
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 04:50:03

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Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. (Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet, 1861-1941)
>Public institutions reform
>Birth control pills unsafe
>Mini-house costs RMB2,000
>Troublesome youngsters
>Galaxy photo awes skywatchers
>Girl, 3, in high IQ society
>Cub walks into family garden
邀您参与'爱·分享' 【Cover Story】
>Li Na makes history again
Tennis legend Li Na made history again at the French Open, beating Maria Sharapova of Russia 6-4, 7-5 Thursday to roar into the women's singles final. Li, 28, became the first Chinese woman to enter the French Open singles final. She had already made history at the French Open as the first Chinese lady to advance to quarterfinals. Today's final berth ensured Li Na, world No 7, to rise to at least No 5 on the WTA rankings.
--Li used to train with Thomas Hogstedt, who now coaches Maria Sharapova, her opponent in Thursday's semifinal.
--When Hogstedt departed at the end of last year, Li's husband, Jiang Shan, went from part-time coach to full-time. It seemed to work quite well. At this year's Australian Open, Li became the first Chinese woman to play in a Grand Slam final.
霍格斯泰去年底离职后,李娜的丈夫姜山便从兼职教练转为全职教练。这个"夫妻二人组"的表现很不错——在今年的澳网公开赛上,李娜成为首位跻身大满贯单打决赛的中国女选手。 *低迷期炒掉'老公教练'
--Since making history at the Australian Open, Li was in a brief slump in her career. She didn't win a match in her next 4 tournaments, an uncommon run for a top player in women's tennis. After a 2nd-round exit in Stuttgart, she decided it was time to make a coaching change.
--Li's new coach, Michael Mortensen, joined her team in early May and Li proceeded to reach the semifinals at the Madrid Open and then the semifinals in Rome.
--After Li found a new coach, her husband became her hitting partner. Jiang Shan has embraced his new role. "Every day I'm ready to do something for her," he said. "It doesn't matter if it's coaching, hitting partner or just ball boy ─ just keep going for her tennis."
莫滕森执教李娜后,丈夫成了她的陪练。姜山目前已欣然接受了自己的新角色。他说,每天我都准备为她做点什么,无论是做她的教练、陪练甚至是球童,都没关系,只要为了她的事业,我都会继续坚持。 【Top News】
>Public institutions reform
The Chinese government has set forth a detailed timetable for the reform of public institutions nationwide, CCTV reported. In 2011-2015, the categorization of public institutions will be finished. A new management system and operation mechanism will be built by 2020. Public institutions with administrative functions will be transformed into administrative organizations, and those operating commercial businesses will become enterprises. Statistics show China has 1.26m public institutions and more than 40m staff.
据央视报道,我国首次明确给出事业单位改革时间表,从今年到2015年,我国将用5年时间完成事业单位分类,到2020年要建立起新的事业单位管理体制和运行机制。经营性的单位将转变为企业,将具有行政审批权限的单位划归政府变成政府部门。统计称,我国有126万个事业单位,共计4000多万名职工。>Birth control pills unsafe
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it is assessing the safety of Bayer birth control pills as a result of 2 new studies suggesting they pose a higher-than-expected risk of serious blood clots, Reuters reported. Bayer's best-selling birth control drugs, including Yasmin, Yaz, Beyaz and Safyral, contain the compound drospirenone. The studies showed women taking the drospirenone-containing birth control pills had a 2 to 3 times greater risk of blood clots compared with those who take pills that contain a different type of progestin. Yasmin is for sale in China.
据路透社报道,美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)日前称,最近2份新研究发现德国拜耳医药公司旗下四款避孕药可能会导致血栓,风险高于同类药物。FDA正对这些避孕药进行调查。这四款药物包括极为畅销的Yasmin(优思明)、Yaz、Beyaz和Safyral。其中优思明中国有售。研究称,拜耳公司的这四款药物全包含屈螺酮成分。服用含该成分的避孕药患血栓堵塞的风险,要高于不含此类成分避孕药的2-3倍。 >Galaxy photo awes skywatchers
Astronomers took a picture of a spiral galaxy named NGC 6744 which is around 30m light years away in the southern constellation of Pavo, the Peacock, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. In the new image, it is seen almost face on so the spiral arms are clearly visible. NGC 6744 would almost be an identical twin of the Milky Way if it were not for its size. While our own galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years wide, it has nearly twice that diameter.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,近日,天文学家拍摄到一张银河系"孪生兄弟"NGC 6744的照片。这个巨大的旋涡星系距离地球约3000万光年,位于孔雀座南部。图片中,这个星系几乎正面朝着地球,人们得以一览其令人惊叹的旋臂细节。除了大小之外,星系NGC 6744的模样几乎就是银河系的翻版。银河系直径约为10万光年,而星系NGC 6744是它的两倍。>Troublesome youngsters
The Daily Telegraph of London rounded up the "problematic youngsters" who have lived in White House. The following are part of troublesome First Youngsters.
After president Carter's term in office ended, Amy was heavily involved in political activism including various sit-ins. She was arrested during a protest at the University of Massachusetts in 1986. She attended Brown University where she was dismissed for academic reasons.
美国前总统吉米·卡特的任期结束后,他的女儿艾米就开始参与到各种各样的政治活动中,包括静坐示威等抗议活动。1986年,艾米参加在马萨诸塞州大学举行的抗议时,甚至遭到逮捕。艾米曾在布朗大学就读,但因为学术原因被开除。 *里根总统儿子罗恩·里根
The son of Ronald Reagan was a self-declared atheist at age 12 and went down a very different path from his parents. He was expelled from high school and later dropped out of Yale University to become a ballet dancer. In a recent book to mark the 100th anniversary of his father's birth, he said Reagan showed signs of Alzheimer's in office.
Jenna and Barbara Bush, twin daughters of George W Bush, were both arrested in 2001 for possessing alcohol while under 21 in Austin, Texas. Barbara was also charged with possession of a fake ID. The two pleaded no contest to the charges.
2001年,小布什总统的双胞胎女儿杰娜和芭芭拉不满21岁时,因在德州奥斯汀市持有酒精饮料,双双被捕。芭芭拉还被控使用假身份证。姐妹俩对这些罪行都供认不讳。【In Brief】
>The Bank of China Thursday said its Tokyo branch has started a home mortgage lending business in Japan and the first client has bought a house on mortgage.
>New statistic show the average price of forward delivery housing in Beijing dropped by 3.8% month-on-month to RMB19,710 per sq m in May, the Beijing News reported.
>The US has 30% more deployed long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads than Russia, according to new data released Wednesday by the State Department, AFP reported.
>An estimated 5m young people worldwide between the ages of 15 and 24 were living with HIV in 2009, according to a new report released by the United Nations Wednesday.
联合国1日发布最新报告称,2009年全球约500万15岁至24岁的青少年感染艾滋病。 【Celebrity】
>Girl, 3, in high IQ society
Saffron Pledger, a 3-year-old girl from Essex, the UK, is on the verge of becoming one of the youngest members of Mensa, the high-intelligence society, after being judged as having an IQ of 140 in tests, the Daily Mail of London reported. Her IQ score is 40 points higher than the national average. And it makes her officially brighter than US former president Bill Clinton who is 3 points lower. Despite her tender years, Saffron can write, read to her 7-month-old baby sister, count up to 50 and do simple mathematics.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,来自英国艾塞克斯的3岁小女孩莎弗朗·普雷基即将成为高智商俱乐部门萨最年轻的会员,测试结果显示她的智商高达140。该分数比英国人平均智商高出了40点,甚至比美国前总统比尔·克林顿还高出3分。尽管只有3岁,莎弗朗已经可以写字,为7个月大的妹妹讲故事,数到50,还可以做一些简单的算术。>Mini-house costs RMB2,000
Two girls at the Nanjing Forestry University designed a portable mini-house at the cost of about RMB2,000, chinanews.com reported. The 6-sqm room has a sofa, desk, bookshelf and storage stand. The outer wall is woven by colorful bands and the single bed is made of cardboard. The solar-powered room can be assembled within one hour.(See photo)
据中新网报道,南京林业大学女生田园和徐蓓雯设计了一款便携式"蜗居"。该6平米小屋造价约2000元,房间内沙发、书桌、书架、储物架一应俱全。小屋外墙由五颜六色的打包带编制而成,单人床由纸箱板搭建,屋内太阳能供电。"蜗居"一个小时就能组装好。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Cub walks into family garden
A Slovenian family adopted a 3-and-half-month-old bear cub that strolled into their yard. Medo, who takes his name from the Slovenian for bear, wandered into the garden of the family 4 weeks ago and refused to leave. The cub, who is caught hugging the family dog and monkeying around in the trees, has "stolen the nation's hearts", Slovenian media said. It now has more than 550 fans on Facebook.(See photo)
一只3个半月大的小熊4周前误入斯洛文尼亚的一户人家的院子,怎么也不愿离开,随后被这家人收养。他们给他取名为Medo,是斯洛文尼亚语"熊"的意思。Medo活泼可爱,只见它热情地拥抱家里的宠物狗,又调皮地爬树,斯洛文尼亚媒体称它"偷走了国人的心"。在社交网站Facebook上,Medo拥有超过550名粉丝。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>This look is so gorgeous. I love the cut of the dress, the color, the embroidery and all her accessories.
>Divine! I think she looks even better than she did last year!
>This is BDOTW (Best dress of the week). Fan is flawless.
这是本周最佳服饰!范冰冰太完美了!(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【爱·分享】
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