
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 19:04:04
【Morning Buzz】
Beauty is sweet to us,because she dances to the same fleeting tune with our lives.
>News show gets new faces 
>Plane crashes, 19 dead
>Easier to study in Australia
>No more 'last meal' in Texas
>Man lives in old tree
>Talk Show: about drinking
《爱·分享》周一有约 【Cover Story】
>Chinese basketball wins
China narrowly beat Jordan Sunday night in the Asian Men's basketball championships final, 70-69, securing a spot at the 2012 London Olympics. China won all 9 games in this year's Asian Championship.
北京时间25日晚,中国男篮在亚锦赛决赛中以70比69一分险胜约旦,获得本届亚锦赛的冠军,如愿获得伦敦奥运会的参赛资格。中国队此次亚锦赛9战全胜。 【Top News】
>News show gets new faces
New faces lit up CCTV's flagship news show Xinwen Lianbo Sunday evening. Lang Yongchun and Ouyang Xiadan, the 2 new anchors, debuted on the program that runs every night at 7 pm. Reports said Lang and Ouyang went through open and fair competition before joining the team.
25日晚19:00,中央电视台《新闻联播》迎来两名新主播,郎永淳、欧阳夏丹亮相,成为新"国脸"。此前有媒体报道称,欧阳夏丹和郎永淳是通过公开竞聘的形式加入《新闻联播》的。>Plane crashes, 19 dead
A small plane carrying tourists to Mount Qomolangma crashed in bad weather near Nepal's capital of Kathmandu Sunday, killing all 19 people on-board, Reuters reported. There were 10 Indian and 2 American, 1 Japanese, 3 Nepali passengers and 3 Nepali crew members. The aircraft was owned by Buddha Air, a private airline.
据路透社报道,一架接载游客游览珠穆朗玛峰景致的小型飞机因恶劣天气25日在尼泊尔首都加德满都附近坠毁,机上19人全部遇难。遇难者包括10名印度人、1名日本人、2名美国人、6名尼泊尔人,其中3名尼泊尔人为机组人员。失事飞机隶属于尼泊尔博达航空公司,这是一家私人航空运营商。 >Easier to study in Australia
Australian universities, which have witnessed dwindling international student enrolments, will be made more appealing under new visa rules for the 2nd semester of 2012. The government announced that it will streamline visa processing for students enrolling in Australian universities, according to The West Australian. Under the new rules, the financial requirements for student visas will be $36,000 less than they are now. Other key reforms are the reduction of the English prerequisite and to offer graduates a 2-4 year working visa.
据《西澳洲人报》报道,面对日益衰退的国际留学市场,澳大利亚政府决定简化签证手续,以吸引更多留学生选择澳洲的大学。根据新规,留学签证担保金将减少3.6万美元。此外,语言要求也将放低,学生毕业后还可获得2-4年的工作临居签证。新政策预计在明年第二学期开始实施。>No more 'last meal' in Texas
The Texas prison system has abolished the tradition of offering condemned inmates a lavish last meal before they are executed, US media reported. Texas scrapped the privilege after officials were enraged by a request from recently executed white supremacist Lawrence Brewer. He had requested a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and 2 chicken-fried steaks. When it arrived at his cell, he declined it all, telling prison officials he was not hungry.
据美国媒体报道,美国德克萨斯州监狱系统最近作出决定,不再为即将被处决的犯人提供丰盛的"最后一餐"。此事的起因是:极端白人至上主义者劳伦斯·布莱沃尔在受刑前要求监狱系统为其提供含3层熏肉的奶酪汉堡、全肉比萨饼、蔬菜、一磅(约半公斤)烤肉、半条面包、花生奶油酱、一品脱冰淇林和2块炸鸡排。可是当这些吃的送到监狱后,布莱沃尔又说自己"没胃口",不吃了。德州监狱系统官员极为恼火,遂决定废除死刑犯的这一特权。 【In Brief】
>The overall debt-to-assets ratio of listed Chinese property companies reached 72% in the first half of 2011, reported. The total liabilities amount to RMB1.09 trillion, up 41% from a year ago.
>Today is World Contraception Day. In China over 8m women have abortions every year. This can be attributed to ignorance of common methods of contraception, reported.
9月26日是世界避孕日。据新华网报道,我国每年平均有800余万例人工流产,缺乏避孕知识是导致女性流产率高的主因。 【Newsmakers】
>Man lives in old tree
A protester has spent 5 days and 4 nights up a 100-year-old tree to prevent it from being knocked down by the government, the Daily Mail of London reported. Mark Snow, 36, is a carpenter from Irton, North Yorkshire. He climbed the beech tree with a sleeping bag, a blanket, a pillow, some eco-wipes and various provisions. Snow said he was willing to remain in the tree "for as long as it takes" to save it.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名英国男子为了阻止当地政府砍伐一棵百年老树,已在树上住了5天4夜。现年36岁的马克·斯诺,是英国北约克郡埃尔顿村的一名木匠。他自带睡袋、毯子、枕头、湿巾及各种生活品爬上了这棵榉树。他誓言要坚持到政府放弃砍树的计划,自己才会重回地面。 【Talk Show】
>I'd rather not, really, I'm not used to strong drinks.
>Shall we have a snack at this coffee shop?
>We could reserve a window table now.
>Would you please pass the toothpicks?
>Let's toast to the arrival of the new baby.
我们为新生儿干杯吧。 【爱·分享】
推荐《建党伟业》的主题歌《有一天》。此曲哀伤的旋律和浓浓的爱国情怀融合在一起,听来有一种别样的青春气息。个人认为此歌很赞,可以引起人们的共鸣。 [书香卷彩]