
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 19:35:14
Dow Jones
12,595.75 -100.17 -0.79%
2,828.47 -34.57 -1.21%【Bonus Oriens】
Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it. (Bill Cosby, American comedian and producer, b.1937)
>Chinese Premier to visit Japan
>US visa system reform
>Ronaldo makes shocking return
>Twitter to save patient
>'Dog-a-day' killer hounded
>Tips: 'Not worth a lick'
点津:'毫无价值'怎么说? 【Cover Story】
>Drugs cut HIV transmission
Patients with HIV were 96% less likely to pass on the infection if they were taking antiretroviral drugs, suggested a landmark finding that scientists say could help stem the global AIDS pandemic, the New York Times reported. The study proved that getting HIV-infected people on treatment early, long before they have symptoms, may be the best strategy for slowing the epidemic. The $73m study, conducted in 9 countries, was funded by the National Institutes of Health and led by Myron Cohen at the University of North Carolina.
据《纽约时报》报道,艾滋病病毒感染者如果服用抗逆转录病毒药物,他们把病毒传染给别人的几率会降低96%。科学家称这一研究结果对于全球艾滋病防控具有里程碑式的意义。研究显示,让艾滋病病毒感染者在发病前及早接受治疗,可能是减缓艾滋病传播速度的最佳策略。据悉,该研究涉及9个国家,耗资7300万美元,由美国国家卫生研究院资助,由美国北卡罗来纳大学的科恩教授领军。【Top News】
>Chinese Premier to visit Japan
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Friday that he will visit areas of Japan affected by the country's March 11 earthquake and tsunami during an upcoming trip, Xinhua reported. "I will visit disaster-hit areas to express my sympathy to the Japanese people, convey the friendly sentiment of the Chinese people and their sincere support for the country's reconstruction efforts," Wen told leaders of a delegation of the Japanese Business Federation, a Japanese economic organization. Wen said he will attend a meeting with leaders from China, Japan and the ROK in Tokyo. The meeting is scheduled for late May. Leaders of the delegation said that they appreciated China's condolences and help, adding that Japanese businesses hope to enhance cooperation with China.
据新华社报道,国务院总理温家宝13日宣布自己即将出访日本。温家宝向日本经济团体联合会代表团表示,自己将亲赴3·11地震海啸灾区慰问日本民众,传达中国人民对日本人民的友好情谊和对日本灾后重建的真诚支持,并将出席5月下旬在东京举行的中日韩领导人会议。日本代表团领导人称,感谢中国对日本灾难的哀悼及给予的帮助,并希望与中国进一步加强商业合作。 >US visa system reform
According to travel industry officials on Thursday, the complicated US visa system hurts tourism and must be reformed if the US wants to attract lucrative tourism from countries like China, India and Brazil, Reuters reported. Figures released by the US Travel Association (USTA) show that while travel is the largest US industry export sector, the US has failed to keep pace with other parts of the world - such as Western Europe - as a travel destination in the last ten years. The US visa process from beginning to end can take as long as 145 days in Brazil and 120 days in China, a USTA report said. In contrast, Britain takes an average of 12 days to process visas in Brazil and 11 days in China. USTA urged the State Department to hire more consular officers and reduce visa interview wait times to 10 days or less.
据路透社报道,美国旅游业官员12日表示,目前该国签证制度过于复杂,使很多外国游客望而却步,如欲吸引来自中国、印度与巴西等地的游客,就必须改革签证系统。美国旅游协会公布的数据显示,尽管旅游是美国最大的出口产业,但美国旅游业过去10年的发展却落后于西欧等地。该协会的一份报告显示,美国签证从开始申请到获得批准,在巴西需要长达145天,在中国需要120天。相较之下,获得英国签证,在巴西平均只要12天,在中国只需11天。协会呼吁美国国务院派遣更多领事官员,把签证时间缩短到10天或者更短。【In Brief】
>Pakistani Taliban suicide bombers killed at least 80 people and wounded around 120 others at a paramilitary force academy in the northwest of the country Friday, and vowed further bloodshed in retaliation for the death of Osama bin Laden in a US raid, AP reported.
>Beijing police said Friday that they have recovered 6 out of the 9 pieces of art that were stolen from the Palace Museum, and they will continue their search for the other missing pieces, Xinhua reported.
>Xiao Xue,a Siberian tiger, gave birth to 4 cubs at Kunshan Zoo in Jiangsu and all of them survived. The tiger has given birth to 11 cubs from 2008 to 2011, earning her the name "Hero tiger mom."
日前,江苏昆山动物园的东北虎小雪顺利产下了4只虎宝宝,且全部成活。据悉,2008年至2011年间,小雪共诞下11只虎崽,获"英雄虎妈妈"之称。 【Newsmakers】
>Ronaldo makes shocking return
Legendary Brazilian striker Ronaldo will return to play for the Corinthians, according to the club's president Andres Sanchez, ESPN Soccernet reported. Ronaldo retired from the game 3 months ago and has been pursuing a new career in player management and acting. "Ronaldo is going to play again. I don't know if he will play 3, 4 or 5 games, but he will be back," Sanchez said. The 34-year-old could be back in the side within the next few weeks and is expected to be offered a contract with Corinthians into mid-2012.
据ESPN Soccernet报道,科林蒂安主席安德列斯·桑切斯日前爆料,不久前才宣布退役的巴西传奇巨星罗纳尔多不久将重回赛场,继续为科林蒂安效力。今年2月,罗纳尔多曾宣布退出国际足坛,挂靴后的大罗忙于球员经纪人事业,还去演艺圈过了把演员瘾。桑切斯说:"罗纳尔多要回来踢球了,我不知道他会踢3场、4场还是5场,但他要回来了!"据悉,现年34岁的罗纳尔多将于近几周内重返科林蒂安,俱乐部预计将给他提供一份签至2012年6月的短期合同。 >'Dog-a-day' killer hounded
A man who claimed he would kill one dog every day to protest activists who had stopped a truck en route to a slaughterhouse a month ago has quit his job amid overwhelming criticism from netizens. Zhu Guangbing, who up until recently worked at a jewelry company in Huadu district of Guangzhou, threatened to kill a dog a day starting June 1 if dog rescuers "did not give the money they used for rescuing dogs to starving students in underdeveloped areas." (See photo) As online criticism continued to mount, netizens initiated a "human flesh search" and Zhu's personal information was exposed online. He was eventually forced to quit his job after netizens started calling him at work.
Zhu's latest run-in with netizens came after a truck carrying some 500 dogs was stopped by more than 200 animal rights activists on a Beijing-Harbin expressway last month. The rescuers paid RMB115,000 to buy all the dogs from the driver and dog vendors.
"杀狗逼捐"源于上月的"截车救狗"事件:一辆载有500多条狗的货车在京哈高速上被200多名动物保护志愿者拦截。动物保护人士出资11.5万元将整车狗买下。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Twitter to save patient
Doctors in Japan used Twitter to reach chronically ill patients in the wake of the devastating March earthquake and tsunami, telling them where to go to get life-saving treatment after phone networks became unusable, Reuters reported Friday. Some patients suffered from pulmonary hypertension and needed once-daily refills of a drug that prevents blood clots and heart failure. "We directly contacted 60 patients and they re-tweeted to over 100," said one doctor. "Some couldn't reach hospitals because they were living in disaster areas, so we took drugs to them using cars and, in one case, by helicopter." Short message services and social media are increasingly used by healthcare workers around the world to remind patients of appointments and to take their medicines.
据路透社13日报道,日本发生大地震和海啸后,由于电话网络无法使用,日本医生用"推特"为患有慢性病的日本灾民提供帮助,告诉他们在哪里可以获取救命的治疗。一些病人患有肺动脉高血压,需要每天注射一次药物以防止血液凝块和心脏衰竭。一位医生表示:"我们直接联系了60名患者,他们又把消息转发给了100多人。有些人去不了医院,因为他们生活在灾区,所以我们用汽车、有一次还动用了直升飞机给他们送药。"目前,世界各地的医疗工作者已经越来越多地通过手机短信和社交媒体提醒患者服药或看诊。 【Language Tips】
'Not worth a lick'
Lick这个词看起来简单,表达的意思却多种多样。它在很多短语里都有"一丁点儿、微乎其微"的意思,而且既可以表示具体数量的少,也可以描述抽象概念上的渺小和微不足道。在not worth a lick这个习惯用语里,显然lick是当名词用了。该习语意思是"一点儿都不中用"或者"毫无价值"。
Joe can't hold a job and I hate to say that he isn't worth a lick.
乔什么工作也保不住,我实在不想说这话,但他实在太不中用了。【Talk Show】
>Who is in the movie?
>What is the movie about?
>Tom Cruise plays a young Navy pilot in Top Gun.
>Tom Cruise stars in Top Gun as a young Navy pilot.
汤姆·克鲁斯在《捍卫战士》中扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nathan Place润色。)