英国气候大臣:通胀担忧导致美欧加息预期提前 - 双语阅读 - FT中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 03:53:15

Hundreds of billions of dollars have exchanged hands this year in bets on when the next interest rate rises will be in the US, UK and eurozone, as volumes have surged in these markets because of the growing threat of inflation.


Financial markets are betting that the UK will be the first to raise rates in June, followed by the European Central Bank in September and finally the US Federal Reserve in December.


Rising food and commodity prices have prompted markets to bring forward expectations of rate rises, sparking the jump in volumes as inflation has become one of the biggest concerns for businesses, consumers and investors.


The increasing focus on inflation has also triggered a debate over the accuracy of these predictions, with opinions divided over how much faith investors should place in them.


Don Smith, economist at Icap, said: “The market forecasts are as good a guide as you will get. They are in a sense . . . multibillion-dollar predictions because of the vast amount of money behind the trades that set them.”

毅联汇业(ICAP)经济学家唐•史密斯(Don Smith)表示:“市场预期是你能够找到的最好的指引。它们在某种意义上……是数以十亿美元计的预测,因为确定市场预期的交易背后是数额巨大的资金。”

Some strategists also argue that rate forecasts can be self-fulfilling, as central banks do not like to surprise markets.


However, John Wraith, fixed-income strategist at BofA Merrill Lynch, said: “Market rate expectations are useful indicators, but they only tell you the consensus market view at any given point in time. Circumstances change and so do they.”

然而,美银美林(BofA Merrill Lynch)固定收益策略师约翰•瑞斯(John Wraith)表示:“市场利率预期是有用的指标,但它们只能告诉你某个时间点的市场共识。随着情况变化,它们也会变化。”

