
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 18:17:15
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Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. (James Russell Lowell, American poet and critic, 1819-1891)
>Kim Jong Il visits China
>Smoking control ineffective
>Cyber attacks hit e-G-8 forum
>Clarke naps through Obama speech
>Long commutes and divorce
>Make a buck after break-up
>Baby being raised genderless
邀您参与'爱·分享' 【Cover Story】
>27 e-payment licenses issued
The People's Bank of China Thursday issued the first batch of electronic payment licenses for third-party payment companies Thursday. 27 qualified third-party payment platforms, including Alipay, Tenpay and Shenpay, were granted the licenses. The license would allow the company to handle Internet payments, mobile payments, foreign exchange transactions and debit card services.
26日,中国央行对外公布了首批获得"支付业务许可证"的公司名单,支付宝、财付通、盛付通等27家企业顺利成为首批获牌企业,可以从事互联网支付、移动电话支付、外汇交易、借记卡业务等众多支付业务。【Top News】
>Smoking control ineffective
Voluntary smoking controls have proved ineffective in China, with laws and regulations being the only effective way of curbing the habit, according to a report released in Beijing Thursday, Xinhua reported. The report called for smoking bans in all public places, which affect 2nd-smokers the most. About 740m people, including 180m children and teenagers, are affected by 2nd-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke is a problem in 88.5% of China's restaurants. Government buildings (58.4%) is ranked 2nd on the list.
A local draft law that bans indoor smoking in public places was passed Thursday in Harbin, becoming the first law in China to specifically target second-hand smoke.
哈尔滨26日通过防二手烟危害条例(草案),成为国内二手烟防控成功立法的首个城市。 >Cyber attacks hit e-G-8 forum
French President Nicolas Sarkozy's "e-G-8" summit on the power of the Internet suffered a technical hiccup when cyber-attacks disrupted the forum's wireless connection, AFP reported. Since Tuesday "we have been undergoing a series of attacks from people outside" the wireless service providing Internet access to journalists and delegates, an e-G-8 official said. The cyber-attacks failed to cut off access but caused "disruption" of the Wi-fi connection and the forum's video streaming, the official added.
据法新社报道,法国总统萨科齐倡导的"八国集团电子论坛"遭到网络攻击,论坛的无线网络连接遭干扰。论坛组委会一名官员透露,自24日以来,论坛为媒体记者和与会代表提供的无线局域网服务遭受了一系列来自外界的攻击,这些攻击未能切断互联网,但干扰了无线网络连接和会场内视频流传输。>Clarke naps through Obama speech
Barack Obama's charisma and eloquence usually send the crowd into frenzy but the US president's speech at Westminster Hall left one politician feeling quite drowsy. UK's Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke was captured on camera seemingly falling asleep during a speech from US President Barack Obama, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. It is not the first time Clarke has allegedly fallen asleep during an important speech; the Justice Secretary appeared to nod off during a budget debate earlier this year.(See photo)
美国总统奥巴马魅力的口才总能让听众疯狂,但在威斯敏斯特议会大厅,他的演讲竟让英国一位政要昏昏欲睡。据英国《每日电讯报》报道,奥巴马访英期间发表重要演讲时,英国司法大臣肯尼思·克拉克被拍摄到进入梦乡。这已经不是克拉克首次在重要场合打瞌睡了,今年早些时候,在一次预算讨论中他也同样打起盹来。(见图)  >Long commutes and divorce
Those who spend a long time commuting to the office are up to 40% more likely to split from their spouse, a Swedish study has found. The risk is highest in the first few years of marriage. Research found in families where the man commutes, the woman is often forced to take a less qualified job closer to home. And if one partner spends 45 minutes or more commuting, they would come home too tired to help around the house.
瑞典一项研究称,上下班通勤时间过长,容易导致婚姻失败。这类人离婚的几率比通勤时间短的人高出40%,尤以婚后头几年为甚。研究发现,在一个家庭中,如果丈夫需要长时间通勤,妻子通常只能寻找离家较近的工作,尽管这份工作也许不适合她。如果夫妻的一方,在上下班路上耗费的时间超过45分钟,他们回家后就累得不愿再做家务活了。 【In Brief】
>DPRK top leader Kim Jong Il paid an unofficial visit to China from May 20 to 26 at the invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao, Xinhua reported. Kim visited Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Jiangsu.
>China plans to spend RMB6.2 trillion to upgrade its transportation infrastructure during its 12th Five-Year Plan period, the Ministry of Transport announced Thursday. By the end of 2015, the country's highway network will cover more than 90% of the cities.
>The Swiss government Wednesday decided to exit nuclear energy by phasing out the country's existing nuclear plants by 2034, the Wall Street Journal reported.
>David Schwimmer, who played Ross Geller on US sitcom "Friends", and his wife Zoe Buckman are officially first time parents. Their daughter was born in New York on May 8, People magazine said.
据《人物》杂志报道,《老友记》中罗斯的扮演者大卫·休默和他的妻子佐伊·巴克曼喜得千金。他们的女儿于5月8日在纽约出生。 【Newsmaker】
>McCreery wins American Idol
Deep-voiced country singer Scotty McCreery won the 10th season of "American Idol" Wednesday, Reuters reported. "Never in my wildest dreams. I got to thank the Lord first. He got me here," McCreery, 17, said. A record 122m votes were cast by phone, text message and online after McCreery gave his final performance Tuesday.
>Baby being raised genderless
A Toronto couple raising their 4-month-old without identifying the child as a boy or a girl has created a media firestorm in Canada. An email from the parents to friends and family after the child, named Storm, was born reads: "We've decided not to share Storm's sex for now — a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation." Experts claim the child will grow up "terribly confused" regarding sexual identity.
加拿大多伦多一对夫妇为了让孩子享有自主选择当男人还是女人的权力,决定隐瞒自己孩子的性别,在该国引起轩然大波。婴儿目前4个月大,取名"风暴"。在他/她出生后,父母在给亲朋好友的电邮中写道:"我们决定暂不透露孩子的性别,这是对其生命自由和自主选择权的尊重。我们将让它不受社会规范的限制。"专家称这种做法可能让孩子在性别认同方面极度困惑。 >Make a buck after break-up
What would you do to deal with the items left behind by your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend? Prescilla Sagar, an Australian girl, tells that you can make the mementos profitable. After breaking with her boyfriend, Prescilla created "Sellmyex.com", a platform to buy and sell items that have either been left behind by partners or given by them as gifts. Several deals were done soon after the store opened. "Rather than keeping it in a cardboard box at the bottom of my closet, I figured I should sell it online," she said.(See photo)
跟男/女朋友分手后,该怎么处理他们留下来的东西?澳洲女子普雷夏拉·塞格尔告诉你:可从中讨生财之道。普雷夏拉与前男友分手后,建立了一个名叫"前任物品专营"的网站,以此作为买卖"前任"物品或礼品的平台。不想刚开张就成了好几笔生意。她说:"与其把他给我的那些破烂礼物放在橱柜最深处,还不如在网上卖点钱呢。"(见图)  【Talk Show】
>It's a secret. Try not to let the cat out of the bag.
>We get on very well as adults but as kids we fought like a cat and a dog.
>When the teacher left for a few minutes, the children nearly wrecked the classroom. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
老师出去了几分钟,那些孩子们在教室里闹翻了天。真是"山中无老虎,猴子称大王"。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Ms. Matthews has left the Phoenix branch, and her replacement, Mr. Slovic, is ___________ handling all customer inquiries.