
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:05:42
  1. 时代新语:“蚁族”的英文表达方式

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月18日 13:04   环球时报“蚁族”应该怎么翻译


  误译:Ant family is a vivid metaphor of the groups of low-income college graduates who settle in a compact community。

  正译:Ant tribe is a vivid metaphor of the groups of low-income college graduates who settle in a compact community。

  解释:“蚁族”有ant family, ant clan, ant tribe和 ant community 等译法。family 的第一个意思是核心家庭,第二个意思是外延家庭,第三个意思是“家族”,第四个意思是a group of related animals and plants,动物分类译为“科”

  例如:Tigers belong to the cat family. (虎属于猫科。) 这里的“蚁族”不是有血缘关系的同一家庭或家族,也不是一种昆虫分类的名称,译为ant family是不合适的。Clan 有a group of people who are connected because of a particular thing的意思。

  将“蚁族”译为ant clan是可以接受的。例如:1. 这些低收入高校毕业生与蚂蚁有相同特点,例如弱小、群居和勤奋,因此被称为“蚁族”。

  As these low-income university graduates have the same characteristics as ants, for example, they are weak, gregarious and hard-working, they are called "ant clan"。

  Tribe有a group of people, esp. of one profession的意思。将“蚁族”译为ant tribe也是可以接受的。


  Next to farmers, rural migrant workers and laid-off workers, ant tribe is the fourth disadvantaged group in our country。

  Community有a group of people ho share the same religion, race, job, etc. 的意思。将“蚁族”译为ant community也是可以接受的。