龙宇 星座:本周野生生物图集(2011年10月14日)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 16:54:10
1 marigold flower is reflected on a dew drop on the leaf of a paddy during the early morning in Lalitpur, India Photograph: Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters  
印度勒利德布尔的清晨,透过稻田叶片上的露珠,一朵万寿菊正显现在这颗晶莹剔透的水点之中。Photograph: Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters 
2Lolong, a one-tonne, 6.4 metre, crocodile believed to be the biggest ever to have been caught, in a caged pen in e southern Philippine town of Bunawan. Deep inside the Philippines' largest marshland, tribespeople who once revered crocodiles as mystical creatures say they now feel terrorised by them Photograph: Jay Directo/AFP/Getty Images  
2据称,有史以来最大的一条咸水鳄鱼"Lolong"在菲律宾南部的Bunawan镇落网。这是一条重达一吨,长达6.4米的大鳄。它生活在菲律宾最大湿地的深处。据对这种神秘生物顶礼膜拜的部落居民称,他们见到这条大鳄也倒吸了一口凉气,只觉得毛骨悚然。Photograph: Jay Directo/AFP/Getty Images 
3 Tui, a native bird of New Zealand, sits on a Kowhai tree at Mount Victoria, on the coast of Wellington, New Zealand Photograph: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters 
新西兰本地的一只教区牧师鸟(Tui ,Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)正栖息在新西兰惠灵顿的海岸维多利亚山的一颗四翅槐树(Kowhai tree)上。Photograph: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters
4 bird flies off after attempting to land on a resting red deer stag after sunrise at Richmond Park in London. Autumn sees the start of the rutting season where the stags and bucks bellow in an attempt to attract females Photograph: Dan Istitene/Getty Images  
伦敦里士满公园。日出时分, 一只梅花鹿雄鹿正在草地上休息。这只本打算在它身上落脚的小鸟,突然扇翅而起。在这个秋天发情的赛季里,雄鹿正在通过吼叫吸引异性。Photograph: Dan Istitene/Getty Images 
5Polar bear and arctic gull at the floe edge, Lancaster Sound, Nunavut, Canada Photograph: Louise Murray/Rex Features 
加拿大努纳武特地区的兰开斯特海峡。一只北极熊和一只北极鸥站在浮冰的边缘,彼此相向而立,各自眺望远方。Photograph: Louise Murray/Rex Features
6Horses graze on a warm afternoon in Woodstock, in the US state of Maine. Tourists flock to the northeastern states during autumn to see the leaves turn red Photograph: CJ GUNTHER/EPA  
7A Bennett's Tree-kangaroo hides in a wood near Marburg-Hermershausen, Hesse, Germany. Police said that the animal had escaped from a breeder Photograph: Andreas Schmidt/EPA  
一只斑氏树袋鼠正躲在德国黑森州Marburg-Hermershausen附近的树林中。警方称,这只动物正在四处躲藏,逃避动物饲养员的搜捕。Photograph: Andreas Schmidt/EPA 
8Boobies nest on the Ballestas island, south of Lima in Peru. Along with 21 other islands, Ballestas is home to nearly 4 million migratory birds such as guanays, boobies and pelicans, whose excrement is said to make the world's finest natural fertiliser Photograph: Pilar Olivares/Reuters   
秘鲁首都利马南部的巴勒斯塔斯岛,鲣鸟们正在岛上搭窝筑巢。巴勒斯塔斯岛及其他21个岛屿,是近4万只如鸬鹚,鲣鸟和鹈鹕等候鸟们的家园。据说这些鸟们的粪便是世界上最好的天然肥料。 Photograph: Pilar Olivares/Reuters  eese fly over a field in Linum in the eastern German state of Brandenburg. The migratory birds rest in Linum before continuing their journey to southern Europe, where they will winter Photograph: Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images  
德国东部的勃兰登堡州,一群天鹅正在列队从田野的上空飞驰掠过。这群候鸟在利努姆休整过后,继续他们飞抵欧洲南部越冬的旅程。Photograph: Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images 
10A tightly-packed school of carp swims toward a stream entering Yeongnang Lake in the city of Sokcho on South Korea's east coast. The freshwater fish are believed to seek the fresh water of the stream because of contamination in the lake caused partly by an inflow of sea water and rises in temperature Photograph: Yonhap News Agency/EPA  
密密麻麻的鲤鱼鱼群,沿着水流向韩国东海岸城市束草的永郎湖,鱼贯而入。由于气温升高,海水倒流造成的湖泊污染,致使这些淡水鱼类为寻求新鲜的淡水水源而奋不顾身。Photograph: Yonhap News Agency/EPA 
11 view of a cut tree inside the 'green belt', outside the city of Niamey, in Niger. The green belt project was designed to stop the advance of the Sahel desert by creating a large protected forest area, but logging and illegal use of land have seen it halve, from 2,000 hectares to 1,000 Photograph: Boureima Hama/AFP/Getty Images  
尼日尔尼亚美市郊外的“绿化带”,这里的树木有的被人砍去了脑袋。此处的“绿化带”是大片专为阻止萨赫勒沙漠的向前推进而建的森林保护工程。但由于采伐和非法的土地使用,这里的林木面积已缩小了一半,从原来的2,000公顷减少到现在的1,000公顷。Photograph: Boureima Hama/AFP/Getty Images 
12Wild meerkats living in the Kalahari desert in southern Africa Photograph: University of Zurich 
生活在南部非洲卡拉哈里沙漠的野生猫鼬,正竖直着腰干,警觉地注视着四周的一切。Photograph: University of Zurich
13The sounds piranhas use to communicate have been studied by researchers, revealing they bark before a fight Photograph: Alamy  
研究人员对食人鱼用来进行沟通的声音进行了研究,他们发现食人鱼在进行攻击前都会发出战争的号角。Photograph: Alamy 
14 juvenile common or Eurasian crane (Grus grus) taking off from a meadow in Somerset. About 400 years after their species disappeared from the UK, common cranes can once again be seen over the marshlands around Somerset. In 2010, a flock of 20 were released into the Somerset Levels as part of the Great Crane Project Photograph: NPL/Rex Features  
一只幼鹤(Grus grus灰鹤)正在萨默塞特的草甸上伸展开宽大的翅膀,欲腾空而起。自这一物种从英国消失约400年后,它们又萨默塞特附近的沼泽地上空上重新出现。2010年,作为大型鹤类项目的一部分,一群20只灰鹤被放飞到萨默塞特的上空。Photograph: NPL/Rex Features 
15The solitary bee Halictus eurygnathus was last seen in Britain in 1946, but has now been found at seven sites in East Sussex, according to research by entomologist Steven Falk Photograph: Buglife/PA  
最后一次见到独栖蜂( Halictus eurygnathus)是在1946年的英国。根据昆虫学家史蒂芬福尔克研究发现,现在已能在东苏塞克斯的七个地方见到这种蜂的身影。
16Volunteers take an oiled little blue penguin out of the pool after the recovering session at the wildlife facility in Tauranga, New Zealand. The penguins were rescued after the container ship Rena ran aground and began leaking fuel Photograph: Natacha Pisarenko/AP  