
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 16:56:40


Unit 1

1、  People won’t use money. Everything will befree.人们不会再用钱了,一切都是免费的

2、  People will live to be 200years old.人们会活到200岁的。

3、  Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study athome on  computers.孩子们不会去上学了,他们会呆在家里学习

5、There will be fewer trees.会有更少的树

6、There will be less pollution.会有更少的污染

7、What do you think Sally will be in five years?你认为Sally10年后会干什么呢?

8、I think she’ll be a doctor.我认为他会成为一名医生的

9、I fall in love with Shanghai.我爱上了上海

10、I don’t like livingalone.我不喜欢独自居住

11、I will be able to dress more casually.我会穿得更随意些

12、Predicting the future can be difficult.预测未来可能是难得

13、They do simple jobs over and over again.他们一遍遍地作简单的工作

Unit 2

1, My parents want me to stay at home everynight.


2、I don’t have enoughmoney.


3、I argued with my best friend.


4、My clothes are out of style.


5、I don't want to surprise him.


6、You could give him a ticket to a ball game.


7、You could have a bake sale


8、I think you should get a part-time job


9、Everyone else in my class was invited except me


10、My cousin is the same age as me


11、I don't want to have a fight with my cousin


12、Parents seem to push their children a lot more


13、They are always comparing them with  other children


Unit 3

1、What were you doing  when theUFO arrived?

当UFO 到达时,学生们正在干什么?

2、I was standing in  front ofthe library


3、When the UFO took off  , theman was taking photos

当UFO 起飞的时候,这个人正在拍照

4、I had a very unusual experience on Sunday


5、I followed it to see where it was going

6、Isn't that amazing!


7、You're kidding!


8、His friends walked home together in silence



1、She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday  night


2、I'm mad at Marcia

 我生 Marcia 的气了

3、I'm hard-working.


4、In English I'm reading than listening


5、How's it going?


6、I hope you  are in good health


7、I finished my end-of-year exams


8、I can open up my students' eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life


Unit 5

1、I think I'm going to go to the party with Karen and Ann

 我想我打算与Karen 和Ann 一起去参加聚会

2、If you do , you'll have a great time


3、When is a good time to have the party?


4、If we have it today, half the class won't come


5、I want you to remember the rules for school parties


6、Don't bring food to the party If you do , the teachers will   take it away .


7、For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seemlike a dream job


8、You will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are


Unit 6

1、How  long have you beenskating?


 2、I've been skating  for five hours .


 3、When did you get your first pair ofskating ?


 4、Students  are skating  to  raise money  for  charity


5Alision was  the  first one  to  start and  has  been skating  for  the whole  five  hours 

Alison 是第一个开始的人,并且已经滑了整整五个小时

6、How  long  have you  been  playing ?你打了多长时间了?

7、Three  and  a half  years 三年半

8、thanks for sending  me  the snow  globe  of the  monster谢谢你送给我怪物冰雪球

9、We've  run  out of  room  to store  them


10、If  you  know anyone  else who  collects them, please  tell  me 


11This is  on  interesting city  with  a very  colorful  history


12、I'm  certain  I will  be  here for  the  Olympic Games  in  2008  !



1.Would you mind turning down themusic?   你介意把音乐关小

2.No,not at all.     一点也不

          3.Would you mind not playing baseball here?    你介意不在这里打棒球吗?

          4.Sorry. I'll do it right away.    对不起,我马上去做。

          5.Nncy,would you mind getting out of the bathroom?    南希,你能不能从浴室出来。

          6.OK, I'll them in a minute.    好的,我立刻去做。

          7.If you finish these tasks, we can go to a move tonight.   如果你完成这些任务,我们今晚可以去看电影

          8.Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.   我的发型师给你理了一个很糟糕的发型。

          9.The store clerk gave you the wrong size.    店员给你量错尺寸了。

          10.The waitress brought you the wrong food.   服务员给你上错菜了。

          11.The pen you bought didn't work.    你买的钢笔坏了。

          12.I don't like waiting in line when a say shop assistant has a longtelephone conversation.  我不喜欢排队等候时售货员却在电话上长谈。

          13.I get annoyed when someone thanks to me while I'm reading.  当我看书时。有人跟我说话我会生气。

          14.In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly inpublic.   事实上,我们也应该注意不要在公共场合大声咳嗽好打喷嚏。

          15.If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may politelygive them some suggestion. 如果我们看到有人违反礼节规则,我们可以有礼貌的给他们一些建议。


1.What should I get my mom for herbirthday?    妈妈过时生日我应该送什么?

          2.How about a scarf?     围巾怎么样?

          3.No, what's too boring.    不,那太乏味了。

          4.What's the best gift you have ever received?     你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?

          5.Who gave it to you?      谁送个你的?

          6.However, life with a pig isn't always perfect.   然而和一头猪在一起生活并不总是那么如意

          7.Some presents are never too small.  一些礼物从来不会太小

          8.Thesame gift may be give away to someone else.    这份礼物可能以后被赠送给其他人。

          9.Some people ask their families and friends to give money to charityrather than buy them gifts   一些人不让他们的家人和朋友买礼物,而是请他们把钱捐到慈善机构。

          10.Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in differentways.    如今许多中国人想以不同的方式提高他们的英语水平。

          11.Nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable onstage.   几乎所有的歌手演唱的都非常流畅清晰,并且在舞台上表现的落落大方。

          12.The winner of the men’s competition was a 40-year-old man from Xi'an.    男子组比赛的冠军是一位来自西安的四十岁的男子。

          13.It suggests way for Beijingto take an interest in learning English.  它向北京人推荐了对学习英语产生兴趣的方法。

          14.Maybe you could even make friend with a native speaker of English.    也许你甚至还可以同以英语为母语的人交朋友


1.Have you ever been to an amusementpark?     你去过游乐园啊?

       2.Me neither. Let's go to Water City tomorrow.     我也没去过,明天我们去水城把。

         3.Disneyland is an amusement park, butwe can also call it a theme park.    迪斯尼乐园是一座游乐园,但是我们还可以把它称为主题公园。

         4.The boats take different routes, but they all end up in the sameplace. That is Disney's own island.      游船会有不同的进行路线,但它们都到达同一个目的地。那里是迪斯尼自己的小路。

         5.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and Idecided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.   当我还是小女孩时,我想做的就是旅行,我认为现实这个愿望最好的方法是成为一名空姐。

         6.I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak Englishwell.     我发现最重要的一个要求是讲一口流利的英语,

         7. It was because I could speak English that I got the job.    正应为我会讲英语我才拥有了这份工作。

         8. For many Chinese tourists, this small is land in Southeast Asia is a wonderful plea to take a holiday.   对于所有中国游客来说,这个位于东南亚的笑道是一个度假的好地方

         9.If you're feeling Drave, Singapore is anexcellent place to try new food.    如果你自我感觉很勇敢,那么新加坡也是一个品尝新食品的好地方。

         10.One great thing about Singaporeis than the temperature is almost the same all year round.    有关新加坡一件很棒的事情就是一年到头气温几乎保持不变。


1.I hope so.    我希望如此

          2.It sure is. But it's a little hot for me.   的确如此。但对我来说有点热

          3.Theie prices are really low. aren't they?    他们的价格确实低廉,不是吗?

          4.How much did that shirt cost?    那件衬衫多少钱?

          5.Thank you so much for inviting me.    非常感谢你邀请我。

          6.I feel like part of the group now.   我现在感觉像是这个集体的一员了

          7.He's really good at math, isn't he?       他的数学真的很棒,不是吗

          8.Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a newplace.   有你们这样朋友(对我来说)去适应这种新环境就容易多了。

          9.You’'ve been waiting for ten minutes.  你已经了十分钟了

          10.Everyone is here, aren't they ?     大家都来了,是不是?

          11.Something is wrong with your bike, isn't it?     你的自行车坏了,是不是?