
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 19:28:54
 【Bonus Oriens】
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French pilot and writer, 1900-1944)
>Ad for college girl mistress
>Feng shui at top university?
>Liu Xiang wins 110m hurdles
>Celeb tweets risk boring fans
>DPRK ladies in fashion
>Camel eats reporter's hair
《分享·爱》周一有约 【Cover Story】
>Sunflowers to rescue Japan?
Japan plans to carry out experiments around the Fukushima No 1 nuclear power plant, sowing sunflower seeds outside a radius of 20 km high radiation areas to absorb radioactive substances, Kyodo News reported. Reports say that radioactive caesium is similar to kalium, a commonly used fertiliser and will be easily absorbed by sunflowers. After the Chernobyl nuclear accident, sunflowers and rape blossoms were planted to purify the soil.
据日本共同社报道,日本将对福岛第一核电站方圆20公里警戒区域外侧开展实验,种植向日葵以吸收土壤中的放射性物质。据悉,铯与肥料中钾的性质较为相似,容易被向日葵吸收。切尔诺贝利核电站事故后曾种植向日葵和油菜花以净化土壤。【Top News】
>Ad for college girl mistress
Beijing police hunted down some ads posted online seeking college girls to become mistresses for the rich, Guangzhou Daily reported. The ad, which began appearing in March, offers a price list for girls studying at top universities and art colleges in Beijing, including Peking University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University. A student at Tsinghua, for instance, would be offered RMB400,000-600,000 per year if she did a mistress job and a student at the Central Academy of Drama would be paid RMB450,000-650,000. The agent, whose name appeared as "Professor Chen" on the posts, has been identified and punished by the police. Police have not discovered any college students involved in the case.
据《广州日报》报道,今年3月份以来,北京警方发现"高校二奶中介"的网贴。帖子对北大、清华、人大等重点大学和艺术院校的女生进行"标价",如清华女生年包养费40万~60万元,中央戏剧学院女生年包养费45万~65万元。帖子上显示的代理人"陈老师"现已被警方查获,该案中,尚未发现有大学生参与交易。 >Feng shui at top university?
Feng shui, the Chinese practice of avoiding the negative qi, has been included at Beijing University in one of its 4 plans when the university considers reconstructing its East Gate, the Beijing Evening News reported. "A school is where students learn science. It's absurd that Feng shui should be promoted here," a university student said. In a poll, the controversial scheme has reportedly gained few votes from the faculty and students.
据《北京晚报》报道,日前,北京大学改建东校门设计方案中惊现"避邪"的"风水"之说,引发不少争议。一位受访学子表示: "大学是培养学生科学精神的地方,在这里谈风水,听起来有点可笑。"据悉,共有4个备选方案,目前投票给这份不靠谱"风水"方案的人很少。>Celeb tweets risk boring fans
Celebrities who bombard fans with micro blog updates are likely to have shorter careers than those who maintain an aura of mystique, according to a survey, Reuters reported. Easy access to stars through social networking websites has made them less appealing and increases the likelihood of followers getting bored, a research by Bauer Media said. Although younger fans surveyed said they were thrilled by the idea of 24-hour access to their favorite stars, older respondents said their interest was tempered by a hankering for the days when stars were "more special."
据路透社报道,一项最新的调查显示,与笼罩着神秘光环的明星相比,那些每日微博更新不断、跟粉丝打嘴仗的明星无异于是在缩短自己的职业生涯。根据鲍尔传媒的调查,随着社交网络的不断发展,明星与普通民众的距离被缩短了,与此同时,明星的魅力似乎也在逐渐褪去,有的甚至开始让粉丝觉得腻烦。尽管有些受访的年轻粉丝表示,能24小时追踪偶像让他们感到无比兴奋,但年长一些的受访者则表示,他们还是怀念那些明星们看起来"很特别"的日子。 >DPRK ladies in fashion
Cosmetic surgery, skinny jeans and hoop earrings are in fashion in the DPRK (朝鲜) as the pursuit of female beauty remains unbound by the state's chronic food shortages, Daily NK reported. The newspaper quoted sources saying although facelifts are illegal, state surgeons are performing cosmetic surgeries in secret in return for bribes. "Upper eyelid surgeries and cosmetic tattoos on eyebrows, lips and the corners of eyes are widespread in the DPRK," a source from Pyongyang said.
据《每日朝鲜》报道,虽然朝鲜一直处于食物短缺的状态,但仍阻挡不了女性爱美的天性。整容手术、紧身裤与大圆圈耳环在朝鲜女性中十分盛行。报纸引述朝鲜消息人士的话说,虽然脸部拉皮在该国是违法的,但是公立医院外科医生还是私下收贿动手术。另据平壤的消息人士透露:"上眼皮手术以及纹眉、绣唇与纹眼线在朝鲜很普遍。" 【In Brief】
>Hurdler Liu Xiang claimed 110m title in the Shanghai Diamond League Sunday night, clocking a world leading time of 13.07 seconds, 0.11 ahead of David Oliver of the US. Liu undertook laps of honor after the event, with semi naked above the waist.
>Rookie Zhang Jike claimed the single title at his maiden World Table Tennis Championships in Rotterdam Sunday night. He defeated top seed and defending champion Wang Hao 4-2.
>Top seeds Guo Yue and Li Xiaoxia swept their teammates Ding Ning and Guo Yan 4-0 to defend their title in the women's doubles at the Rotterdam World Table Tennis Championships Sunday night.
>European Council President Herman Van Rompuy arrived in Beijing Sunday morning, starting a 5-day visit to China, Xinhua reported. The visit is his first official visit to China since he became president of the European Council.
据新华社报道,欧洲理事会主席赫尔曼·范龙佩于15日早晨抵达北京,开始对中国进行为期5天的访问。此访是范龙佩上任以来首次访华。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Camel eats reporter's hair
A US TV news reporter suffered an unexpected "kiss" from a camel while reporting on animal abuse at a farm in Virginia, NBC reported. Reporter Tara Morgan was reporting at livestock yard when the camel, seemingly hungry, started chomping on her hair. It took several seconds for Miss Morgan and the camel to get untangled. Nobody was injured in the incident.(See photo)
据美国全国广播公司报道,一名美国电视台记者在弗吉尼亚州的一个农场里录制节目时,遭到一头骆驼的意外"一吻"。当时,记者塔拉·摩根正在一个牲畜棚报道有关虐待动物的新闻,一头显然饿昏头的骆驼突然咬住了摩根的头发,数秒钟后它才松口。所幸该事件未造成伤情。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>I saw Rio the night it came out in theaters.
>Did you see the debut of Rio?
>Rio made its debut on the Internet a day before its official premiere.
>I've seen every good movie that came out this summer.
我把在这个暑假里上档的每一部好电影都看过了。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【分享·爱】
看了上周末贵报刊登出来的"分享",心底产生了些许共鸣。《夏洛特的网》与《肖申克的救赎》也都是我最喜欢的书与电影之一,这些好的作品都给我带来了感动与激励,愿没看过的同学抓紧找来看吧,绝不容错过!另外,看了贵报编辑语中提到的电影"City of angels"主题歌"Angel"后,忍不住将这首歌找来一听,果然是精品!几年前曾看过电影"City of angels",很多细节在脑中已经模糊了,但影片中表现出来的善良、对爱情的执着以及人物的悲惨命运都深深地感染与触动了我。回忆着这些,听着这首"Angel",立刻感受到了空灵下隐藏的那如割肌肤般的感伤,更深刻理解了歌手对歌曲非凡地演绎。最后,谢谢"爱·分享"这个栏目给我带来了一个收获的周末,一个充满爱的周末!--本周的"分享"内容,内容多多,记得翻页哦:
推荐电影"Leap Year"(《闰年》)。只为一句台词,而想看一部电影,有木有?《闰年》故事诙谐,场面感人,尤其途中那场婚礼,新娘对新郎说的那几句经典台词,正是所有女子的心声:
"I want to say, may you never steal, lie or cheat.我想说,希望你永远不要偷窃、撒谎或者欺骗。But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows.但是,如果你一定要偷窃,请偷走我的悲伤。And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life.如果你一定要撒谎,请在我此生的每个夜晚都与我同眠。(lie此处双关,撒谎和躺下的意思)And if you must cheat, then please cheat death, because I couldn't live a day without you.如果你一定要欺骗,请欺骗死亡,因为我不能一天没有你。"编辑了好久,只为和大家共享,强烈推荐!(翻页!好内容继续阅) 河南洛阳152****0757
推荐美国电影"The Pursuit of Happiness"(《当幸福来敲门》)。这部讲述挣扎在贫困底线上的励志亲情电影,引发我们对生活诸多情感的共鸣。主人公用他的毅力顶住了现实生活的巨大压力,通过漫长痛苦的努力,最终露出了发自内心的幸福的笑脸。我每次看完这部电影后都会对生活充满动力,难过的心也会被莫名的灿阳融化。[歌曲类]
I recommend an English song "Live like you're dying" by Lenka. This song touched my heart when I was in deep despair and it is a song I will treasure forever. "Take every moment, you know that you own them... Live like you're dying and never stop trying." Lenka is saying we can never know what tomorrow has in store, so we make every moment meaningful and unregrettable.(翻页!好内容继续阅) 江苏无锡159****2350
推荐英文歌曲"Need You Now"(《此刻需要你》),由乡村组合Lady Antebellum("战前女神")演唱。2010年,"战前女神"凭该单曲获得美国乡村音乐"年度最佳歌曲"和"年度最佳单曲"两项大奖;今年2月,该曲获第53届格莱美年度最佳歌曲等多个奖项。真的百听不厌噢~ 富有节奏感的旋律里,吟唱着分离后难忍的时光,是昔日的恋人彼此怀念,任由思念缱绻延伸。回忆还在,眷恋还在。[书籍类]