
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 17:55:41
 【Bonus Oriens】
How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. (Abraham Lincoln, 16th US president, 1809-1865)
>Devaluation spreads panic
>SNS used by cyber scams
>5-star hotel opens in Lhasa
>Argentina intercepts mummy
>Tips:'Black swan'
>Barca wins Champions League
巴萨3-1完胜曼联夺欧冠【Cover Story】
>Young moved by lady on bus
Numerous office workers were moved by an old lady who gave up her seat to a girl on the bus in Wuhan, the Wuhan Evening News reported. "You office workers have been working all day long and should take a rest," said the lady who appeared to be in her 60s. The girl posted the anecdote on the Internet, and many netizens joined in the discussion. Some shared their own experiences of being given a seat by a senior citizen on the bus. As one netizen commented, elderly people offering their seats to the young shows caring and understanding in society.
据《武汉晚报》报道,在武汉一公交上,一位60多岁的婆婆给一位年轻女孩让座,称"你们年轻人上班累一天,应该休息"。让一大群公交族感动不已。该女孩将此事发在网上,引发网友热议,也有网友晒出自己曾被老年人让座的经历。有网友评论,老年人为年轻人让座,"让"的是人与人之间的关爱和理解。 【Top News】
>Biggest game in UEFA history
The Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona on Saturday night will be the biggest game in history, UEFA claims. A UEFA spokesman said: "We anticipate this will be the largest-ever audience for a match between two club teams." Last year's Champions League final between Bayern Munich and Inter Milan was watched by an audience of about 145m, but that figure is expected to double this year, given the incredible popularity of the two teams.
"Manchester United versus Barcelona is the dream final as far as most football fans are concerned. But the English and Spanish champions are two of the most successful teams off the pitch, too. They will collectively scoop EUR200m, making this the most lucrative final in European club football's history," said Simon Chadwick, director of the Centre for the International Business of Sport at Coventry University.
英国考文垂大学国际体育经营研究中心主任西蒙·查德维克指出:"对绝大多数球迷来说,曼联与巴萨的比赛是一场梦幻对决。他们也是场外经营最成功的两家球会,这一战,他们加起来能获得2亿欧元的收入,本次欧冠决赛是足球史上获利最惊人的一次决赛"。 >Devaluation spreads panic
A sharp devaluation of the Belarusian ruble has spread panic throughout the country, with people sweeping store shelves and queuing up at currency exchange offices in an attempt to protect their savings, Business Week reported. The ruble lost nearly half of its official value against the dollar Tuesday, when the National Bank ordered a devaluation. The new official rate is 4,930 rubles per dollar, up from the previous 3,155. On the black market it takes 6,000 rubles to buy a dollar.
据美国《商业周刊》报道,白俄罗斯卢布近日突然发生贬值,在该国引发恐慌,白俄罗斯民众疯狂涌往商店抢购,横扫货架,并且在银行等机构抢兑,努力确保他们的储蓄不会损失太多。当地时间24日,白俄罗斯国家银行决定施行货币贬值后,卢布兑换美元的价值缩水近一半。目前白俄罗斯卢布对美元的汇率为4930:1,此前为3155:1。黑市上卢布的价值贬值更多,已经达到6000:1。>SNS used by cyber scams
Social networking sites have become lucrative hotbeds for cyber scams, according to a Microsoft security report. "Phishing" attacks can be launched while the user is browsing a familiar site. These attacks use what looks like legitimate messages to dupe people into clicking links that ask for users to reveal consumer information, which the scammers can use to their advantage. According to the report, "the popularity of social networking sites has created new opportunities for cyber criminals to not only directly impact users, but also friends, colleagues and family."
微软发布的一份安全报告指出,社交网络已经成为网络骗局"获利的温床"。用户在浏览一个常用网页时,"网络钓鱼"就会发生。这些钓鱼信息表面看不出一点儿破绽,但它会诱骗使用者点击链接,进而获取他们重要的个人信息加以利用。报告称,社交网络的普及为网络犯罪提供了新的渠道,因为它不只影响单一用户,还包括他们的朋友、同事和家人。>Barca wins Champions League
FC Barcelona won European football's biggest prize for the 4th time Sunday morning in Beijing time, beating Manchester United 3-1 in the final of the UEFA Champions League, CNN reported. Lionel Messi, Pedro and David Villa scored for Barcelona. Wayne Rooney snatched a goal for Manchester United in the 1st half. Barcelona won the competition in 1992, 2006, 2009 and 2011.
据美国有线电视新闻网报道,在北京时间29日凌晨结束的欧冠决赛中,巴塞罗那以3-1击败曼联,夺得俱乐部史上第4座欧冠奖杯。梅西、佩德罗、比利亚分别为巴萨建功。鲁尼在上半时为曼联攻入一球。巴塞罗那俱乐部分别在1992、2006、2009和2011夺得欧冠联赛冠军。 【In Brief】
>Five people have died in Germany and hundreds have gotten very ill after eating cucumbers with virulent E.coli, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Saturday.
>Tibet Autonomous Region opened its 1st 5-star hotel Saturday, xinhuanet.com reported. Lhasa St Regis Hotel opens in the region's capital Lhasa.(See photo)
据新华网报道,28日,西藏首家五星级旅游饭店——拉萨瑞吉度假酒店正式挂牌。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Argentina intercepts mummy
A mummy and 3 skulls from a pre-Incan Peruvian culture smuggled as ceramics were confiscated by Argentine customs officials Friday, Reuters reported. They were mailed from La Paz, Bolivia, to an Argentine citizen living in Buenos Aires. Officials said they were on their way to being sold to museums and private collectors in Europe.
据路透社报道,阿根廷海关27日从邮包中截获了一具史前印加人木乃伊以及三个头骨。这个邮包来自玻利维亚的拉巴斯,货物名称写的是陶瓷。邮包收件人是布宜诺斯艾利斯的一名阿根廷人。海关官员称这些文物的最终目的地是欧洲的博物馆或私人收藏家。 【Language Tips】
'Black swan'
今年奥斯卡大热的影片《黑天鹅》不但让女主角揽得小金人,也让观众看到了艺术家创作角色过程的艰辛。不过,我们今天要说的这个"黑天鹅事件"跟这部电影可没什么关系。Black swan"黑天鹅"是一个拉丁短语,其最早的出处是诗人尤文纳尔(注:尤文纳尔为罗马讽刺派诗人)在诗中将某个事物描绘为"世间罕有之鸟,酷似黑天鹅"。"黑天鹅"事件指发生在正常预期之外、影响巨大、难以预知而且罕见的事件。
The rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the Sept 11 attacks are examples of Black Swan events.
因特网的崛起、个人电脑出现、第一次世界大战以及911恐怖袭击均为"黑天鹅事件"的范例。【Talk Show】
>According to this, it was sent, but we have no further info. I'll investigate.
>Thank you. It's a very important parcel. I'm very concerned.
>Leave it to me. Get back to me tomorrow and I'll have an update.
>Okay, I've waited this long, I might as well wait another day!
好吧,反正已经等了这么长时间,再等一天也没关系了。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
This week, the renaming of No 4 Building at Tsinghua University as Jeanswest Building has triggered a hot debate among netizens. What's your opinion?