting up and going to bed early.我习惯于早睡早起。

    1b  Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the firsttime in four years.What did his friends use to look like? 听录音,鲍勃在四年后第一次见到一些朋友,他的这些朋友以前是什么模样呢?


    Conversation 1

    Boy 1: Mario , is that you?

    Boy 2: Yeah, it is. It’s Bob! Hey, guys, it’s Bob! I haven’t seen you in four years!

    Boy 1: Yeah. I’m here with my parents. We’re visiting for a couple of days.Wow. Mario, you look different! You used to be short, didn’t you?

    Boy 2: Yes, I did. Now I’m tall. And so are you!

    Boy 1:That’s true... And you used to wear glasses.

    Boy 2: You have a great memory. Now I wear contact lenses!

    Conversation 2

    Boy 1:Hey, Amy, it’s great to see you.

    Girl 1:Hi, Bob. How are you?

    Boy 1:Fine. Wow, you’ve changed!

    Girl 1: Really? How?

    Boy 1:Well, you used to have short hair.

    Girl 1: You remember that? Yes, I did.

    Boy 1: And you used to be really tall!

    Girl 1:Not any more. You’re taller than me now, Bob.

    Conversation 3

    Girl 2:Hi, Bob.

    Boy 1:Hi, Tina You’ve changed too.

    Girl 2: Oh, yeah?

    Boy 1: You have blond hair !

    Girl 2: Yeah, it used to be red, didn’t it?

    Boy 1:And it’s straight!

    Girl 2: It used to be curly.


    Mario: short, glasses  Amy: tall, short hair  Tina: red, curly

    1c  PAIRWORK

    Look at the picture above and make conversations.看上面的图,然后编写对话。





    2a  Listen and check(√)the words you hear.听录音,并将你听到的单词标上(√


    Girl 1: Hey, Steve! Over here! Don’t you remember me?

    Boy 1: Oh, wow! You’re Paula, aren’t you?

    Girl 1: That’s right.

    Boy 1: But you used to be really quiet, didn’t you?

    Girl 1: Yeah. I wasn’t very outgoing.

    Boy 1: No, you weren’t. But you were always friendly. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?

    Girl 1: Yes, I did. But now I’m more interested in sports. I play soccer and I’m on the swim team.

    Boy 1: Wow! People sure change.




    在美国,很多家庭的房屋有“a living room”(一间起居室)和“a family room”(一间家庭活动室)。家庭活动室是每天供家庭成员放松的地方,家人常在这里看电视,玩游戏,听音乐等,家庭活动室是很随便的地方。同起居室相比,大多数人更多呆在家庭活动室里。起居室很讲究,非常清洁,它是用来招待客人的地方,绝大部分是父母亲的客人。

    2b  Listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.重新听录音,并用你听到的单词填空。






    知识点2  But now I’m more interested in sports.但现在我对体育运动更感兴趣。

    【讲解】be/become interested in: 对感兴趣,喜欢做……。


    He became interested in music when he was five.在他五岁时,他对音乐感兴趣。

    These stories are very interesting.这些故事非常有趣。


    He showed ______ in English last year. And he is ______ in English now.

A.interest, much interested

B.interest, more interested

C.interesting, much interest

D.interesting, more interested

    【解答】①show interest in在某方面表现出兴趣,be interested in对某事感兴趣,more interested是比较级,因此正确答案是B。



    frustrating—frustrated  exciting—excited  amazing—amazed

    surprising—surprised  terrifying terrified

    I’m excited when I hear the exciting news.当我听到那令人激动的消息时,我很激动。

    We felt frustrated after we gotthe frustrating result.当我们得到令人沮丧的结果后,我们感到很失望。

    知识点3People sure change. 人无疑会变化的。


    It sure was cold. 的确很冷。

    You sure are cute. 你的确逗人喜欢。


    I said it would happen, and it ______ did.







    sure作形容词时的常用结构:be sure of sth.确信某事;be sure+that引导的从句,确信某事;be sure to do sth.必定会……




    May I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?


    I think he is a doctor,but I’m not sure.我想他是医生,但是我没有把握。



    2c  PAIRWORK

    Practice the conversation in activity 2b .Then make conversations about yourselves. 练习活动2b中的对话,然后自编对话。

    Grammar Focus语法重点


I wasn’t very outgoing. 我以前性格不开朗。                       

You used to have long hair. 你以前留着长发。                      

Did you use to have straight hair? 你以前头发是直的吗?     Yes, I did. 是的。

Did you use to play the piano? 你以前弹钢琴吗?             No, I didn’t. 不是。 


3a Here is a list of things many people are afraid of. Which of these things did you use to be afraid of? Which ones are you still afraid of? Put checks (√) in thefirst two columns.这里列举出了很多人害怕的事情,在这些事情中,你以前害怕什么?你现在仍然害怕什么?请在前两栏中标上(√


    Now ask your partner.Put checks(√)in the last two columns.现在询问你的同伴,并在表格的后两栏中标上(√

    知识点4 I’m terrified of the dark.我害怕黑暗。

    【讲解】be terrified of意思是“害怕”,相当于be afraid of。如:

    I’m terrified of heights. 我害怕登高。

    They were terrified at his sudden appearance.他的突然出现,把他们吓了一跳。


    This is a ______ trip, we are ______ of it.

A.terrifying; terrifying

B.terrified; terrified

C.terrifying; terrified

D.terrified; terrifying


terrifying 形容词,“可怕的,令人恐惧的”,描述事。terrified形容词,“恐惧的,受惊吓的”,描述人。


    知识点5 I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 我将卧室的灯亮着睡觉。



    Would you turn on the light,please? 请你打开灯好吗?

    She said good—bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着泪水说再见。

    I went out with the window open.我外出时没有关窗。


    ①The movie began ten minutes ago.

    The movie ______ ______ ______ for ten minutes.

    ②He came in and had a glass in his hand.

    He came in ______ a glass in his hand.

    【解答】①has been on  ②with


    What did you use to do when you were younger? What do you do now? Fill in the chart. Then talk about how you have changed with your classmates. 你小的时候习惯做什么?你现在常做什么?填写下表,然后与同学一起谈论你的变化。


    Jim: Hey, Peter. Nice to see you.

    Peter:I’m sorry I don’t know you. Who are you?

    Jim: I’m Jim, your classmate.      ?

    Peter: Oh, you’re Jim, aren’t you?

    Jim: Yeah.

    Peter:      ?

    Jim: Yes, but I’m 1.8 metres tall.

    Peter:      ?

    Jim:Yeah. I don’t wear glasses now.

    Peter:      ?

    Jim: I’m in Shenzhen now.

    Peter: Let’s go to the restaurant for dinner, and we can have a chat.

    Jim:      !

    【实践提示】范例:①Don’t you remember me  ②You used to be short, didn’t you  ③Did you use to wear glasses  ④Where are you working now  ⑤Good idea/OK


    A: Did you use to be afraid of speaking in class?

    B: ①___________________________________________________________

    A: Why were you afraid?

    B: ②__________________________________________________________

    A: Are you still afraid of speaking in class?

    B: ③___________________________________________________________

    A: What makes you speak in class?

    B: I think ④_____________________________________________________

    【实践提示】范例:①Yes,I did.  ②Because I thought other students would laugh at me if I had mistakes.  ③No, I’m not.④speaking in class is helpful.



outgoing, dark, straight, tall, quiet

    1.Steven used to be short. But now he is________.

    2.Mary used to have long ________ hair.

    3.Lily is an ________ girl.

    4.Keep ________ in the reading room.

    5.I am afraid of the ________.


(    ) 1.I ______ read a lot of novels when I was a little boy.

A.was using

B.use to

C.used to

D.was used to

(    ) 2.Do you like playing ______ basketball or playing ______ piano?


B./; the

C.the; the

D./; /

(    )3.I’m terrified of the dark. I go to sleep with my bedroom light ______.

A.turn on



D.turn off

(    )4.We used to ______ there every year.





(    )5.He is not ______ he used to ______.

A.what; do

B.how; do

C.what; be

D.how; be

(    )6.My parents used to ______ in South America and I used to ______ there from Europe in the holidays.

A.live; fly to

B.living; fly

C.living; flying to

D.live; fly

(    )7.John used to be serious, ______ he?

A. did he




(    )8.—Did you use to have curly hair?

           —No, I______.





(    )9.What ______ Ann and her brother ______ like?

A.does, look


C.is, look

D.do, looks

(    )10.The little boy often ______ glasses, and he likes to go for a walk ______ a big dog after dinner.

A.puts on, with

B.wears, with

C.puts on, has

D.wears, has


    1.Didn’t you use to chew gum a lot?(做出否定回答)

    ______, ______ ______.

    2.These days Bill always got up late.(改为否定句)

       These days Bill ______ got up late.

    3.He showed interest in science.(变为同义句)

       He ______ ______ in science.

    4.You needn’t be afraid of that dog. It’s a toy.(变为祈使句)

       ______ ______afraid of that dog! It’s a toy.

    5.I used to play the violin.(变为一般疑问句)

       ______ you ______ ______ play the violin?

    6.She is tall and has black hair.(就画线部分提问)

       ______ ______she look like?

    7.She used to be late.(变为反意疑问句)

       She used to be late, ______ ______?

    8.John had blond hair.(变为同义句)

       John ______ ______ ______ blond hair.

    9.He left and kept the door open.(变为同义句)

       He left ______ the door ______.

    10.We have to practice more conversations.(变为一般疑问句)

         ______you______ ______practice more conversations?


    Ⅰ.1.tall  2.straight  3.outgoing  4.quiet  5.dark

    Ⅱ.1.C(used to do sth.  表示过去经常做某事)



        4.A(used to do sth.  以前常做某事)



        7.D(used to的反意疑问句,用助动词didn’t)

        8.B(Did you use to do...? 的否定回答)



    Ⅲ.1.No, I didn’t  2.never  3.became interested  4.Don’t be  5.Did, use to

        6.What does  7.didn’t she  8.used to have  9.with, open  10.Do, have to




新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第四单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第三单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计与解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?3a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计与解析 新目标九年级英语第四单元Sections?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 教材解析九年级英语第二单元Section?B?3a及reading译文 新目标英语九年级第三单元?Section?A?and?B?教案 新目标英语九年级第六单元SECTION?A、B、SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第五单元SECTION?A、B?and?SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第一单元?Section?B?教案 教材解析九年级英语第一单元Section?B?and?Self?Check?解析及拓展 新目标英语九年级第二单元复习学案1 新目标九年级英语u3u9教学学案设计及练习题 新目标九年级英语u11u12教学学案设计及练习题 新目标九年级英语u13u14教学学案设计及练习题 教材解析九年级英语第三单元?Section?B?3aslf2及reading 译文 新目标九年级英语4--6单元重点及练习 新目标九年级英语1--3单元重点知识及练习 新目标九年级英语1-3单元重点知识及练习